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Chapter 1067 The doubts of the Yingge siblings

The final general attack was initiated by Marshal Gavin Ladd himself. After Gavin Rade left the Fort Watch with his troops directly under him, there were only a few logistics personnel and unimportant fringe people left in the huge castle, looking forward to the final outcome.

And among these fringe figures are the night elf observers who came all the way from the Kalimdor continent.

Although the Burning Legion is the common enemy of Azeroth... and even the entire universe, they landed in the Eastern Kingdom after all, and they should be "entertained" by the local host first.

Before the reorganization of the government in the Night Republic, apart from the short-lived Second Quicksand War, the night elves led by Tyrande had almost no contact with the countries in the Eastern Continent.

For a group as large as the night elves, it is impossible to complete a policy reversal in just a few years. The inertia of thinking formed by the people over tens of thousands of years is not so easy to reverse.

After Malfurion became the speaker, he advocated opening up the country, but after all, there will still be a process of adaptation, whether it is the same for the night elves themselves or for other races in Azeroth.

The night elves do dominate Kalimdor, but their influence cannot radiate across the oceans to the Eastern Kingdoms.

The arrival of the Yingge siblings was greeted politely by the high-level coalition forces headed by Gavin Ladd, but that was all.

Because they had almost no contact with each other before, Gavinrad allowed Jarod and Maiev to watch the battle process up close, because the high elves would vouch for their distant relatives on the other side of the sea.

Even though Garald proved himself to be a soldier with practical actions, Gavin Ladd still only gave him the title of a nominal consultant.

After all, this is not the home ground of the night elves, and it is not up to these strange outsiders to dictate the formation of the coalition army.

After Gavin Ladd led the Marshal's direct guards to join the battlefield to reap the victory, Maiev, who was still standing on the top floor of the castle overlooking the battle situation, suddenly asked, "Garrod, what do you think of these emerging countries in the Eastern Continent?"

"Will they be useful in a true deathmatch against the Burning Legion and the Old Gods?"

"Hmm..." Garrod pondered for a moment before giving an answer: "It's hard to say."

During the Second War of the Shifting Sands a few years ago, the night elves briefly cooperated with the armies of the Eastern Kingdoms under the leadership of Quel'Thalas.

But at that time Jarod had not yet returned to the Clan, and the archdruid Malfurion Stormrage commanded the war.

This brief cooperation did not really bring the relationship between the two sides closer. Except for Quel'Thalas, which has a deep connection with the night elves, other countries in the Eastern Kingdom are still very unfamiliar with these purple-skinned elves.

Witnessing the battle between the coalition forces and the Burning Legion with his own eyes, Jarod recognized the fighting will shown by the soldiers of all races of the coalition forces in this war.

But relying on this low-intensity war alone, it is still impossible to determine whether they can continue to perform well in a really difficult war.

Yes, in Jarod's view, the battle with this demon army is just an appetizer before the Burning Legion's large-scale invasion.

Compared with the elite Burning Legion 10,000 years ago, this miscellaneous army under Kazak's command lacks sufficient gold content and can only be used for training at best.

If the main force of the Burning Legion is used with the fighting power of this partial division, the coalition forces of the Eastern Kingdoms who underestimate the enemy will definitely suffer a big loss in the future.

And this is what baffles Garrod.

"Based on the abilities that Sharlayan has shown over the years, I don't think he can't calculate how much troops it will take to defeat this demon army."

Jarod thoughtfully looked at Sharlayan, who was still fighting in the form of a dragon above the battlefield: "Mobilizing such a large-scale army to deal with a group of demons with weak combat capabilities is obviously a bit of a laborious effort."

"In his own words, this is called killing a chicken with a bull's knife."

"The problem is..." Garrod rubbed the corners of his brows in distress: "Why did he do this? Just to enhance the confidence and cohesion of the alliance army? This is too much of a waste of resources."

Jarod is without a doubt one of the greatest military geniuses Azeroth has ever seen, but no man is perfect.

Compared with Jarod's innate sense of the battlefield and exquisite command art, his political sensitivity has always been low, and his personal strength is far from that of his peers such as Malfurion, Tyrande, and Maiev. compared to.

Maiev, who has led the Watchers for nearly ten thousand years, is better than Garald in piercing people's hearts, but she also finds it difficult to understand why Sharlayan mobilizes such a large-scale coalition force.

Facts have proved that defeating Kazak and his army does not require too many people. Both Maiev and Jarod believe that this local war has an inexplicable formalism.

Hearing Jarod's question, Maiev lowered his head and said, "It's really strange. As far as I know, there was a rebellion on a large scale just outside Quel'Thalas' house not long ago."

"It stands to reason that the high elves should focus their energy in front of their own house. Why did they lead the main forces of all countries to the cursed land to gather and abuse vegetables?"

