Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 2: Bimonthly

   Not long after the level was upgraded to level 3, Systrom's sight gradually dimmed.

   The sun has set, and the sky will turn black soon.

   With the darkening of the sky and the slightly colder breeze, the sounds of insects in the forest increased. Some were crickets and some were cicadas.

   Sisterm, who was eating the young leaves, noticed that the grass in the distance was swaying irregularly, but it was difficult to see what was there with the insect compound eyes.

   Not long after, a silver-gray object emerged from the grass and moved in his direction.

  As the distance got closer, the scene in Systrom's eyes became clear. A silver-gray mouse passed under his plant and ate the rhizome of an unknown plant nearby.

  Different from the forest during the day, many insects and small animals become more active at night.

   It didn't take long for the giant silver-gray mouse to gnaw on the plant rhizome and drilled into the grass and disappeared.

   At a position less than a few tens of centimeters away from the diagonally above, Systrom spotted a black spider measuring three to four centimeters in size, releasing a silk thread floating in the wind.

   The spider releases the "search for silk thread" to make the first step of weaving a web. As long as the silk thread floats with the wind and sticks to something, it will start weaving based on this silk thread until it becomes a complete web.

  The forest at night is obviously in danger, and Systrom gave up his plan to jump to other plants in the dark to search for young leaves.

   At night, his eyesight becomes worse, and the predators obviously become more. As long as he is not paying attention, he will fall into the trap of predators.

  As a herbivorous insect, it is very uncomfortable to hide for a night hungry, but it greatly increases the chance of surviving.

  With the human intelligence quotient, he naturally can't live recklessly like an ordinary grasshopper.

   After all, what is powerful about grasshoppers is their ability to reproduce, not the ability of each individual to survive.

  Sistem used his not very sharp claw teeth to cut three very small young leaves, and decided to hide under a dead leaf on the ground tonight.

   These three tender leaves can become his snack when he is too hungry and can ease his hunger a little.

  The little grasshopper crawled from the branch of the plant to the stem of the plant very carefully, using the barbs on his feet to climb to the ground steadily...


   Branches, scattered dead leaves, and some rotten soil, the ground environment is very complicated for his soy-sized grasshopper.

   From the plant, he bit down three young leaves the size of small fingernails and found only two of them. He couldn't find the other leaf, so he could only choose to give up.

   After laboriously transporting the two young leaves under a slightly damp dead leaf, Sisterm subconsciously glanced at the night sky, his insect head humanized with a dazed look.

   The grasshopper's eyesight is very poor, he can't see things far away, he can't see exactly how many stars are shining in the night sky, but he can see two moons that are far apart in the night sky, one white and the other yellowish.

  This is not the original world anymore...

  Sistem hasn't watched the two moons in the night sky for too long. He has become a grasshopper and has lost his memory. It makes no difference whether he is in the original world.

   He quickly got into the dead leaves and quietly began to rest.

   The body of an insect is very special. Although Systrom has forgotten the name and memory of his previous life, some common sense things are still very clear in his mind.

   It is very difficult for human beings to completely stop their bodies. After a short while, their bodies will twist a few times unconsciously, while the bodies of grasshoppers are completely different.

   Sisterm lying under the dead leaves effortlessly remained motionless. He felt like a dead branch, completely still.

   Not long after, the breathing frequency and amplitude of his abdomen began to slowly weaken, gradually extending from one or two second breaths to five or six seconds, and finally took a few dozen seconds to breathe.

   This is a peculiar dormant state. After entering this state, the hunger in Sisterm's abdomen is rapidly reduced, and the whole body is like a dead thing, requiring very little energy to maintain his vital signs.

  Sistem estimated that in this state, he could last for two or three days or even longer without eating or drinking.



   With a sound of falling dewdrops, Systrom woke up completely from half asleep and half awake.

   Not long after his body entered a dormant state last night, his spirit gradually entered a half-dream and half-awake state. He felt refreshed and refreshed when he woke up. It seems that even an insect needs proper dormancy.

The weather in the early morning was a bit cold, and Systrom moved his slightly stiff body. The breathing in his abdomen quickly recovered from dormant tens of seconds to once every second, and a strong sense of hunger spread into his mind. .

   After drinking a few sips of the dew dripping from the edges of the dead leaves, Systrom began to chew the two young leaves hidden in the dead leaves yesterday to satisfy his hunger.

   After a whole night, the taste of the young leaves deteriorated, and watching the changing information on [Self-Information Generation], Systrom completely determined the law of level growth.

   So far, he has only one way to upgrade his level, and that is eating.

   Although no matter what kind of leaves he eats can alleviate his hunger, the effects of different leaves on his level increase are very different.

   And to measure which kind of leaves are effective for him, the rule is also very simple, that is the deliciousness of the leaves. Even if the leaves of the same species are different in taste due to their freshness, their effectiveness in level promotion will become different.

   "In this way, if you want this body to grow more at the same time, you must try to eat some delicious and fresh leaves."

   "However, to find delicious young leaves and leaf buds, you must find more plants, which will undoubtedly become more dangerous."

   "In my current state, there is no need to take risks at all, so the way to get food should be the same as yesterday, to ensure my safety."

   After setting up his plan of action for today, Systrom concentrated on eating the two not-so-fresh young leaves.

   Because of the increase in level, his body became larger. It didn't take long for these two young leaves to be eaten by Sisterm. The eating rate was more than twice as fast as at level 2.

   After the upgrade, his cheek teeth are stronger. Sisterm decided to try some slightly larger leaves today. If it succeeds, he won't have to waste time searching for young leaves and leaf buds.


   Sisterm who crawled out of the dead leaves quickly found a few uninvited guests near the dead leaves. There were five or six black ants measuring one centimeter in size.

   After the dark night, the life in the forest has also changed, replaced by a group of creatures that like to be active in the daytime, and the few ants in front of me are this kind of life that likes to be active in the daytime.

   Five or six black ants were very close to him, and the nearest one was less than 30 cm away. The antennae on the heads of these black ants turned back and forth, seeming to be searching for food.

   The speed of the ants was not very fast, and they did not find any grasshopper larvae crawling out of the dead leaves. Sisterm easily jumped away from the "ant search team".

   In fact, after seeing these ants, Systrom did not have any fear, and his [insect intuition] did not give him any signs of danger.

After grasshoppers hatch from their eggs, they will not be food for ants. Ants may hunt some giant lepidopteran larvae (larvae of butterflies or moths), but they will never catch a flexible ant. grasshopper.

   The main threat that Systrom faced was a hunter who would kill after a one-shot disguise like a praying mantis, or accidentally stick to the spider web.

   Or the huge creature in front of him--

  'S body is covered with brown with raised and hideous patterns, light brown constantly agitates the abdomen, a pair of round eyeballs that blink from time to time, and an extremely huge mouth.

   Because of the "search team" avoiding the ant colony, Sisterm jumped in front of the toad camouflaged in the dead leaf after three consecutive jumps.

   Toad, also known as toad, is an extremely famous insect hunter known to Sisterm.

   And now Sisterm is less than ten centimeters away from this toad.

   He even felt the moist smell from the mouth of this toad...


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