Twelve and two in the morning.

There were also some frightened Tachibana who followed Tatsuten out of the theater.

"Chen-kun, I think... I think..."

Tachibana's small hand gently tugged at the corner of Tatsuten's clothes, and he said hesitantly with a shy face.

Chen Tian looked at Lihua with a gentle face: "What do you think, Lihua?" "

I want to go to the bathroom."

Finally, some shameful words blurted out.


When Chen Tian heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"I hate it, you make fun of people."

Lihua said angrily.

"Haha, it turns out that Lihua wants to go to the toilet."

Chen Tian deliberately teased, "Then you go."

"But I'm alone... Afraid.

Looking at this empty and quiet corridor, Tachibana, who had just finished watching a horror movie, began to become a little timid again.

"Tatsukun... Can you come with me?

She asked expectantly.

Although there was some shame in this, Tachibana was really scared in her heart.

She didn't dare to go alone.

"Let's go, I'll accompany you."

Chen Tian pulled Lihua towards the toilet.

The lights in the toilets are dim.

Lihua's heart was pounding, as if he was about to jump out of his heart, and as he got closer and closer to the toilet, Lihua's face became hotter and hotter.

"Chen-kun, I..."

Chentian made a silent gesture.

"Be careful if someone is present, if someone finds out. Tachibana, you're about to get out of trouble.

Lihua immediately shut up and followed Chen Tian into the men's toilet very well-behaved.

The moment you walk in, Tachibana's tailor-made urinal for men is impressively displayed.

Her expression gradually turned to curiosity, and her mouth opened slightly into an "O" shape.

"It turns out that the men's toilet looks like this~

" Tachibana looked at Chentian with a blushing face, and muttered, "No wonder you boys are standing." "

Hehe, okay."

Chen Tian smiled, casually walked to an unmanned pit, opened the door for Tachibana, and said, "Go in, don't be afraid." I'll just stand here waiting for you. "

Hmm~ Then it's troublesome for Chenjun."

After Lihua finished speaking, he cautiously got in.

Chentian was waiting outside.

About five or six minutes passed.

Chen Tian suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him, and he looked at the toilet door with a slight frown.

I saw a figure dressed in white and with a cloak that looked like a woman lying at the door, slowly crawling here in Chentian.

"What's that?"

"Pretending to be a ghost."

This kind of scene had no effect on Chen Tian, who had swallowed the Dragon Spirit Tiger Fierce Pill.

You must know that this elixir has brought more than just physical enhancement and a hundred years of strength to Chentian.

And guts!

The current Chen Tian can be described as full of courage, and he is really not afraid of these strange scenes at all.

Even if it's true, he can rely on his own set of pure love skill combinations to give this kind of Ah Piao a physical transcendence!



The moment the woman looked up, Chen Tian also saw her facial features clearly.

Her pupils were the color of fish belly white, and her pitch-black nails were three inches long, which looked shocking.

Her face was even pale, and you could even see the bulging green tendons under her skin, as if they were wriggling like earthworms.

And her body is even more skinny, like a skeleton.

"Why does this guy look a bit like Mako Yamamura in the movie?"

Under such a close observation, Chen Tian did feel a little similar.

This woman's face was extremely hideous, and when she looked at Chen Tian, she showed an excited expression, stretched out her tongue and licked her lips.


At this time, Tachibana's voice came from the toilet.

"I'm alright, let's go."

In the next second, Tatsuten and Mako looked at the door that was about to be opened by Tachibana at the same time.


Unexpectedly, Chen Tian directly reached out and closed the door again, this action made Mako stunned for a second, she tilted her head to look at Chen Tian.

"Chen-kun, why did you lock the door?"


"There's a ghost!"

Chen Tian made a gesture of boos.

"Huh? Are there ghosts?

Lihua was frightened when he heard Chentian's words.

"Don't be nervous."

"It's a pervert, when I beat her away, you come out again."


Tachibana in the toilet thought that Tatsuten was talking about people.

So she waited on the sidelines, and when Chentian was done, she went out again.

This man says I'm a pervert?

Hearing this, a series of question marks suddenly appeared in Mako's head.

I'm a terrible ghost!

Can't you see that?

At this time, Mako suddenly opened her pitch-black mouth towards Tatsuten, and she wanted to scare to death the human in front of her who looked down on her.

But she was wrong, and Chen Tian was not only not frightened.

He even gave himself a backhand slap.

Smack -

Chen Tian slapped Mako directly and stunned.

On Mako's face that was fanned by Chentian, a series of black smoke directly rose out.


Suddenly, a cry came out of Mako's mouth.

"Why are you still crying?"

Tachibana in the toilet looked puzzled.

But listening to this cry is not like a man's voice, but more like a woman's voice.

There seems to be a hint of grievance in this cry, which is pitiful.

"Cry, you hemp sell!"

Tatsuten realizes that this is Mako's mental attack in order to confuse his mind.

He kicked the woman in the abdomen, and another puff of black smoke rose, and Mako wailed in pain again.


Lihua was almost dumbfounded, what was going on with Chenjun?

Isn't it a pervert?

Or, is the other party a female pervert?

Chenjun is beating a woman!

"Chenjun, since the other party is a woman, it's almost enough."

Tachibana, who is separated from Chentian and a female ghost through a door, persuaded loudly.

Silly girl, she's not a woman, she's a female ghost~

Chentian was a little helpless, but he couldn't tell Tachibana the truth like that.

A girl who is afraid to even watch horror movies, if she sees a female ghost appear in the toilet with her own eyes, she must not

be scared alive and faint.

"Na~ Don't worry. It's going to be good right away. "

I'll let you come out and come out again."

"Oh, got it."

After getting Tachibana's response, Tatsuten took a step towards Mako, who was sitting against the toilet wall.

"Realm Unfolding, Pure Love Power"

Chen Tian directly opened the realm of pure love, and two golden light clusters suddenly wrapped his hands.

Next, 200 out of 100 critical damage.

Mako, can you bear it?

Mako looked at Chentian, who was approaching him step by step, and her delicate body began to tremble.

However, what scared her the most was the power of pure love wrapped in Chentian's hands.

If this energy hits herself, she can't break it?

Thinking of this, Mako hurriedly turned around and crawled towards the outside of the toilet.

She had to go back to the dry well while the big screen in the theater was still off.

"Want to run? Dream. "

How can Chentian do what Mako wants.

If he lets Mako go today, I don't know how many people will die in the cinema in the future.

In order to carry out the idea of pure love and peace to the end.

Even if it is a supernatural creature like Mako, Tatsuten will not let her go.

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