League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 635: Wrath of the Crystal Herald

【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

Calling again and again, the anxious Shellman didn't get any response, and the few weak fluctuations of consciousness quickly returned to calm.

Everything seems to be dead. The ancient will that was once perfect is now broken into countless fragments like a broken mirror. Most of the fragments are still buried deep in the ground, and a few fragments are located in the farther east. Intermittent mourning of the soul.

"My companions, my people, wake up, wake up, danger is coming."

Feedback from the depths of the soul link is eternal dead silence, the shell man was silent for a few seconds, and sang the song of crystal in the soul link.

This time, the shell man finally got a weak response.


Accompanied by the echo, Skarner saw how the clansmen who woke up first were killed by human steel and gunpowder, and then heard the extremely weak voice of great will.

"Skarner...you should be the vanguard...call for more shellmen...save the people..."

I finally have a goal in my heart.

When the crystal song ended, the shellman named Skarner swung his sharp crystal pincers and the quartz scorpion tail as hard as a diamond to dig up the soil. With all his strength, Skarner finally left From the dark underground, they came to the surface world, and collided with the Philos crystal mining team who were planting explosives.

The members of the mining team who witnessed all this stared wide-eyed. They had never seen such a tall and fierce crystal life.

"It's a living crystal life! The mining team retreats in an orderly manner, the blasters prepare explosives, and the guards fire freely! Fire freely!"

The captain of the guard wearing a dust mask gave the order to attack without hesitation. Twenty or so guard members armed with muskets and revolvers pulled the triggers and fired crackling bullets, which shattered the outermost lavender crystal of Skarner. case.

"You are the ones who killed my people!"

The angry crystal scorpion uses crystal energy to form a dark blue crystal shield, uses the shield to carry a musket attack and rushes to the members of the guard, the crystal scorpion stabs down like a tight bowstring, piercing through it like a piece of paper Light leather armor for members of the Guard.


The member of the guard whose body was pierced died instantly, and the musket that emitted residual heat from the barrel fell to the ground, but Skarner relentlessly swung the scorpion tail and threw the body at other members of the guard, knocking over several times. warrior.

With hatred for human beings, Skarner swiftly moved towards the flustered **** soldiers. The amethyst pair of pincers crushed heads and cut off limbs with ease.

Under Skarner's frenzied attack, the soldiers of the **** team suffered heavy casualties, and the casualties quickly exceeded half, unable to resist the Shellman's attack at any cost.

"Connie! What the **** are you still doing!"

Seeing that the big scorpion was about to run over and knock off his head, the captain of the guard scolded the blaster behind him without looking back.

"I didn't see you being such a **** when I invited you to dinner!"

The soldier named Connie shouted after setting up the ring explosive zone.

"Boss! I'm ready! Everyone retreat!"

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【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

With a happy expression on his face, the captain of the guard took up his musket and ran back without hesitation. Seeing this, the other members deliberately retreated to Connie's side.

"If I can't deal with those explosives, I'm going to die here! Connie, I'll leave it to you!"

"I'm going to explode!"

Under the scolding of the captain, Connie didn't care to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, and detonated a high-yield explosive at the moment when the crystal scorpion just broke into the blasting area.


The entire canyon trembled for a few seconds, countless gravels and smoke filled the air, and the rock wall above the canyon collapsed several pieces during the vibration, almost sending away the mining team miners hiding under the rock wall.

The remaining dozen or so **** soldiers looked towards the direction of the crystal life with lingering fear, expecting that the monster just now had turned into a ground of broken crystals just like its former companions.

However, the reality is extremely cruel. Unidentified hisses and roars came from the undissipated smoke and dust.

"You are all going to die!!"

Accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, the crystal scorpion turned into a dark blue crystal rushed out of the smoke and dust. Most of its shell was shattered, but it didn't seem to be fatally injured, but it was even more angry.

