League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 634: Crystal Research Facility

【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

The distraught Syndra was unbelievably driven out of the villa, and it just happened to be raining heavily. The collapsed girl fell on the flower garden outside the villa, and the remorse in her heart tore her heart like waves.


Opening her eyes, Syndra sat up and wailed loudly. Within ten seconds, Lester from the next door ran into the room, came to Syndra and hugged the girl.

"Having a nightmare? It's okay, don't be afraid, the teacher is here."

Sniffing aggrievedly, Syndra hugged the man hugging her tightly, her body trembling uncontrollably.

"Teacher, I was wrong. I don't want this kind of life. I just want to be a teacher. I will work hard. Don't abandon me, okay?"

Dazed for a moment, Lester slowed down his voice and patted the **** the back.

"I just want you to experience a world that you have never experienced before, but I didn't expect it to bring you such a big psychological burden. It's because the teacher is not good. You are too young and don't know how to maintain a normal mind. The teacher wants to tell you Apologize."

"Woo woo woo..."

It took half an hour to cry out all the grievances in her heart, and Syndra, who was comforted, fell asleep again in exhaustion. This time Lester did not leave Syndra, but just sat silently on the side of the bed and held the girl's hand , his expression returned to calm.

Evelyn jumped out of Lester's shadow, and the golden vertical pupils unique to demons looked very evil.

"Master, you are so good at calculating your most beloved student like this~ This is the first time I have perfectly used the ability of nightmares. With the help of Master, I have a new understanding of dream construction."

Lester shook his head.

"Not to mention calculations, I just used the simplest and most effective way to let Syndra understand what she should do. I didn't let her live a top-notch life to make her an incompetent and charming princess, but to let her have different abilities. With the same life experience, she will eventually become the most powerful mage and a worthy warrior.

Just like love and marriage, the most perfect love and marriage must be obtained through the active intervention and control of the weak by the strong party. Both strong and weak alliances are unstable factors, and only strong and weak alliances are the most stable. Combined way.

If you want the other half to put your heart on yourself, it is simply impossible to just rely on blind love and devotion,

People have never been animals that know how to be grateful. Most people are always so stupid that they can only see the false sweetness in front of them. They are obsessed with the tenderness in their ears, but they forget that the sun that rises every day is the warmth that accompanies them the longest. Partner, that's why you need unforgettable pain to learn to be grateful,

The more priceless the long-term payment, the cheaper it will be. A selfless enthusiasm will eventually become a cold debt that is taken for granted in the eyes of the other half. It will be too late to regret when the expectation is exchanged for desperate feedback.

I don't want Syndra to become a useless person, and I don't want the extraordinary mage I have carefully cultivated to become my enemy.

I can guarantee that I will be good to Syndra for the rest of my life, and I can also let Syndra share the power I have, but I cannot guarantee that Syndra will be loyal to me for the rest of my life, so I need to do this, and I need to let Syndra understand the true who is good to her,

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【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

There cannot be any possibility of betraying me. This is the prerequisite for me to cultivate Syndra, otherwise, it would be better to just destroy it. "

"Then why don't you directly control that child with your blood, Master?"

"If I can ensure that the power of my blood will not affect Syndra's development, I really don't mind doing so."

"Tsk tsk, what a cold and charming speech~ Did you see Little Syndra, your master is a big bad wolf~"

Departing from the Groft Naval Port, the Meteor, which was loaded with the latest magic energy crystallography experimental equipment from Emerald Ling, was escorted by three warships all the way eastward, slowly approaching the Gate of the Sun, and slowed down.

The Meteor, which has undergone further strengthening and transformation, has exceeded the height limit of the Sun Gate sea gate. In order to allow the Meteor to pass smoothly, Maltz Ferros, who has already prepared, sent Piltover Law Enforcement Officer with the authority of Piltover Councilor. enforce martial law,

As the sea gates were released, the bridge connecting Zaun and Piltover rose from the middle to both ends, allowing the Meteor to sail smoothly into the naval port on the south coast of Piltover, which had a deeper draft.

The blockade of the Sun Gate lasted for a full six hours, and it was not until the Meteor left the military port again to the west that the Sun Gate resumed normal transportation.

Most of the people in Piltover and Zaun knew that the Sun Gate was blocked because Emerald brought the big guy, but they didn't know the real reason why the big guy came.

