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Chapter 1481 If you don’t eat the toast, you will be punished by drinking wine

Sarlayan and others patiently waited for Jaina's return in Galadar, but the trip to the Blade's Edge Mountains for the little princess of Kul Tiras did not go smoothly.

Blade's Edge Mountain, which had experienced war not long ago, had just begun to transform from chaos to chaos.

With Gruul, the overlord of the Blade's Edge Mountains, standing behind them, the Moxana clan became the chief talkers in this area.

However, although this was true in name, the three defeated forces were obviously not convinced.

Since Jaina used teleportation to directly reach Moxana Village, Gruul and Duane, who had returned from Talador Forest on foot, were still heading north in the middle of Zangarmarsh.

Zangarmarsh, as the name suggests, is a very muddy area.

The overweight Gron can easily get stuck in the mud when walking, causing Gruul and his son to move slowly.

The three major forces were originally very dissatisfied with Moxana's final victory in picking peaches. After Gruul, who was weighing on all mortals, temporarily left, they unsurprisingly began to obey Leorox's orders.

However, the Orgrila ogres, who had been beaten up by Sharlayan and Onyxia before, were quite active and sent many people from the Crystal Wastes to inquire about the whereabouts of Garona and Maraad.

Leolocs was very angry at the attitude of the three major clans, but Moksana, who had just taken office and whose background was not deep enough, did not have the confidence to fall out with them at this time.

Leorox's mind was very clear, and he knew who Moknasa relied on for his current status.

Under the persuasion of Jaina, who also looked unhappy, the angry Leolocs did not act impulsively and immediately, but planned to wait until Gruul came back before complaining to this powerful "loving father".

The Thunder God Orcs, Bloodmaul Ogres, and Blade Tower Ogres cannot be invited for the time being, and Jaina will not force it. These idiots who are still unclear about their position will sooner or later attract severe punishment from their "loving father".

In the process of communicating with the Ogres of Ogorela about searching for human beings, Jaina was quite surprised to find that these Highmaul refugees had a very strange crystal resonance method for searching for human beings.

Through Sarlayan's earlier knowledge of the rise and fall of the Gorian Empire, Jaina already knew that the rise of the ogres was due to the Apexis crystal lost by the arakkoa.

Over the next hundreds or thousands of years, the ogres used Apexis crystals to develop many unique crystal spells.

As a descendant of the long-dead Gorian Empire, the Ogres of Ogrera also inherited some crystal magic.

The principle of this tracing spell is actually very simple. It literally uses the resonance of crystals containing magic power to scan a wide area.

The limitations of this spell are also very obvious. Crystal must be used as a medium to transmit the spell.

Under normal circumstances, this spell needs to be relayed by someone holding a magic crystal along the way.

The environment of Blade's Edge Mountain is quite special. The Crystal Wasteland where the Ogrila clan lives and the Crystal Ridge in the north are densely covered with a large number of magic crystals.

Even without using Ogrila's own manpower, they can quickly explore these two areas through crystal resonance.

Unfortunately, the Ogrilan Ogres did not find traces of Garona in these two crystal lands. At this time, they are arranging for people to bring the crystals into the densely populated area in the middle of the Blade's Edge Mountains.

However, when the ogres of the Ogrila clan reunited with their compatriots from the Bloodmaul and Blade Tower clans after a long absence, their interactions with each other were not very friendly.

The Blade Tower Ogre, whose power has been declining after fleeing his hometown, is still normal to Ogrila. After all, the hope of the rise of the Blade Tower clan - the young two-headed ogre still needs Ogrila's people to teach him.

The Bloodmaul ogres who were once the overlords of Blade's Edge Mountain were not so friendly. These single-minded guys took advantage of Gruul's absence to stir up trouble.

First, he angrily refused to carry out Leolox's order, and then he deliberately provoked trouble to hinder Ogrila's search work.

Jaina originally wanted to wait until Gruul returned, but the Bloodmaul Ogre's intensification made her understand a truth.

Don't reason with brainless fools.

As long as you take a step back, those fools with insufficient brains will think that you are afraid of them. Instead of restraining themselves, they will push even further.

Since the other party refused to drink the toast and wanted to drink as a penalty, Jaina stopped pretending and had a showdown.