"It's opening its mouth! Look! It's about to unleash its magic! Run! Run!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

One after another warning sounds can't change the reality of a complete fiasco at all. The crystal scorpion, which has been accumulating energy for a long time, opened its mouth, and spit out an arrow-shaped energy pulse from its mouth. The pieces of meat all over the place were not in the shape of a human being, and finally hit the rock wall of the canyon to blast a big crater.

No one can survive such an attack. Seeing that things were out of control, the captain of the guard team ran away without hesitation. As for which unlucky ghosts will die at the hands of the crystal scorpion, it depends on their own luck. It's here to make money, not to die.

A week later, the mining accident report of the Odeon Canyon appeared on Maltz's desk, which annoyed the Patriarch of the Philos family.

Leaving aside the casualties of the seventy-eight people, since the crystal scorpion came out of the ground, the mining team of the Philos family has not returned to the Odeon Canyon, and has been in a state of suspension.

The reinforcements of the guards were equipped with heavy infantry artillery and launched several counterattacks, all of which were repelled by the crystal scorpions. On the contrary, the private army of the Philos family suffered heavy casualties, their morale plummeted, and they became afraid of the crystal monsters. Under such circumstances, the mining team of the Philos family is the best reason to get paid leave.

The most important thing is that the shell-humans this time are completely different from the previously revived stupid shell-humans. This crystal scorpion is fierce and intelligent. Under the attack of heavy artillery, it chooses to lurk and hide underground. The guards had no temper at all.

Many people in the family force want Maltz to seek the support of the Emerald Collar, but if Maltz really wants to do this, he will not delay the matter for so long.

In the most important original crystal mining agreement, the original Philos family played not much important role,

Whether it is the development of crystal crafts or the guarding of the crystal factory, the Emerald Leader is in charge. The Philos family is only responsible for the trade channels and mineral vein mining in the two cities. What is the meaning of the family?

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【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

"A bunch of useless trash, how am I going to explain it to Lord Leicester now! Trash!"

Yolanda came to her husband worriedly and whispered.

"Why don't we try to let Lloyd hire Andis's mercenaries? I heard that Andis's mercenaries have a team equipped with magic equipment, maybe they can defeat the crystal scorpion."

Maltz turned his head, and his red eyes gradually calmed down after seeing the face of his eldest wife. The man pinched his brows and seriously considered his wife's suggestion.

Lloyd Fellowes was his own brother.

As the chief spy of the Philos family, Lloyd had the honor to systematically learn the combat skills of the Night's Edge at the Emerald Collar's Night's Edge training base. He is a first-class master in both lurking and camouflage.

Lloyd is the top assassin and killer among the secret agents of the Philos family. He has assassinated countless hostile forces who want to attack the members of the Philos family. He is also the patron saint of Lanxun Manor and the shadow of the Philos family.

Including the detached villa where Leicester is located, Lloyd is secretly responsible for security issues. If it weren't for Lloyd being a top fan of Leicester, Maltz had always been worried that his younger brother would be rude in front of Leicester. So I took Lloyd to meet Lester.

"Andis' gang of bandits hiding in the Great Sai Desert have done a lot of treachery and rebellion against their employers. Even among the notorious Shurima Sand Bandits, he is the smelliest and hardest rat shit. He often takes Money does not work, but kills the envoy sent by the employer,

Not to mention whether they really have a group of warriors equipped with magic equipment or not. "

"With Lloyd's ability, it shouldn't be difficult to persuade and suppress those bandits, right? If Andis is just lying, we can think of other ways."

Maltz sighed, he was just not optimistic about Andis, but still had confidence in his younger brother.

"It's also a way to let those **** who like tomb robbers try to deal with the shell people. This matter must be handed over to Lloyd to do it, so I don't worry. It's just that Lloyd has to be responsible for the crystals of Lanxun Manor and the Philos family. I’m still not at ease to let other spies take over the trade business.”

