The fifteen-centimeter-long toad in front of his eyes made Sistrom shiver all over his body, which was similar to the feeling he felt when he encountered the little praying mantis last time.

  His [insect intuition] once again played a strong role. The pair of thighs that Systrom was in charge of bounce accumulated huge power, and the instinct from his body urged him to bounce and escape from here.

   "[Insect Intuition] who bounces and escapes as soon as he detects danger?"

   "But this time, my intuition was counterproductive..."

   Sisterm forcibly suppresses his own [Insect Intuition] power. The derived skill [Insect Intuition] is simple and effective, which can avoid most dangers and greatly increase the survival rate of the grasshopper population.

   But this intuition obviously doesn't apply to Toad.

   If the toads of this world have the same habits as the toads of Sisterm’s previous life, playing bounce in front of the toads is definitely looking for death.

  Sisterm can guarantee that as long as he takes off now, he will be caught in the abdomen by the toad's tongue and turn into a thick water in the toad's gastric juice.

   The habits of toads and frogs, Sisterm just knows in his memory that they like moving food and have no interest in dead things.

  Sisterm seems to have kept frogs as pets in his previous life. Sometimes the breadworms he bought were very inactive or dead, and he would tie the worms with a rope to tease the frogs.

   Facing the toad in front of him, Sisterm knew that the best thing to do was to stay still, because static things were not attractive to toads.

   Forcibly suppressed the [insect intuition] that wanted him to jump away immediately, Sisterm’s abdominal breathing gradually slowed, and he entered a semi-dormant state again...

   While Sisterm was waiting for the toad to leave, the previous "ant search team" gradually came near it and the toad.

   The team of ants obviously did not find toads hidden in the pile of dead leaves, and they were still searching for possible food among the dead branches and leaves.


   The dynamic vision of the compound eyes of insects is very powerful, but the tongue of the toad is obviously faster. Systrom saw the tongue in the mouth of the toad flash away, and an ant that was about 20 centimeters away from the toad disappeared.

   Half of a dead leaf was spit out from the toad's mouth. It should have been accidentally stuck in the mouth while preying on ants with his tongue.

   The collision of the toad’s tongue with the dead leaves on the ground caused several ants to be alert. The ants increased their speed and crawled around to search for unusual places that caused the dead leaves to shake.

   But not long after, several ants were preyed by Toad’s tongue one after another. Only one ant escaped the catastrophe because of the different search directions and gradually walked away.

   Even in the face of an unreasonable and bizarre crisis, these ants did not have the slightest timidity. I don't know whether it is their low IQ or their habits.

   should be a habit.

  Sisterm recalled a scene from a documentary in his previous life. Even if faced with their natural enemies, anteaters that were thousands of times bigger than them, the ants would charge without flinching.


  The toad in front of Sisterm didn't start to leave until noon.

   During this period, the toad ate more than a dozen ants one after another, as well as a few bee-like flying insects and a huge dragonfly.

   After Toad left, Sisterm, who was out of danger, finally got a chance to eat.

   Eating and growing are the survival instincts flowing in the blood of the grasshopper, and it is also what Weststrom decided to do after thinking through the night.

  Insects like grasshoppers that rely on their fertility to survive, their survival rate during the larval stage is dozens of times lower than that of adults, so he must grow as quickly as possible and become an adult as soon as possible, so that his survival rate will be improved.

   lifted the dormant state of his body, Sisterm found a direction and jumped carefully.

The jumping of the grasshopper is somewhat similar to the feeling of a human being on a roller coaster, but the grasshopper is not a human being. During the jumping process, Sisterm feels that his body is like a machine, without any abnormalities, and can be very calm. Look at the strange things around you.

   On the first plant that jumped to, Systrom found two white flowers at the top. The flowers were about five centimeters in diameter, because they were too far away and the shape could not be seen clearly.

  Sistem decided to collect nectar when he had the idea. If he wants his body to grow quickly, he needs nutritious food, and nectar is obviously a good choice.

Not only that, Systrom also wanted to taste the taste of nectar. He can eat plant leaves that taste slightly bitter to humans like fruit, so the taste itself is very sweet and what kind of nectar he eats in his mouth. ?

  Sisterm is looking forward to it.

   On the way to the flowers, the cautious Sistem encountered five white translucent bugs. These bugs had the same six legs as him, and they should be a kind of insect.

   They are very small, only 0.2-0.3 cm, about half of his body.

   These little bugs use their unique mouthparts to destroy the wall of the plant, and at the same time they **** the wound of the plant wall and exude a slightly cloudy juice.

   They are obviously herbivorous insects that love peace, and Systrom is not polite, and directly squeezes a small bug away with a strong body to swallow the juice collected by these small bugs.

   As Sisterm had expected, this little bug was not a social insect that resembled an ant. After seeing Sisterm's strong body, the little bug squeezed away quickly escaped.

   And the other few did not pay attention to Sisterm's movements, and continued to **** the plant sap. Obviously they didn't recognize Sisterm's threat to them.

   After seeing the behavior of these little bugs, Systrom began to swallow the plant juice. The juice tastes very good, somewhat similar to the mango juice drunk in the previous life.

   just continued to **** the juice from the two bugs, and the remaining bugs all escaped. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Sisterm tried to bite the wound of the plant wall a few more times, but found that the plant wall no longer flowed juice after the bugs left. It is estimated that it is the unique ability of these bugs to let the plant wounds flow out. Some special biological mixture was injected into the plant's mouthparts.

   gave up the juice, and Systrom used the barbs on his feet to climb onto the flowers quickly.

   The flower is larger than what he observed at the bottom of the plant, about seven or eight centimeters in diameter, and resembling a chrysanthemum.

   The stamens in the center of the flower are dense and strong. Systrom tried to clean these stamens with his claws, but ultimately failed. These stamens were still too hard for his claws.

   The shallow nectar under the stamens has been sucked up by the bees. If these stamens cannot be cleaned, the deeper nectar can only rely on the straws of the butterflies.

   Helpless to leave from the two flowers, Sisterm tried to eat some mature leaves.

   The taste of mature leaves is similar to that of tender leaves, and the effect on his growth is almost the same, except that it is very laborious to chop this kind of leaves with its soft chewing teeth, and the efficiency is more than three times worse.

If you only eat these mature leaves, the speed of eating may not be as fast as the speed of digestion, which will undoubtedly make him hungry more and more. Sistemtum can only give up. It seems that you can only eat this kind of leaves. Wait for him to degenerate for the first time.

   And just in Sisterm continue to jump and observe the dangerous process.

  Sistem found hundreds of light green crystal clear worm eggs behind a leaf, and his worm head unconsciously showed a greedy look...


   The diet of grasshoppers is not just grasses. When they are troubled by hunger, they will also eat some meat, even their young ones.


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