Garald smiled wryly and shook his head: "I don't know for the time being. Based on what I know about Sarlayan, he is probably plotting something again. I just don't know who will be the unlucky one this time."

"You said..." As an intelligence leader, Maiev has always been unafraid to speculate on people's hearts from the worst angle: "Could Sharlayan deliberately transfer the main force of Quel'Thalas away from the mainland, so that he can find An excuse, unable to reinforce Lordaeron?"

Garrod asked in confusion, "But what is he trying to do?"

"The rebellion in Lordaeron took place in the Stratholme region not far from the border of Quel'Thalas. How can he be sure that the rebels will not attack Quel'Thalas, which is close at hand?"

Maiev narrowed her eyes, and boldly made a guess without evidence: "What if the Lordaeron rebels are backed by Quel'Thalas?"

Jarod shook his head without hesitation: "Impossible, you have said before that, unlike the ambitious former King of Lordaeron, Terenas, Sarlayan and the more gentle and diplomatic Carrie Queen Asia has a very close personal relationship."

"Now that Quel'Thalas and Lordaeron are in a diplomatic honeymoon period, he has no reason to count friendly neighbors at the moment when the Burning Legion is invading Azeroth."

Garald's analysis is very reasonable. After all, Maiev is not a person who is proficient in political means, so she quickly gave up this "unreliable" guess.

"I don't understand, it's impossible for him to plot against us night elves, right?"

Maiev's words were purely a joke to ease the atmosphere, and Jarod didn't take it to heart at all.

At this time, the siblings hadn't realized it yet, but their unintentional words hit their hearts out.


Garald turned his attention back to the battlefield where the winner was about to be decided: "This local war still exposed a lot of problems."

"Although the hastily assembled coalition forces are large in scale, their cooperation with each other is seriously insufficient. Marshal Gavinrad is unable to twist soldiers from different countries into a single rope, and most of the time they still fight on their own."

Garrod's assessment hits the point.

Before the war began, Sharlayan intentionally let Quel'Thalas' new army train with the coalition forces in advance to cultivate a tacit understanding on the battlefield.

However, Marshal Gavinrad believed that the preparation time before the battle was not sufficient. Instead of hastily breaking up the legions and forcing them together, it is better to let them maintain their original establishment and form their own armies.

This led to the fact that the coalition forces actually fought separately during the actual battle. According to Garrod's standards, this hastily formed coalition force has not yet reached the passing line for joint operations.

But this is because Garald's standards are too high. No kidding, there have been few commander-in-chiefs in the past dynasties of Azeroth who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him, and even more extreme, there is none.

Just because Jarod was able to quickly unite those races with completely different tactics during the War of the Ancients didn't mean that other people could easily do it too.

The two generals of the alliance, Lothar and Turayang, may barely be able to, but at least Gavin Ladd does not have that ability.

From Garrod's point of view, Gavin Ladd's performance as the commander-in-chief is already remarkable, but it is not perfect in some aspects.

"I heard that this battle will be Marshal Gavinrad's swan song on the battlefield."

Garald turned his attention to Gavin Ladd, who was always strong and swaying the holy light on the battlefield: "With the disappearance of the Alliance Generalissimo Turalyon, I don't know who the members of the Alliance will appoint to replace him."

Maiev shrugged nonchalantly: "There are so many countries and so many people in the alliance, so we can always find a suitable candidate. It's not up to outsiders like us to worry about this."

Garald nodded worriedly: "I hope so. In the foreseeable 1-2 years in the future, the focus of the Burning Legion's offensive should still be on the Eastern Kingdom."

"I don't know if the newly rebuilt alliance can withstand the endless instigation and conspiracy calculations of the fraudsters."


The direction of the battle is just as Jarod expected.

After Gavin Ladd personally led the central army to join the battlefield, the Burning Legion, which was pinched from both sides, finally could no longer hold on.

As Kazak, who was seriously injured and in poor condition, screamed and was pierced by Onyxia's claws, the morale of the demon army completely collapsed.

It will take a lot of time to clear up those miscellaneous soldiers who have low fighting spirit and just want to escape, but these small problems no longer need senior officers such as Sarlayan and Gavin Ladd to ask them personally.

The last curtain call battle in his life ended perfectly, and Gavin Ladd, who had no regrets, passed on the position of Marshal of the Stormwind Kingdom to Duke Bolvar Fordragon, who was in his prime.

After the military power was basically handed over, before dawn the next day, Marshal Gavin Ladd took a few old soldiers who had followed him in the South and North for many years, and walked in light clothes.

Gavin Ladd, officially retired, intends to return to his hometown in the Westfall and live in the country forever.

Gavin Ladd patted his butt and left with a consummation of merit. After the war, a lot of things left to the Alliance still need to be resolved one by one.

The first thing to bear is how to accommodate the Alliance Expeditionary Force who returned to their hometown after many years.

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