Each blow was heavy on Tachibana's heartstrings, and this time not only her body, but her heart trembled fiercely, and Tatsuten held her little hand tightly.

At this moment, a picture of a wilderness appeared on the screen facing the two of them.

In a yellowed forest sits a traditional Japanese-style house, a Japanese-style room.

In the corridor of the Japanese-style room, there stood a woman dressed in white, her hair scattered to cover her face, making it impossible to see her face clearly.

The woman's skin was very white, miserable and pale, as if she had lost too much blood.

There was a dead aura all over her body, and even through the screen, she could vaguely feel the thick aura of death.

At this moment, the woman stretched out her five fingers, pointed her palms at the camera, and her lips squirmed.

There seemed to be something wrong with her brain.

At this time, the picture suddenly changed.

The door to the Japanese-style room opened, and a middle-aged man with gray hair stepped out of it.

He looked at the girl with an angry face and scolded her directly.

even punched and kicked, but no matter how he beat the woman, the woman remained silent, until when the man was tired, she took the initiative to send her face and let the other party beat, and did not even dodge.


It wasn't until the middle-aged man left that the woman let out a wail.

Because of the beating by the middle-aged man, the woman's clothes were even more messy, and the exposed parts were bruised.

She just stood in place, watching the middle-aged man leave.

It wasn't until he disappeared that she came back to her senses and straightened out the bangs scattered on her forehead.

But it's okay if she doesn't tidy it up, and after this tidying up, she immediately startled Lihua.

Just because....

The woman's eyeballs were turned upward, and the pupils took on the shape of a black hole, as if someone had gouged out a piece.

Seeing this, Lihua covered his mouth, his face was full of horror, and even his eyes widened a lot.

It's terrible~

"No, I want Chenjun's hug."

In order to alleviate the fear in his heart, Lihua once again got into Chentian's arms and hugged him tighter.

Chen Tian felt Lihua's trembling, smiled, stroked her hair, and gently patted her back.

"It's okay, I'm by your side."

Chen Tian's words, like a calming elixir, made Lihua regain his composure.

"I... I want to sit on your lap.

"Haha, okay, whatever you want."

Chentian hugged a princess and hugged Lihua to her lap.

Lihua's shy cheeks became even hotter.

At this time, she raised her head and looked at Chen Tian: "Thank you."

Chen Tian smiled and said, "You're welcome.

"Chenjun, this film is too terrifying. Let's stop looking, right?

Looking at the woman walking towards the dry well in the picture, Lihua said with some shudders.

Chen Tian glanced at the woman in the picture: "It's going to be gone soon, let's look at it for a while." "

Oh... Okay, I'll accompany Chen-kun. "


Lihua was lying in Chentian's arms obediently, but her attention this time was not on the movie, but on the Brother Kun under her.

As if sensing something, Tachibana's cheeks turned even redder.

"Chen-kun, you..."

Chen Tian looked at the beautiful woman in his arms.

"What's the matter, does Tachibana feel uncomfortable sitting?"

"No, it's... It's very comfortable.

Tachibana is wearing an apricot-colored V-neck dress tonight, with a simple and elegant design, with her snow-white slender jade arms and delicate collarbones, which looks charming and seductive, especially the curve of her breasts, which outlines a perfect S-shape, which makes people inevitably reverie.

Especially at this moment, her lower abdomen is being gently hugged by Chen Tian from behind, and the bodies of the two are almost zero distance contact.

This move made Tachibana shy but excited.

Her two slender lotus arms gently clinged to Chentian's shoulders, and her delicate body was close to Chentian.

Lihua could even smell the strong masculine aura on Chentian's body.

She was a little obsessed, and something suddenly came to mind in her mind: "Chen-kun, I..."

Chen Tian whispered in her ear, "Bear with me a little longer." "


Tachibana didn't expect her mind to be guessed by Chentian, and she was immediately ashamed.

Her pretty face is even more fiery.

At this time, the movie has also shown the woman walking to the well and bending down to look at the scene below.

The well was pitch black, and there was no bottom in sight.

It's like the mouth of an abyss that devours everything.

Immediately after that, the film cuts to the scene outside the well, where the woman who is poking her head into the well does not seem to know that the middle-aged man who beat her has appeared behind her.

"What does he want to do?"

Tachibana had such a question in her head.

Her breath was held as well, and her eyes widened.

Next second!

The middle-aged man actually pushed the woman directly into the well.

At first, the woman's legs were still struggling, and she tried to resist, even trying to escape from the well, but how a thin woman could be the opponent of a stout middle-aged man, soon fell silent in the darkness.

Seeing this, Lihua's heart was beating wildly, and his face was pale.

"That man, so vicious!"

Lihua said hatefully.

"Tachibana, you don't understand."

"Huh? Chen-kun, what do you mean by that?

"Because you didn't see the whole thing, you don't know what happened."

Chen Tian said seriously, "Every detail, every angle, and even every line in this film has great flaws.

"But if you look closely, the message it expresses is a very important clue."

Tachibana nodded as if she didn't understand, "That Tatsuna-kun... What's your point of view?".

"My point is that it was this woman who used her superpowers to control the middle-aged man and make him kill herself."


"That's right."

"Didn't you notice, this hard-working girl named Mako Yamamura, she shows a weird smile every time she looks at someone else~

" "And..."

Chen Tian paused.

"And then?"

Tachibana asked, like a curious baby.

"Then, the person she looked at will be like a different person in the next second."

Chen Tian continued to tell the plot of the movie, analyzing everyone's expressions and eyes.

Lihua listened with relish.

"The woman has that weird smile when she makes eye contact with someone, and her eyes are full of hatred, and her body is full of death, resentment, despair, and other negativity."

"I see!"

"I see!"

At this time, the movie has also come to an end.

I saw that several children were holding an old video tape in their hands, and then took it home and inserted it into their own video recorder.

The video recorder emitted a slight electric sound, and after the picture flickered a few times, the picture of a dry well suddenly appeared in front of the eyes of several people.


was also at this time that the child's landline phone rang.

The children looked at the landline with a puzzled expression, and one of them slowly got up and walked over to answer the phone.

"Moses Moses?".

But the teenager's question waited for a long time and no one answered.

And then... Seven days passed.

Someone died mysteriously!

"Remember! Never answer the phone at midnight. Because it's probably a bell!"

At this point, the movie comes to an end.

PS: It can't be astringent~

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