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Chapter 1068 Stormgard's Hot Potato

Although the soldiers returning from Draenor are still called the "Alliance Expeditionary Force", the alliance today is not the same as the alliance in the memory of the expeditionary force.

Among the five heroes of the Expeditionary Force, Alleria Windrunner and Kurland Wildhammer can reintegrate into their homeland without any obstacles.

Falstad, who knows that he is not good at internal affairs, has long been ready to throw down the pick and return the power to his cousin Kurdran.

Falstad, known as the Dragon Slayer, thinks that he is more suitable for charging on the battlefield, and he is dizzy because of those annoying internal affairs.

If it weren't for the fact that no one in the Wildhammer dwarves could carry the banner, he wanted to leave the burden and walk away many times.

Now Kurdran, the real lord of the Wildhammer dwarves, has finally returned after many years. The smile on Falstad's face has not disappeared recently. He can finally escape from the sea of ​​suffering and return to the sky.

With Falstad's hard work, the new Three Hammer Council has already reserved a place for Kurdran.

Not to mention Aurelia, as soon as she came back, she hugged her three younger siblings who couldn't wait to rush up.

If it weren't for the extremely busy domestic military affairs due to the need for multi-line scheduling, Li Reisa would have wanted to come personally to welcome her eldest daughter home.

Considering Alleria's free personality like the wind, Kael'thas adopted Sharlayan's suggestion and did not intend to restrain her with military positions and obligations.

After Alleria returns to China, she should take over the folk ranger organization Farstrider again.

Halduron Bright Wing, the lazy dog, couldn't wait for Alleria's return. He even made an appointment with a sullen friend to go to Happy Street in Unicorn City to celebrate.

As for how they wanted to celebrate... well, even Lyras Candid could easily guess.

Compared with the above two, the situation of Danas and Khadgar is quite special.

Dalaran is the hometown of Khadgar. At the age of 17, Khadgar received a task from Antonidas and was sent to Karazhan to serve as a spy in the name of studying to monitor every move of Medivh, who became more and more weird.

After Medivh's death, Khadgar, who was the only apprentice of the astral mage, inherited all his inheritance logically, including Karazhan, the tower of the guardian, and a large number of treasures and books collected in the tower.

As Khadgar refused to open Karazhan to Dalaran, the angry Antonidas believed that he had failed Dalaran's cultivation, and the relationship between the two parties almost completely broke down.

Now that Antonidas has retired, the newly appointed Ronin is not as rigid as the old speaker.

With Ronin's initiative to show favor, the relationship between Khadgar and Dalaran tends to ease.

However, it is not something that can be done in a day or two to completely eliminate the previous suspicions. Before that, Khadgar intends to continue to settle in Karazhan, and by the way, deal with those historical issues that he should have solved long ago.

Danath's situation is more complicated than Khadgar's.

In order to pave the way for his son Galin to succeed to the throne, Danath was banished from the political center of Stormgard by Solas with guilt.

It is impossible to say that Danas has no complaints in his heart, Danas thinks that his heart has not been broadened to such an extent.

Anyone who is not blind can see that Jialin is a fool who only knows how to spend time and drink.

In terms of ability, he is not even worthy of carrying Danas' shoes.

But Solas chose Garin, who was closer in blood, and gave up Danas, who had a high reputation in the country.

Ironically, Galin, who couldn't wait to ascend the throne and enjoy himself, stabbed the old father who pinned all his hopes on him.

Solas, who lived a wise life, made the most stupid mistake in choosing an heir.

Under the trusteeship of the Regency Council, the Kingdom of Stormgard, suffering from internal and external troubles, has been living in misery for the past few years. Members of the Council dream of waiting for the return of the King of Danas.

But the wishful thinking of the Regency Council ignored one of the most essential issues - Danath's own wishes.

They unilaterally believed that as a descendant of the Trollbane family, Danath should take over the long-lost throne as a matter of course, and lead the Kingdom of Stormgard back on track, embarking on the road of revival.

However, Danas said "no" without hesitation when facing the Regency Council.

He refused to return to Stromgarde to govern, citing his exile status.

It wasn't that Danas was deliberately playing his temper. Not long ago, after learning about the current situation of the Stormgarde Kingdom from Sarlayan, Danas went through a lot of deliberation, and finally came to the decision to refuse to return to the country.

After Turalyon disappeared, Danas, who took over the leadership of the expeditionary force urgently, has been thinking about the way out of the expeditionary force.

Years of fatigue have given Danas body obvious signs of premature aging, as evidenced by his rapidly receding hairline and white hair at the temples.

There is a saying that there is a beginning and an end. The expeditionary force was brought back from Draenor by Danas. As the leader, he is obliged to help these old brothers who have been away from home for nearly ten years reintegrate into their familiar and unfamiliar hometown.

Before finishing this job, Danas didn't want to think about other issues.

Moreover, Stormgard has been governed without a king for so many years. Although life has to be done, the country's political system can still operate normally, and it doesn't have to have a king.

