Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1856 The unexpected colorful dragon promotion system

Sarlayan took time out of his busy schedule to carefully interpret the latest mass-produced colorful dragon technology.

Different from Sarlayan's original idea, in the new technology that Inas and Nefarian came up with, the "birth" of the colorful dragon did not start from scratch, but was more like an evolutionary form.

"Nefarian and I tried a lot."

Inas, whose face was full of fatigue but whose eyes were sparkling, introduced to her son with great interest: "Initially, because of your special case, we have been trying to spawn colorful dragons from dragon eggs, but we have never been able to do so. Make steady progress.”

"It turns out that your birth is a miracle that is difficult to replicate. Therefore, we can only find a new way. The technology you have now was finally released after countless modifications and verifications."


While releasing the power of dreams to soothe his mother's tired soul, Sarlayan thoughtfully summarized: "In short, mass-produced colorful dragons cannot start from the dragon egg stage, but need other dragons to pass the acquired process. Only by practicing hard and activating the recessive genes injected into their bodies can they have a chance of evolving into colorful dragons?"

"That's right."

Under the comfort of Sarlayan's power, Inas, who was originally quite energetic, gradually became drowsy.

It's no wonder that in order to come up with this plan, she and Nefarian have been working continuously for nearly half a year, forgetting sleep and food. Even the dragon's physical fitness cannot bear such nonsense.

Nefarian did not come with Inas to submit the report at all. After the plan was revised, the guy fell asleep in the laboratory on the spot, leaving all subsequent work to Inas.

Although the implementation principle of this technology is somewhat beyond Sarlayan's expectations, it is a good thing that all dragons finally see hope in the long-awaited colorful dragon form.

And theoretically speaking, including the newly added Thunder Dragon and Ice Dragon, all dragons have the opportunity to upgrade to higher-level colorful dragons through their own efforts.

In view of this, the status of Sarlayan, the colorful dragon king, has been invisibly elevated again, and he can be called a model of lying down and winning.

Sarlayan once wondered whether his mother deliberately chose this method to deliberately raise her status, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it was not necessary.

Today, Sarlayan has already been unanimously recognized by the entire clan with his own abilities (wisdom and combat effectiveness). Even without the blessing of the identity of the colorful dragon, he is still the true leader of the dragon clan. The identity of the colorful dragon is nothing more than the icing on the cake.

"It's harmful~" After hearing Sarlayan's half-joking question, Inas, whose eyes could hardly open her eyes, waved her hand lazily: "I really haven't thought about it this way. It's just a coincidence to realize it in this way... Hop~hoo~"

Before she finished speaking, Inas suddenly closed her eyes and fell backwards. Julian and Melia, who had been waiting beside her, stood up at the same time and caught Inas one on the left and the other on the right.

"Okay." Julian said to his son with some distress: "Let your mother have a good rest first, and we will discuss the follow-up issues in detail after she wakes up."

Melia, a new family member who has been publicly recognized by the Deep Shadow Family, also nodded and agreed: "In any case, this technology needs to wait until the expedition to Argus returns before it can be put into practical use. There is no need to rush it."

Both his father and baby mother said this, and Sarlayan could only shrug in a dumbfounded way: "I didn't say I wouldn't let my mother rest. How come I'm acting like an unscrupulous superior?"


A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Sarlayan's mouth, and he turned to look at Onyxia, who seemed to have thought of something as well: "Onyxia, in a few days, you go to the Black Wing Blood Circle and wake up that guy Nefarian. He needs to go to Valdraken in person to submit a feasibility report to the Dragon Tribe Council that remains on the mainland."

"Haha~" A wicked smile appeared on Onyxia's face: "As you command~ My dear, I promise to wake him up myself."

The expedition is imminent, and Sharlayan can't spare the time to go to the Black Wing Blood Circle right now.

As Melia said, no matter how important this technology is, the expedition to Argus must be given top priority right now, and other things can only be postponed a little later.

