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Chapter 1480 Denathius: Still want to fuck me? When I'm stupid?

Taron Gorefiend, formerly known as Taron'gor, is one of the top leaders of the Shadow Council and the personal apprentice of the great warlock Gul'dan.

According to the information provided by Garona, Gul'dan only accepted two personal apprentices, namely the notorious Taron'gor and Cho'gall.

In addition, there are many named apprentices of Gul'dan in the Shadow Council, most of them went to Azeroth with him, and were wiped out by Orgrim.

According to Agna, Garona tracked down a named apprentice of Gul'dan shortly after returning to Draenor.

The female orc warlock was named Giselda, and she was also hiding in a corner of Nagrand to accumulate strength and want to cause trouble.

But Giselda was not as lucky as Talon Gorefiend, who had already died once. She failed to survive Garona's assassination.

Not so long ago, Giselda's head was hung in public display before the gates of Galadar.

Taron'gor...or Taron Gorefiend is the first-generation death knight created by Gul'dan himself. This guy belongs to the camp of the dead.

As long as the soul is not damaged, no matter how many wounds are cut on his body, it will not pose a fatal threat to Talon Gorefiend.

But... Sharlayan happened to know the leader of the undead.

After the death of Ner'zhul and Arthas, the Helmet of Dominion, an artifact containing thunder, was shelved by the new Lich King, Solas Solbairn, and the broken Frostmourne was also handed over to Sharlayan to bring back to Azeroth for recasting.

The broken sword and fragments of Frostmourne are currently lying in Azadas' workshop. As long as he can spare his hands from busy work, he can recast this magic sword with a very special material at any time.

Without the Icecrown Fortress built by the Dreadlords as an amplifier, Denathrius, who was far away in the Shadow Realm, couldn't capture the coordinates of the Helm of Dominion, and naturally he couldn't affect Solas' will.

In theory, all undead living in the world can be sensed by the Helm of Dominion.

Note, just perception.

In the absence of personal leadership, the Helm of Domination cannot control the will of all undead from a distance.

For Solas, whose slogan is to liberate the will of the undead, apart from being a symbol when he ascended the throne, the Helm of Dominion does not have much meaning in his hands. This artifact has been lying in the treasury for several years.

Frostmourne once housed the soul of Denathrius, who can guarantee that he didn't do the same with the Helm of Domination?

However, in the eyes of Sarlayan, who is daring and skilled, even if Denathrius had tampered with the Helmet of Dominion, it is unlikely that he would have the courage to activate this sub-soul again after suffering a loss once.

The annihilation of the split soul will not have a devastating effect on the main body, but... the pain still hurts, and it comes from the heart-pounding pain of the soul.

Sarlayan didn't think that Denathrius was a person who suffered from a short memory. Even if he felt the power fluctuations of the Helm of Dominion remotely, he probably wouldn't come down with his will again. At most, he took this opportunity to lock the specific coordinates of free will.

But is this coordinate important?

Of course it doesn't matter.

It is no secret that Solas and other high-level undeads moved to Frostfire Ridge in Draenor. The Dreadlord of the Burning Legion has long known the news.

What's the point of just knowing a coordinate? You, Denathius, can't get out of the Shadow Realm, so you can only stare at him from afar.

Sharlayan intends to entrust Solas to temporarily activate the Helm of Dominion and use it to locate the coordinates of Teron Gorefiend.

Garona is a very sharp assassinating blade. She is very talented in the way of thieves, and she is approaching the peak of mortals at a young age.

Theoretically, as long as she gets the experience and advice from Sharlayan on breaking through the bottleneck of mortals, Garona has great hope to step into the demigod realm in the future and become a sharp blade that protects Azeroth and Draenor.

Even without mentioning these utilitarian considerations, Sharlayan has long wanted to kill Talon Gorefiend, a shit-stirring stick.

When Ner'zhul opened the interstellar portal to escape from Draenor, this guy sneaked away ahead of schedule, and this time he dodged Garona's pursuit again.

As the saying goes, there are only three things, and Sharlayan does not intend to give Talon Gorefiend another chance to survive.

Death knights, huh? Very good at dying, right?

