Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1098 Aurelia remains the same

Sand sculpture netizens in different worlds once said that facing the sea, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming.

It seems that many people yearn to live near the sea, open the window every morning to see the endless blue sea, and open their hearts.

Sharlayan, whose territory is inland, cannot personally experience this feeling, but he can at least clearly tell his friends in another world that the sea is not as beautiful as you imagine.

The sailing life at sea is very boring, every day I see nothing but the sea, and I often sail for ten days and a half months without seeing any land.

There may still be some freshness in the first few days after leaving the port. Once the time exceeds a week, people who yearn for the sea will gradually feel bored.

Since coordinating the coalition forces required a lot of energy, Sarlayan had been busy at sea before. It was not until recently that he basically sorted out various affairs, and finally he was able to spare some personal time.

Valeera, Onyxia, and Stellagosa, who accompanied Sarlayan on the journey, were wise enough not to disturb his work during the day, and would only reward his family man who had been busy all day in the evening. .

What? The sound insulation on the boat is not good, the slightest movement will be heard by the neighbors?


Leaving aside the fact that Salayan's family lives in a single-family stateroom, Stellagosa's sound insulation magic is not just for decoration.

As long as they don't return to the dragon prototype and wrestle on the boat, no matter how much they toss in their own cabin, they will not be heard by outsiders.

Not only the three of Valeera, but other Sharlayan relatives and friends who also set out with the army did not bother him with personal matters during this period, and occasionally met with business.

Sharlayan could tell who it was without turning his head. He turned around with a chuckle and said, "Sister Aurelia, are you done with your work?"


Alleria smiled and rubbed Sharlayan's head, just like when he was a child more than ten years ago.

However, unlike the narrow cut hair that was intentionally unique at the time, Sharlayan's shiny silver hair had already grown past his waist, and it was casually tied into a high ponytail with a hair rope.

It wasn't Sharlayan's hairstyle on purpose.

Due to the exuberant vitality, Sharlayan's hair grows faster than ordinary people.

If it wasn't for Valeera and the others who would strictly urge him to shave off his beard every day, it would only take three days at most, and Sarlayan would become a bearded hunk like Tandre.

Sharlayan has a lot of things to do every day, and he can accept a little shave after waking up, but it is obviously impossible to get a haircut every day.

Fortunately, Sharlayan's hair would naturally stop growing when it reached a certain length, and over time, he also got used to keeping this hairstyle active.

For a person like Alleria who watched Sharlayan grow up, the changes in Sharlayan in the past few years are undoubtedly huge.

Not only his appearance, but the changes in his temperament and abilities surprised Alleria the most.

There is a common saying that three years old and eighty years old, although the description of this sentence may not be accurate, but the meaning it expresses is very obvious.

A person's character is shaped at an early age, and subsequent growth is nothing more than building on this foundation.

Sharlayan's growth did not conform to this basic law at all.

When he was a child, he was like a tough guy with muscles in his brain. Alleria has always been curious about how that child with a single-minded mind grew up to be such a strategizing boss now.

Before the expeditionary force entered the Portal of Darkness, Sharlayan, who had undergone considerable changes, had some exchanges with Alleria.

However, the expeditionary force at that time was busy chasing and killing Ner'zhul, and the two of them didn't have much time to communicate, and Sarlayan at that time hadn't yet evolved into the "ultimate body" it is now.

After Alleria returned from Draenor, Sharlayan was busy running around, and the siblings never found time to have a good chat.

After finally waiting for Sharlayan to finish her business, Alleria, who had a strong personality, approached the door after consulting Valeera.

"Although Halduron is lazy, he has done some serious work in the past few years. The far traveler who didn't pull me up was completely disabled."

Aurelia showed an aggressive smile on her face: "Unfortunately, I wanted to take this opportunity to give him a good blow."


Sharlayan smiled wryly and shook his head: "Sister Aurelia, you are still the same as before, and your demeanor remains the same as before."

Although Aurelia is the eldest daughter of the generation of the Windrunner family, her personality is not at all like the calm and capable Li Reza, and she has been full of rebellious factors since she was a child.

Among the four contemporary siblings of the Windrunner family, the second daughter Sylvanas, who inherited the position of Ranger General, has the most stable personality, and the the fourth brother Lylas who is gradually maturing.

Ranked third is Vereesa, who occasionally shows her mischievous nature, and the most eccentric is Aurelia, who is supposed to be like a mother.

Young... well, no, she is still very young now.

In the early years, Alleria was a demon king-level elder sister in Quel'Thalas... especially in the southern part of Eversong Forest. Even Li Reza had nothing to do with her rebellious eldest daughter.