Mimiron did not disappoint Sarlayan. Five days before the swearing-in meeting, he successfully completed the transformation of the energy pipelines of all captured battleships, including the Manfrey.

Although there was no time to install the weapon system, it was at least ready for use.

Sarlayan had no intention of allowing the Manfred to completely transform itself in just three months. Its greatest significance was to undermine the morale of the Argus defenders.

As long as it can appear on the battlefield, the purpose of the Manfrey's existence will be fulfilled.

About a week before the expedition began, the coalition forces of all ethnic groups who had basically completed their recuperation gathered in Nazjatar again.

Sarlayan wanted to summon them to Vardraken, but the location of the Dragon Islands was still too remote, and geographically it was not as representative as Nazjatar, which is close to the center of Azeroth.

After the Earth-shattering 10,000 years ago, the true center of Azeroth was the maelstrom in the middle of the ocean.

The Broken Islands are located northeast of the Maelstrom, and Nazjatar, which rises from the sea, is close to the south of the Broken Islands. The northwest of the Zandalari Islands, close to the edge of the Maelstrom, is the closest to Azeroth. central city.

The conference is held in Nazjatar. Whether you come from Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms, Northrend, Pandaria or the Dragon Islands, it is not too far away. It is just the right place to hold the Azeroth Alliance Alliance Oath Conference. .

The swearing-in meeting hosted by Sarlayan himself was unprecedented in scale. Sarlayan, who has always disliked formalism, uncharacteristically delivered an inspiring speech.

By the way, this speech was jointly written by Azshara, Valeera, Calia, Stellagosa and others, and was polished by Azshara's maids.

Although there are many words in the speech that are false and simply written to inspire people, I have to is indeed very useful in this situation.

When Sarlayan patiently delivered this speech of just the right length to the end, the atmosphere at the scene was already very heated.

Seeing that the military morale was available, the leaders of all races, including Sarlayan, showed expressions of satisfaction. Some people were still privately inquiring about the origin of this speech, apparently intending to learn some experience from it.

Sarlayan ignored the slight commotion around him. With a wave of his hand, he ordered the mages headed by the Blue Dragon clan to open a super-large remote portal on the spot and send everyone present to the cursed land in an orderly manner.

Next, Sharlayan will not personally follow the army to Draenor, Azshara will complete this responsibility on his behalf.

As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, he must personally board the Enterprise, the flagship of the Azeroth United Fleet, and lead all the warships remaining in Azeroth to jump to the low-Earth orbit of Draenor.

Let me tell you, this is the first time that Sarlayan has experienced a serious transition. His thoughts...actually, it's nothing special.

The Enterprise, which inherited the Storm Fleet's jump technology, arrived at Draenor smoothly after two transfers. The whole process only took about two hours.

At this time, a considerable part of the coalition forces has just arrived in the Cursed Land. It is expected that the assembly and boarding procedures will be completed within three days. Only then can this long-prepared mission be officially launched after Sarlayan's order. expedition.

"The time has finally come."

Standing in front of the porthole of the Enterprise, Sarlayan looked out the window at the dark universe with emotion.

Valeera, who had experienced countless storms and waves with Sarlayan, was also a little nervous and took the initiative to hold Sarlayan's big hand.

"Yes, this decisive battle with the Burning Legion is related to the future of Azeroth and even the entire universe. This battle must not be lost. I... feel a little nervous."


Sarlayan tightened his grip and said comfortingly: "It's normal to be nervous. It would be weird if you didn't have any disturbance in your heart at such a big event that determines the future of the universe."

"This war is destined to become a milestone in the history of the universe, but for the people of Azeroth, our journey is far from over. The Burning Legion is only a superficial threat among the many forces that covet Azeroth. One of the highest degrees.”

Valeera nodded solemnly: "On the Shadow Realm side, Zoval and Denathrius can no longer do anything new, but on the Void side..., in your words, I always feel that the Void Lord has always been What kind of big move are you hiding in the dark?"

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