If I take out the Helm of Domination to lock the coordinates, how will you respond?

There is one thing to say, Talon Gorefiend, the death knight... is actually a bit misnamed.

According to the barrage, this guy is just a warlock riding a death horse, and it is not a concept at all with the second-generation death knight gradually perfected by Ner'zhul.

The second generation of death knights is the product of the perfect fusion of physical and magic professions, even if they confront the paladins who are the pride of the alliance head-on, they will not fall into a disadvantage.

And Talon Gorefiend... you expect him to charge the enemy with a staff? I'm afraid it's not for you to perform a reverse charge and fly a kite on the spot.

Even if your horse runs fast and has no fatigue limit, can you still outrun my dragon flying in the sky?

It's okay to think too much.

Agna does know where Garona is, and it is said that she and Maraad went to Blade's Edge Mountains together to find clues.

However, Agna didn't know the specific coordinates of Garona, but only roughly knew her traveling route.

Sharlayan turned to look at Jaina, and the little princess nodded knowingly, then activated the teleportation technique on the spot and went to Moknatha Village to seek help from Leorox.

After using the teleportation technique to send Onyxia to Frostfire Ridge to report to Solas, Sharlayan temporarily stayed in Galadar, having a headache to deal with the 100,000 whys of Agna and Mag'har.

The sudden situation delayed the return of Sharlayan and his party to Azeroth, and both Medivh and Ansu expressed their understanding.

For them, who are demigods with immortal lifespans, time is just a less important resource, and there is no rush to return to Azeroth immediately.

Coincidentally, Medivh was very interested in the once prosperous Gorian Empire.

Galadar collected some of the stone documents that the orcs looted from Highmaul. After obtaining the permission of Mistress Gaiaan, Medivh began to read these precious out-of-print documents with relish.

Ansu, who had just regained his wings, couldn't take it easy. During the few days when Jaina and Onyxia went out to do errands, this guy has been flying freely over the vast Nagrand prairie, and from time to time he would make a hoarse and ugly crow cry.

Compared to Jaina, who needed to use the power of the Moknatha clan to conduct a blanket search, Onyxia easily persuaded Solas.

Kel'Thuzad used the teleportation technique to send the two of them directly to the alliance's stronghold in Nagrand - the town of Tara, and then Onyxia flew Solas, holding the helmet of domination, to Galadar.

"Thank you, Solas."

Solas smiled and shook his head at Sharlayan who went out to greet him in person: "This is not hard work, it's just a matter of duty."

"The Shadow Council, which should have been destroyed a long time ago, still has remnants of evil. I should help with this, regardless of the situation or reason."

Solas, who had personally experienced the Second Orc War, didn't like the Shadow Council hiding behind the scenes and stirring up the wind and rain.

Knowing that the Helm of Domination can locate the coordinates of Talon Gorefiend, a half-baked death knight, he followed Onyxia to Nagrand to provide help without saying a word.

Before officially starting the operation, Sharlayan first carefully confirmed the situation of the Helm of Dominion.

After carefully inserting the power of death into the helmet of dominion, Sharlayan discovered the back door left by Denathrius as expected.

Unexpectedly, and within reason, this back door that was originally reserved for trouble has already lost its effect.

Perhaps it was the last encounter that taught Denathius a lesson, and he took back the split souls lodged in the Helm of Dominion early.

As Sharlayan predicted before, using the Helm of Domination can at most allow Denathrius to sense the user's coordinates, and it cannot have any effect on him remotely.

After confirming, Sharlayan returned the Helm of Domination to Solas.

"Don't worry, Denathius is still sensible, otherwise I don't mind teaching him another lesson."


Solas knew that Sharlayan was not a person who liked to joke about serious matters, so he put the dominance helmet on his head without hesitation.

As the Lich King merged with this artifact specially made for the Undead King, Agna, Garrosh and the others who were present at the scene felt a biting chill sweeping over them at the same time, and they instinctively took out their weapons and put on a defensive posture.

"take it easy."

Sharlayan waved his life power to appease their furious emotions: "This wave of soul ripples is not aimed at you, just wait patiently, and the results should come out soon."

"After depends on when Jaina can bring Garona and Maraad back."

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