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Chapter 1097 The Darkspear Troll's Reinforcements

The alliance fleet crossing the sea to reinforce the Kalimdor continent is relatively large, and it is impossible to rely on speedboats to cross the sea quickly like last time.

After arriving at the port of Suramar to pick up the Kaolin Tauren and Nightborne who had already been prepared, Fleet Commander Tandre Proudmoore, who was on the flagship of the Kul Tiras Navy—Sea King, ordered the fleet to set sail again.

Tandre is the youngest child of the Proudmoore royal family, 3 years younger than Jaina, and just turned 16 this year.

Living on the sea all year round, the sailors of Kul Tiras are exposed to the sun and rain all day long on the ship, and most of them are rough, tough and unkempt.

Tandre, who is only 16 years old, has grown a beard all over his face, and looks at least 10 years older than his actual age in terms of appearance alone.

However, the youthfulness in his eyes could not be concealed from the old sailor who often went to sea, and this was the first time he, the crown prince of Kul Tiras, made his official appearance as the fleet commander.

Daelin, who had already lost a son on the battlefield, would not rest assured that Tandre, who had no actual combat experience, was in charge of the fleet alone. He arranged for his adjutant Cyrus, who had been with him for many years, to assist Tandre.

Barrage netizens are familiar with this senior officer of the Kul Tiras Navy named Cyrus.

At some point in the future of the original history, Cyrus, who had long since retired from the navy, would be appointed Harbor Master of Boralus, playing a large role in the story about Kul Tiras.

At the same time, he should have been the adoptive father of Talia, the daughter of Duke Bolvar Fordragon in the original history.

Due to the changes Sharlayan made to history, this episode should never happen again.

Sharlayan had obtained a piece of information from the scouts of the King's Intelligence Bureau before, that Bolvar's daughter had just been born.

According to the barrage, Talia was sent by Bolvar to take refuge in Boralus, a lonely overseas city, because of natural disasters and turmoil.

In the current timeline, the turmoil caused by the Scourge is far less severe than in the original history. It is mainly concentrated in the northern part of the Eastern Kingdoms and does not affect the Stormwind Kingdom in the far south.

Compared with the Scourge, the isolated Stormwind Kingdom paid more attention to the jungle trolls in Stranglethorn Vale next door.

After several years of struggle, under the hard work and cooperation of the Sen'jin and Vol'jin fathers and sons, the scale of the Forest Troll Federation dominated by the Darkspear clan has already surpassed the three major clans of the Gurubashi, Skullsplitter, and Bloodtop. .

Although the three major clans were forced to unite under the pressure of the Darkspear clan, they were still intriguing with each other, and it was always difficult to let go of their contradictions and truly reach a cooperation.

The invasion of the Burning Legion is a huge crisis for the entire Azeroth. Of course, Sharlayan will not let go of the Darkspear trolls who have already developed a climate. message.

The Darkspear clan was poor and poor in the early years, and was almost wiped out by the three major clans, and was forced to move out of Stranglethorn Vale and move overseas.

Thanks to Sharlayan's timely assistance, the Darkspear clan was able to regroup and grow to its present size.

When Sen'jin was young, he went to study in Dazar'alor, the capital of the Zandalari Empire. He heard the name of the Burning Legion from Zandalari, and he also knew that these demons would never die in the heart of Azeroth.

Unlike the leaders of the three major clans of jungle trolls who are busy fighting among themselves all day long and short-sighted, Sen'jin, whose vision has been broadened by Zandalari, began to look at the world many years ago.

After receiving Sharlayan's request for help, Sen'jin, who realized the seriousness of the problem, immediately asked the growing Vol'jin to lead half of the army to Booty Bay, and prepare to cross the sea on a ship "friendly sponsorship" by Blackwater Pirates Go to Kalimdor.

Such a large military mobilization by the Darkspear trolls would of course alarm the three major clans headed by Gurubashi.

Although he couldn't understand why the Darkspear clan suddenly divided their forces at the moment when they had already seen the dawn of victory, Jin'do, the sorcerer, thought this was an excellent opportunity.

Under his temptation, the leader of the Gurubashi, the blood lord Mandokir, finally agreed to Jin'du's proposal to summon Hakar the Soul Taker, trying to make a comeback in one fell swoop.

Soul Reaper, as the name suggests, Hakkar can strengthen himself by devouring souls.

Years ago, the wanton Hakkar was recognized as an evil god by the Zandalari Empire.