After Alleria publicly stated to her mother that she would not inherit the position of Ranger General, Li Reza could only smile wryly and pin her hopes on her second daughter, Sylvanas, who had a more stable personality.

Facts have proved that Li Reza's choice is correct.

Today's Cirvanas has long grown into a mature general, perfectly taking over the command of the ranger army from Gao Sheng's mother who was promoted to the cabinet.

Although Alleria voluntarily gave up the responsibility that should have been borne by herself, as the eldest daughter of the Windrunner family, Li Reza still gave Alleria the family artifact that should have been inherited by her.

Thasdora Windrunner's Bow was originally held by Taranas, the ancestor of the Windrunner family, and passed down from generation to generation to the successors of the Windrunner family.

Aurelia, who is as free as the wind, has no intention of being subject to the strict discipline of the army, but this does not mean that she does not love her motherland and family.

Alleria chose to protect her clan and her hometown in her own way, and she joined the long-existing but unknown folk ranger organization "Farstrider".

It was also in the hands of Alleria that the far traveler, who had always been just playing around, underwent a radical change.

Unlike the ranger troops who have to guard the frontier for Quel'Thalas all the year round and cannot be dispatched easily, the Farstriders, led by Alleria, traveled throughout the entire Eastern Kingdom. They are determined to protect the legitimate rights and interests of all elves in the world. infringement.

I have to say that from today's perspective, the pattern of slogans shouted by the far traveler is indeed very large.

All elves, not all "high elves".

Due to the limitations of the times, when Alleria was active in Azeroth, Kalimdor, which was very closed to the outside world, had not yet formally established sea routes with the Eastern Kingdoms, and the Nightborne of the Broken Isles was hiding in the barrier Autistic.

Today is different from the past, adhering to the slogan of the Farstrider, as long as she can obtain the permission of the local lord, Alleria can justifiably lead the Farstrider to and from the territories controlled by the elves such as Kalimdor and Suramar.

After learning from Vereesa about the changes in Azeroth in the past few years since she stayed in Draenor, Alleria couldn't wait to go to the strange new land for a while.

As soon as Quel'Thalas' large-scale reinforcement of Kalimdor's action plan was released, Alleria couldn't wait to sign up as the leader of the Farstrider, and without any surprise, she received special approval from the Sun King.


Alleria smiled boldly and scratched Sharlayan's head a few times: "What do you think I will change? We have only been separated for a few years."

"It's not like everyone can be like your kid, who has undergone a radical change in just a few years."

Due to Sharlayan's intervention, there was no spark of love between Alleria and Turalyon, and the two have always maintained a relationship of comrades-in-arms.

It wasn't that Turayang didn't want to go further, but that Alleria didn't call at all.

As Turalyon was accidentally ambushed and disappeared, Alleria, Khadgar, Danas, and Kurdran mourned for their comrade.


Sharlayan smiled meaningfully: "Don't be so quick to draw conclusions, I don't think he is a short-lived person, maybe we still have a chance to meet him again."

Alleria smiled wryly and said, "I will accept your good words... Forget it, let's not talk about these unhappy things."

"Sharlayan, I heard that Inas breathed out the dragon's breath and completely purified that fellow Darkan? What's going on? Tell me in detail!"

Seeing the gossip-filled expression on Alleria's face, Salayan recalled the conversation with his mother before departure, and shook his head with a smile.

"Anyway, there is nothing to do for the time being. Since you want to hear it, I will slowly tell you the cause and effect."


Liadrin, who had been standing not far away and listened with pointed ears, touched her nose in embarrassment and raised her hand and asked, "Can I listen too?"

Although Cirvanas beside Liadrin didn't say anything, it could be seen from her awkward expression that Second Miss was also very curious about this matter.

"Haha! What are you two tweaking?"

Alleria suddenly disappeared from Sharlayan as if she had teleported, and appeared between Liadrin and Cirvanas in the next second, wrapping her arms around their necks carelessly.

"Follow me if you want to hear it. Since Sarlayan has made it clear that he can speak, it means that this is not some secret information."

"Come, come! Go ahead and find a place to sit in the stateroom of this big dog, serve high-end red wine and snacks, and then listen to the story slowly."

Facing Aurelia, who was completely out of sight, Sharlayan, who had long been familiar with her character, could only smile and spread his hands to Liadrin and Cirvanas, who showed questioning faces.

"Why are you still standing there? Do as Sister Aurelia said, come in, my cabin is quite big."

【Ok? ! 】

[Element awareness. 】

[...Xiao Sa, you have changed. 】

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