However, several hostile families learned through spies and spies that the major operation of the Sun Gate was to protect a batch of important supplies from the Emerald Territory. Got it.

After seeing the main cannon of the Meteor's mana, their restless minds suddenly calmed down. They could compete for the wealth of Piltover through commercial wars or despicable assassinations, but they didn't want to destroy their families because of stupid greed. at once.

The emerald collar is the bottom line that cannot be touched, and the more powerful and wealthy in the upper city, the more aware of this point, on the contrary, the outspoken downtown people always don't pay attention to the emerald collar.

There were no accidents or waves. The cargo unloaded by the Meteor was guarded and transported all the way to the basement of the single-family villa in the west of Lanxun Manor by Maltz's family members. Janna is on the lookout for hostility, lest a blind assailant strike unawares.

Judging from the results, such caution is a bit unnecessary, but it is a very necessary guarantee for Leicester.

"Okay, everyone, thank you for your help, and leave the rest of the work to me."

Together with the three original crystals in the explosion-proof magic box, when all the devices and instruments were placed in the predetermined positions, Lester clapped his palms to drive away,

He will not hand over the rest of the device connection and testing work to others. This set of devices is more precious than an equal weight of gold. Even a nail may damage the device.

He needs to check again to confirm that the instrument has not been tampered with before the connection can be made, and there must be no mistakes.

"Okay, you all back down."


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【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

Under Maltz's order, the dead men of Lanxun Manor exited the basement one after another.

Lester looked at Maltz and said in a low voice.

"I don't want the information here to be leaked to anyone, even if it is possible, Maltz, do you understand me?"

Maltz glanced at Syndra, then at the indifferent Lester, bowed his head and said.

"My lord, please rest assured that these people are all terminally ill. Before accepting the mission, they have explained their funeral affairs. Their families will be properly settled by the Philos family. No one will know the secrets here except me. .”

His face softened a lot, and Lester nodded.

"Be nice to their families."

Maltz had already left, understood the fate of those people just now, and Syndra, who had experienced the cruelty of the world for the first time, gritted her teeth and asked softly.

"Teacher, are they really terminally ill? Can we help them?"

Lester, who was checking the equipment, stopped and didn't look back.

"They all came here voluntarily...

Little Sindra, if the world is beautiful in your eyes, there must be someone silently protecting you from the wind and rain; if the world is cruel in your eyes, then the person who loves you the most must have gone another world,

All good things come at a price. Some people are bound to be sad when they are happy. Most of the time, we can only make one choice and go on without leaving any room. "

Syndra lowered her head, and she remembered that when she was young, every time her brother Awad laughed at her with others, she was very sad, but they were very happy.

Now that she is stronger, she still can't change the past, and she can't even bully her back, because they are her family after all, and she can only force herself to forget the pain of the past.

Now it seems that the teacher must be so helpless. The teacher who played the role of the elder brother wants to make people around him laugh and make others cry. After all, the teacher who bears this kind of pressure is also for himself. Acquainted outsiders come to hate the teacher? Wouldn't that be worse than a pig or a dog?

"Teacher, I understand."

"I'm glad you figured this out."

After experiencing the nightmare, Syndra took the initiative to ask Leicester to fire all the maids, and only kept one cook to cook some normal meals, and resumed the hard-working and studious style of life in the past.

Now is a good time for Syndra to understand that the dark side of the world is not a bad thing.

No matter who it is, there will always be times when facing all these things, as long as they can grasp the measure, the sooner this kind of thing is experienced, the better.

Syndra came directly to Lester's side, staring at the man expectantly.

"Teacher, if we work together, can we make the world less sad?"

After touching Syndra's head, Lester nodded seriously.

"If the teacher can get Syndra's help, it will be fine."

Syndra grabbed Lester's hand and hugged it tightly to her chest.

"Teacher, let me help you."

Sensing Syndra's determination, Lester smiled sincerely.

"Okay, then from now on, you will be my little assistant."

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【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

The girl's bright smile dimmed the dazzling magic lamp in the underground research room.

"Teacher, what kind of device is this? What is it used for?"

Without hesitation, he withdrew his warm right hand, and Lester stroked the connections, pipelines and gears of the precision instruments. The man refocused on the cold instruments and devices, not that they were more fleshy. Little Syndra is easy to touch, but this thing is really too precious.