After a bloody battle, the Soul Reaper was expelled from Azeroth by the Zandalari priests and sealed in a special subplane.

In terms of combat power, Haka in its heyday was also at the forefront among all the loa.

Jin Du took a fancy to Haka's powerful strength, and he was so confident that he believed that the Gurubashi clan could use the power of Haka through a well-prepared black magic ceremony, so as to bring Gurubashi back to the top .

Leaving aside whether Jin'du's plan can be realized, it is obviously impossible for the Forest Troll Federation headed by Darkspear to sit back and watch Gurubashi unseal the Soul Taker.

However, Jin Du's determination was very firm. He unexpectedly attacked the two clans, Skunkspread and Bloodtop, who had reached a cooperation agreement, from behind, and used their souls to nourish the sealed Haka.

The Darkspear clan, which sent half of the army to cross the sea, was short of troops. Under Sharlayan's help, Sen'jin bit the bullet and arranged for messengers to request reinforcements from the neighboring Kingdom of Stormwind.

It's been a long time since jungle trolls have invaded the Duskwood next door since the long and massive civil war that began in Stranglethorn Vale.

During the reign of Varian's grandfather Baratheon, the Kingdom of Stormwind and the jungle trolls often clashed in the border areas.

Varian's father, Lion, had sneaked into the vanguard camp of the Gurubashi clan with Medivh and Anduin Lothar before he became king.

Due to Medivh's sudden magical runaway, this elite team accidentally caused huge damage to the troll vanguard army that invaded the territory of the Stormwind Kingdom. The original cautious exploration of the two sides turned into an endless war.

King Baratheon unfortunately died in this war with the Gurubashi Empire.

With the help of Medivh who awakened the power of the guardian, Ryan, who ascended the throne quickly, repelled the invading jungle trolls, and also defeated the Gurubashi clan, which was the main force of the invasion.

Because of this tragic war that hurt both sides, the hatred between the Stormwind Kingdom and the jungle trolls has continued to this day. When the diplomatic envoy sent by Sen'jin appeared in the Stormwind Kingdom's territory, he was almost killed by the patrolling guards on the spot.

Fortunately, Sharlayan informed King Varian of this matter in advance. Under the arrangement of the king's special envoy, the diplomatic envoys of the Darkspear clan arrived in Stormwind Keep, and conveyed the message to Varian in person. the meaning of.

As Sharlayan was busy sailing to Kalimdor, he was temporarily unaware of the subsequent developments.

However, in the foreseeable few years to come, the remaining forces of Stormwind Kingdom and Darkspear trolls will probably be busy dealing with the Gurubashi clan eager to awaken Hakkar the Soulflayer.

Originally, Sharlayan planned to make peace with Vol'jin from afar in the Lost Isles near Kalimdor, but unfortunately the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

A sudden storm at sea caused the Darkspear fleet to miss the rendezvous.

Although it was found that there was not much loss of personnel after the incident, the transport ship provided by the Blackwater Pirates was seriously damaged and had to berthed on a nearby desert island for repairs.

Although Sharlayan was worried about not being able to wait for the fleet to come to Vol'jin for a long time, it was impossible for him to drag the fleet and wait in the Lost Isles.

"no solution anymore."

Sighing helplessly, Sharlayan said to Tandre: "Let's set off first, wait until the army lands on Kalimdor, and then let the ships of Kul Tiras search for their whereabouts at sea."

Tandre nodded kindly: "Okay, brother-in-law."

"As far as I know, it is the season of frequent storms at sea recently, and the troll fleet may have encountered a storm."

"Is it a storm on the sea..."

Sharlayan smiled wryly and rubbed the center of his brows: "That's right, who made Archimonde land on Kalimdor in July in midsummer... Now that things have happened, I can only wish Vol'jin and the others good luck."

Years ago, when Sharlayan was learning the ways of the Thornyspeaker from the old bear Ulfar in Kul Tiras, he met the young Tandrei.

Sarlayan still remembers that when he was a child, Tandre was very simple and honest. He once yelled a slogan naively, saying that he wanted to become the admiral of the Kul Tiras navy when he grew up.

Years passed, and Tandre's wish had come true...albeit in a way he hadn't expected as a child.

"Time flies so fast... In a blink of an eye, that little kid who was still wearing crotch pants has grown up so much."

Seeing Tandre, who was in command under the assistance of Cyrus, Sharlayan sighed with emotion.


A slightly mocking familiar voice came from behind Sharlayan: "Little devil, how old are you, and you started feeling sorry for life so early?"

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