Due to the serious differences of opinion between the two parties, for a long period of time, Danas may continue to struggle repeatedly with the persistent Regency Council.

This situation made Sharlayan a little amused.

Others are desperately trying to seize power in their arms, wishing to sit in the position of power leader forever.

The two weirdos, Stormgard Regency Council and Danas, tried their best to push their rights away. It can only be said that they are not a family, and they will not enter a family.

Of course, the main reason is that Stormgard, who is named as the ruler, is a hot pot, and no one wants to... or dare not follow up at this time.

Sarlayan had heard Valeera mention before that the citizens of Stormgard had long complained about the failure of the Regency Council to fundamentally improve the people's livelihood in the kingdom.

The people of Stormgard, who are rich in martial arts, often organize groups to apply for "free fighting" in front of the parliamentarians. If they are not handled well, it will develop into a chaotic battle between the parliamentarians' personal guards and "enthusiastic" citizens.

In the past year, six congressmen have been bedridden at home due to "discomfort". The speaker is trembling every day on his way to the palace for work.

The speaker and councilors, who were worried about their own safety, couldn't wait to get rid of this hot pot, and Danas of the Trollbane royal family was the best one to take the pot.

Danas wasn't stupid either. After learning about the current situation of the Stormgard Kingdom from Sarlayan, he didn't want to be a poor backer at this juncture.

Even if he really wants to go back to take over the throne, Danas also wants to stage a wave of genuine return of the king.

It has to be said that sometimes the plan cannot keep up with the changes after all.

With the defeat of Kazak, the local war in the cursed land gradually came to an end.

Without the interference of the Burning Legion, the Alliance began to take over control of the Dark Portal in an orderly manner.

Through the introduction of the high-level expeditionary force, the diplomats from Stormwind City are trying to establish preliminary diplomatic relations with the native Mag'har orcs and Arakkoa exiles in Draenor.

While Danas, who was staying at Fort Watch to deal with the return of the expeditionary force, was still busy arguing with the Regency Council, Sharlayan suddenly received the latest information from Valeera and Jaina from the front line of the Sodoril River.

"Ah this..."

After reading the contents of the report, Sharlayan rubbed the center of his brows with a wry smile.

"It's really a coincidence that it came here. Is this God's will in the dark?"

As a secretary, Stellagosa curiously took the report from Sarlayan, and glanced through it at a glance, with a rather strange expression on her face.

" did Solas get pulled up by the natural disaster at this time?"

Sharlayan had known for a long time that the Scourge was trying to resurrect Solas as an undead, and he, with his rich combat experience, would lead the Scourge's growing army of undead.

Since Gadin was punished for failing a mission not long ago, the Lich King sent to the Arathi Highlands to dig graves was called Les Frostwhisper, and he was also a powerful elite Lich.

It was not the first time for Les Frostwhisper to resurrect the undead. While Stormgard's army was still fighting with the Witherbark trolls and ogres, he successfully entered the Trollbane royal cemetery.

Les Frostwhisper did not report to the Lich King immediately, he easily awakened the resentful Solas from the grave according to the practice of resurrecting the undead in the past.

The following developments were beyond Les Shuangyu's expectations.

Just when he was about to put the control network built by the Lich King using the Helm of Dominion on Solas, who was still a little dazed, the hero of the generation of Stormgard suddenly went into trouble, punching Lai with three punches and two kicks. Si Shuangyu and most of the men he brought were torn to pieces.

As long as the phylactery is not destroyed, the lich is indestructible.

When a little lich who escaped by chance used the phylactery to bring Les Frostwhisper back to life, Solas had already disappeared.

Knowing that he was in trouble, Les Frostwhisper bit the bullet and told the Lich King who was far away in Northrend and was concerned about the progress of the situation in Lordaeron.

Ner'zhul was very annoyed at the successive mistakes made by the Lich under him, but now is not the time to hold Les Frostwhisper accountable, the top priority is to capture Solas first.

Relying on the powerful perception of the undead by the Helm of Domination, Ner'zhul quickly captured Solas' whereabouts.

Just waking up from death, Solas regained control of his body by virtue of his amazing willpower and obsession.

As a matter of course, Solas immediately hid his identity and returned to Stromgarde, the capital of the Kingdom, to inquire about news after he escaped.

After learning that his rebellious son Galin, who backstabbed him back then, had been missing for many years during the war and was probably dead, Solas felt lost for a moment, not knowing where to vent his resentment.

Just at this time, a passer-by casually mentioned that Danas, who had followed the expeditionary force to Draenor to garrison, was about to return. Solas, who still felt guilty about his nephew, decided to go to the cursed land to meet him in person.

Sharlayan patted his forehead with a wry smile: "Calculating the time, Solas should be here soon. I don't know how this reunion across life and death will make Danas feel."

"Surprise is greater than joy? Or is joy greater than surprise?"

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