These machines are a complete set of research devices designed by the technical engineers and scientists of Emerald Collar, and they are indispensable for complete operation.

With the ability of the Emerald Collar, only two sets of such devices have been produced so far. One is located in the underground military fortress of the Shimmering Silver Mountains, and the other is moved here. Due to limited materials, it is difficult to repair the damaged core components.

Whether it is possible to use the original crystal to produce a hex crystal that is stable enough to use before Jess appears depends on these instruments.

He will not interfere with the development of Piltover and Jess's great invention, but he cannot tolerate that the Emerald Leader has not been able to master the Hex technology until now, which is why he chooses to do it himself.

"This device is called [Optical Refractor], and it is used to adjust the output direction of the magic energy of the original crystal.

After the [Optical Refractor] is accurately connected with the [Magic Sustaining Device], [Element Generator] and [Energy Conversion Furnace], the energy dispersion phenomenon of the original crystal can be changed by adjusting the optical refractor, so that the oriented original crystal The energy gathers into a line, which is stably input into another suitable crystal storage medium in the form of an energy beam,

The artificial hex crystal produced by the secret factory of the Pheros family uses a similar instrument to complete the conversion process from the original crystal to the hex artificial crystal, but this instrument is more advanced than the one used in the secret factory of the Pheros family. There are many, which can be used for more subtle and precise energy crystal experiments. "

Syndra was stunned in place, obviously she knew every word, but she couldn't understand the connection.

"Teacher, I, I don't quite understand."

"It's normal not to understand, the teacher will explain to you slowly..."

The two stayed in the basement and even forgot to eat lunch. After the inspection of the instruments and the connection of the pipelines were completed, the sky had already dimmed.

The old housekeeper Smedley who was waiting alone in the hall showed no impatience. Without a maid and servants, he respectfully served an ordinary dinner prepared by the cook for the two of them.

Syndra, who had been hungry for a long time, suddenly found that no matter what she ate when she was hungry, she would feel extremely delicious.

【I'm not a princess, I'm just an ordinary peasant girl. Sure enough, this kind of life is the most suitable for me. If I keep working hard, the teacher will definitely like me more and more, right? 】

Secretly observing Lester who was dining elegantly, Syndra lowered her head, feeling more motivated and confident.

Odeon Canyon, also known as Crystal Scar Canyon, is located in the natural canyon fissure north of the Dasai Desert. The crystal mining team of the Philos family and the emerald leader garrison are located at the edge of the canyon.

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【League of Legends Millennium Warlord】【】

With the relationship between the Emerald Territory and the Noxus Empire, even with the value brought by the worthless colored stones in the canyon coveted by the Shurima warlords, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will not send troops foolishly extortion.

The reason is simple. The Emerald Leader has already reached an occupation agreement with the largest warlord in the Dasai Desert. Instead of sending troops to interfere, the big warlord will take the initiative to help the mining team of the Emerald Leader and the Philos family fight against the invaders.

You only need to give up the barren canyon area to get thousands of imperial gold coins every year. No warlord force will refuse such a profitless transaction.

In this case, the small warlord will take the initiative to let the sand bandits and bandits under him avoid the sphere of influence of the Odeon Canyon, so as to avoid friction and misunderstanding, and bring disaster.

Neither the great warlord forces nor the Noxus Empire are existences that they can provoke. From this perspective, the Shurima warlords can be considered to have enjoyed the dividends of the times and obtained the opportunity to prostitute gold coins for free.

However, this is not a good thing for the shell people who are regarded as "inorganic mineral rods" by human beings, because they are a bonus in the face of the times.

Thousands of years have passed since the shell-humans fell into a deep sleep collectively. Instead of recovering the soul inheritance of the shell-humans, they were hit hard by uninvited guests.

The human beings who once took the initiative to worship the canyon brought mechanical ground-engaging tools that made a "dong dong dong" noise to mine and destroy the rock mass of the canyon.

Once the pink-purple crystal clusters are excavated, they will not hesitate to use machines to dig out the hardest shell of the clusters, and take out the core of the clusters. The shell people who have lost their soul crystals will find it more difficult to wake up when they are weaker.

In this situation, a scorpion-like shell human crystal life opened its eyes, and made a crying sound in the core of the soul crystal's great will.

(end of this chapter)

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