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Chapter 1857 The Mother of Gods First Shows Her Power

Regarding the information about the Lord of the Void, even the barrages that provided countless help to Sarlayan are very little known. Basically, they only know a basic setting, which is still at the background level in the game that the sand sculpture netizens said. characters.

Due to the lack of intelligence, it was difficult for Sarlayan, who always made decisions before taking action, to make a targeted plan, and could only bite the bullet and take advantage of the situation.

However, based on what Talgas said about the current situation in Eredas, Sarlayan had an inexplicable hunch that perhaps he would have direct contact with the Void heavyweights other than the Ancient Gods for the first time in distant Argus. .

This hunch is not entirely metaphysics like intuition.

Argus is the headquarters of the Burning Legion. However, in Eridas, not far from Antorus, the Burning Throne, the forces on the Void side have settled so blatantly, and the Burning Legion has not been able to control it for so many years. They are driven out completely.

With Sargeras's powerful strength that shocked the entire universe, Sarlayan did not think that he would be helpless against the void creatures of Eredas.

So far, Sargeras has no plans to personally take care of the pests in his home. Sarlayan guessed that he might have the intention to study these void creatures at close range.

But even if Sargeras himself doesn't take action, there are still many powerful demigods in the Burning Legion.

So far, the void creatures are still firmly rooted in Eredas like a house of nails. Archimonde the Defiler has led his troops to eliminate them many times, but he has never been able to complete their efforts.

In Archimonde's words, these void monsters are like cockroaches that can keep multiplying. If you kill one group, another group will pop up soon.

The journey of the Burning Legion is across the stars and the sea, and there is no spare time to squat at home all day long and compete with void creatures.

Since he couldn't kill them all, Kil'jaeden simply formulated a regular cleanup schedule. He would send people into Eredas to sweep once every six months. He did not seek to completely eliminate the void creatures entrenched in the local area, as long as they did not threaten to burn. Just the core area of ​​the legion.

Because of this, the power of the void and evil energy can achieve a delicate balance in this land that has long been deserted and abandoned. To this day, many wild animals and plants still survive in the Eredas area.

Although Sarlayan hoped that the counterattack on Argus could end in the shortest possible time, he would not blindly let the combined fleet parachute directly into the Antolan Wasteland where anti-aircraft firepower was very powerful.

There are only three areas left in Argus that are relatively complete. After excluding the Antolan Wasteland, the only areas suitable for the United Fleet to land are Crokuun and Eredas.

Although the Krokuun wilderness is not the core territory of the Burning Legion, it has long been deeply eroded by evil energy. Once they set foot on this land, the mortal soldiers in the coalition will begin to be polluted by the environment.

If no special circumstances occur, Sarlayan will not prioritize the landing point here.

Although Eredas is a mixed bag, it is precisely because of this that the Azeroth Expeditionary Force has the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

Combining the intelligence provided by Talgas and after many discussions with the coalition leaders, Sarlayan selected Eridas as the priority landing target for the coalition fleet. They will establish a stable ground base here, and then proceed step by step. Push towards the Antoran Wastes and Krokuun.

"If the Void side doesn't give up its pursuit of Azeroth, one day they will be unable to help but reveal their true potential."

Sarlayan took a deep breath: "In short, let's focus on how to defeat the Burning Legion for now. We will discuss other issues slowly after the war."

As coalition soldiers arrived in Draenor one after another and lined up to board the ship, Draenor, which was originally quite deserted due to its sparse population, became lively after a long absence.

While Sharlayan is controlling the overall information of Draenor in real time with the help of the Maid of Azshara, he also takes time to keep in touch with Eonar Sanctuary.

Knowing that the main force of Azeroth was about to set sail, Turalyon, who had been pretending to be a grandson for several months, also began to secretly prepare for a counterattack.

The Mother of the Gods has learned a lot of information about Sarlayan from Ysera and Alexstrasza. She is very curious about Sarlayan, who is turning the tide as the spokesperson of the World Soul, and can't wait to get it. Meet him with your own eyes.

In August of the 23rd year of Black Gate, the Azeroth United Fleet, which had completed all preparations, officially set sail.

Sarlayan, who was sitting on the flagship, extracted a large amount of the mana lattice prepared in advance, and activated the Sargrith Keystone to open a super-large inter-galactic portal. The other side of the door leads directly to Eonar Sanctuary.

Under the constraints of the leaders of various countries, the combined fleet passed through the portal in an orderly manner and came to the distant and unfamiliar star field.

Considering that the combat effectiveness of the mass-produced spaceship that was rushed to completion is almost negligible... After all, this thing is essentially a troop transport. The Enterprise, which was supposed to be protected at the center of the fleet, went against common sense and entered the star field where the shelter was located.

As the owner of the sanctuary, Eonar immediately sensed the arrival of reinforcements through biological sensors throughout the star field.

"Haha~ Finally here."

Eonar, who had been holding back for a long time, could no longer contain her rage for revenge. Before the second half of the Enterprise's hull could leave the portal, the Mother of the Gods suddenly teleported to the frontline battlefield.

"Filthy devil! Feel the anger of thousands of creatures in the universe!"

Eonar, suspended in the center of the battlefield, opened her hands, and a large number of plants full of vitality began to grow in the boundless starry sky without any warning.

If that's all, that's it, it's nothing more than an upgraded version of Druid spells.

However, with the spread of a large number of green plants, many animals that Sarlayan may have seen, but most of which he had never heard of, began to appear in the starry sky where there should be no oxygen.

As the forest grows wider, the animals spawned by Eonar's creative power also grow in size.

Sharlayan, who witnessed this scene with his own eyes, had no doubt that if the Mother of the Gods was given enough time, she would be able to create a beast larger than a starship.

The sudden vision caught the witch coven, which had been advancing very smoothly in recent months, by surprise. Talgas, who had been well prepared, did not hesitate to lead his Man'ari soldiers to withdraw from the battle circle as soon as possible. Then he narrowly escaped the siege of the forest.

As the core of the witch guild, Shivalla's army was not so lucky. Eonar's sudden attack gave them a good understanding of what the "rhythm of life" is.

"Ah this..."

By the time the combined fleet headed by Sarlayan officially docked at the starship port of Sanctuary, the original battlefield had long turned into a lush primitive jungle.

This is the first time that Sarlayan has experienced the terrifying power of a veteran true god up close. This ability to change the environment on a large scale in a short period of time is something that a demigod cannot achieve.

The most frightening thing is that Eonar is not a Titan known for its combat prowess in the Pantheon.

It can be deduced from this that Sargeras' combat performance as a Pantheon warrior should be even more exaggerated.

"There is still a long way to go..."

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