"Maltz, it's a good thing to plan for a rainy day, but it's hard to get things done if you worry too much.

Judging from the influence of our Philos family in the upper city, we don't have to be afraid of anyone at all. We just need to reduce the number of times we go out during the days when Lloyd is out.

What's more, Lord Leicester and his favorite student are living on the west side of the manor. If you really encounter trouble, I think based on your previous performance, Lord Leicester should not mind helping out. "

"Yolanda, you're right, we can't be so timid."

Finally made a decision, Maltz hugged his wife tenderly.

His wife Yolanda can be said to be the other half of his dreams. She is gentle, intellectual, full of wisdom and empathy, and is the most perfect wife.

The only problem is that Yolanda was injured in a despicable commercial assassination and could not bear children. Otherwise, he would not find a second wife. to others.

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【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

"Yolanda, you said that if I pray to Lord Leicester, can Lord Leicester find a way to help you heal your body?"

Yolanda shook her head at her distressed husband and said softly.

"Even if Lord Leicester can heal my body, this is a great favor. The Philos family can't afford it. What's more, if my body is healed and I am pregnant with your blood, I am already pregnant." How will the one-month-old sister Vicky deal with herself?"

These words made Maltz calm down again. This is indeed a very serious problem. A little carelessness will cause chaos in the family, so we must pay attention to it.

It's just that if this is the case, Yolanda suffers herself. This woman always bears the suffering alone, and refuses to speak out no matter how difficult or painful it is.

Seeing her husband's hesitation and pity, Yolanda comforted her in turn.

"Feros is a great family. Every great family must know how to dedicate themselves to the family. This is the most important motto of the Philos family."

"For my family, volunteering..."

"Exactly, if the Philos family can continue in a stable way, all of this will be worth it."

Seeing Yolanda's relieved look, Maltz felt very uncomfortable. Recalling the meeting and acquaintance of the two, the Patriarch of the Philos family still made an important decision.

"I see, thank you, Yolanda."

Knowing that her husband was relieved, Yolanda smiled.

"Okay, I won't bother you for the rest of the time. Remember to take a look at Sister Vicky after you finish your work. She is also your wife and is pregnant again. She just needs your company."

Watching Yolanda leave, Maltz sighed and ordered the spies to find his younger brother Lloyd.

After a while, a tall, capable and cold man jumped into the room from the window and appeared in the shadows, perfectly inheriting the preferences of the Night's Edge.

"Patriarch Maltz, what are your orders?"

"Put your work aside, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com I need you to go to the Dasai Desert to do something..."

The taciturn Lloyd just listened quietly, keeping his brother's instructions in mind, and then left.

Sitting on the luxurious leather bench, Maltz stroked the emerald ring finger, feeling a little distressed.

"Will Lord Leicester mind if I play some tricks? Yolanda and Miss Syndra have a very good relationship, maybe I can use Miss Syndra's mouth to let Lord Lester take action, but in that case Les My lord will definitely not be unable to see what is going on, will he be disgusted by this tactful method?"

After much deliberation, Maltz still couldn't come up with anything useful. The two are not in the same order of magnitude. It's a bit overwhelming to try to figure out the idea of ​​a legendary figure. Maltz, who was tortured by frustration, could only feel sad. Choose to give up fantasy.

"No matter what, I want to cure Yolanda's illness. This is what I owe to Yolanda. She has paid too much for this family. I can't let Yolanda be so sad. She is also qualified to be a mother.

Hey, why do you think so much, why don't I just ask Miss Syndra openly, don't play this kind of cleverness, let Miss Syndra intercede for me, whether it succeeds or not, at least I appear aboveboard. "

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【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

With a plan in mind, Maltz began to make the next step.

"Evolution Day is still more than three months away. I just take advantage of the Evolution Day to entertain Lord Leicester and Miss Syndra. There will always be a chance at that time."

(end of this chapter)

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