While the Orgrira ogres were still pushing each other with the Bloodmaul ogres who were trying to cause trouble, Jaina used the levitation technique to rise into the sky and aimed at the Bloodmaul Fortress, the largest settlement of the Bloodmaul ogres. An "earthquake hill" came.

The kind-hearted Jaina deliberately avoided densely populated areas and did not attack Bloodmaul civilians.

After the small-scale violent earthquake ended, the most damaged fortress military area completely collapsed, and many ogre soldiers were swallowed into the cracks in the ground.

Now it's better. The Bloodmaul Ogre, who had previously shown himself to be fearless, gave up on the spot and took back all the people who were out to cause trouble without saying a word. He didn't even dare to let go of anything and hid in despair. Go back to your lair to clean up the mess.


Jaina, who descended from the air, calmed down the boiling magic power in her body and looked sarcastically at the Bloodmaul chief opposite, who had a flattering expression on her face.

"Keep going, I still like your unruly faces better."

No matter how stupid you are, you can see that what Jaina said when she was really angry was ironic.

If the Bloodmaul clan dares to continue testing without understanding, the entire fortress may sink into the ground due to a man-made earthquake next time.

However, Chief Bloodmaul was really overthinking it. For such a powerful large-scale spell, Jaina could only use it once, and it would take at least several days of training to make up for the missing magic power.

Jaina, who had been educated by Sharlayan since she was a child, did not show her strength on the outside but still maintained a tough posture and continued to suppress the Bloodmaul Ogre with words.

This trick really worked. He didn't listen to his good words and just hit him with a beating, which made the Bloodmaul Ogre realize the reality.

The Knife Tower Ogres watched the whole earthquake live in Bloodmaul Fortress, and they didn't want Jaina to turn her head and give them a shot too.

Jaina's killing of chickens and monkeys is extremely effective.

After the Bloodmaul Ogre and the Blade Tower Ogre gave up and joined the searching team, Jaina quickly discovered Garona's latest whereabouts with the assistance of the Orgrila Ogre's crystal spell.

Contrary to Jaina's expectations, Garona actually sneaked into the Thunder God Fortress alone not long ago, leaving only her uncle Maraad waiting anxiously outside the fortress.

That's right, the Blade's Edge Mountain Searching Brigade found Maraad first.

The Archbishop, the garrison officer who had deliberately put on a worn-out armor, was pacing anxiously back and forth outside the Thor Fortress.

Maraad, who was not good at sneaking, could only hold Garona back if he forced himself to follow her. Although he was worried about his niece's safety, he could only wait patiently for further progress.

When the ogres found Maraad, he was wary.

In Maraad's understanding, ogres are not a race that likes to be reasonable, and he is even ready to fight with this group of ogres who are suspected of coming with bad intentions.

It wasn't until Jaina arrived after hearing the inquiry that Maraad felt a little relieved.

"Are you... Kirin Tor Councilor, Jaina Proudmoore?"

After all, he is also a member of the Council of Bishops. Although Maraad is affiliated with the military, as a high-ranking Draenei, he can at least recognize the leading figures in various countries in Azeroth, and Jaina is one of them.

Jaina smiled and made an elegant mage salute to Maraad: "I'm honored that you can remember my name. I didn't expect to see you in Draenor, Archbishop Maraad."

Maraad, who was born as a garrison officer, has a straightforward personality and a typical military style. He temporarily suppressed his uneasiness and politely returned the greeting to Jaina.

"Senior Proudmoore, I am honored to meet you here. What are you doing?"

Jaina: "This is a long story. If you don't mind, why don't we change the place and talk in detail?"


Maraad smiled bitterly and declined: "I'm sorry, I have to stay here to wait for someone. Next time I have a chance..."

Jaina smiled nonchalantly: "Are you waiting for Ms. Garona? I came to Blade's Edge Mountain just for her."


Maraad's eyes became sharper, and his right hand subconsciously touched the war hammer hanging on his waist.

Jaina noticed Maraad's movements: "Don't be nervous, I don't intend to embarrass Garona."

"I am here on behalf of Sharlayan Deep Shadow, the Grand Duke of Quel'Thalas, and invite her to go to Garadar to discuss the pursuit of Talon Bloodfiend." (End of this chapter)

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