"Anyway, don't worry, just teach you."

Moonlight: "Okay, Luo Shang, I'll trust you."

"Our second ban is sure to be given to Shield Mountain, right?"

Luo Shang: "That's right, don't hesitate, just give it to Shield Mountain."

Having said that, on the side of the AG Super Play Club, the second ban was also quickly set, and it was directly given to Dunshan.

The first round of bans for both sides was used up.

sk still didn't understand Moonlight's plan.

However, he didn't mess up at all.

When it was the eStarPro's turn to grab someone on the first floor, sk simply said, "Come on, let's lock the mirror on the first floor, don't hesitate."

"it is good."

Huahai also seemed very happy and responded very vigorously.

When it's the turn of the ag super game club.

Luo Shang also smiled: "Come on, brothers, we will directly lock Ma Chao Aguduo on the first and second floors. When sk sees it, he will definitely be mad, hahaha."

Moonlight: "That's right, hahaha, you lock it, I'll just stare at sk to see how he looks?"

Having said that, the AG Chao Play Club also quickly locked Ma Chao Aguduo.

Then, there was a group of people looking at the opposite stage sk with great interest.

On eStarPro's side, after seeing that agchao play will backhand lock Machao Aguduo.

Sure enough, sk's face changed immediately.


"This wave of moonlight routines me!"

"He didn't want Luo Shang to change positions when he changed people. He did it to fight Aguduo."

"I! "

sk was so angry that he lost the bp book in his hand on the spot o


sk is very angry.

He was angry with himself for being too simple, and was actually tricked by the moonlight.

Huahai: "Ah this."

All eStarPro members were somewhat silent.

No one thought that AG Chaowan would backhand out a hand of Ma Chao and Agudo for them.

As we all know, Luo Shang beat Ma Chao in his first game.

In that hand, Ma Chao played quite brutally, and Ma Chao had a double-five kill in one round.

You don't have to think about it, it's simply too powerful.

However, they didn't pay attention, and they were actually tricked by the moonlight, and released Luo Shang's outrageous Ma Chao.

All of a sudden, the pressure on all eStarPro members increased sharply.

Adjusted my mind.

sk: ", "It's okay, let's continue bp, this time, I was really caught by the moonlight routine, my problem."

"However, we can't let Ag Chao play take this lineup too comfortably."

"Come on, let's focus on Sun Bin first on the second and third floors. Anyway, we absolutely cannot give this Sun Bin."

"Donghuang Taiyi and the others have banned it, then we will use Zhang Liang in the middle to restrict Luo Shang's Ma Chao."

"What do you think?"

sk is also an old coach.

He has a lot of experience on the field.

The mentality adjustment is also very fast.

The first time, is to make their own judgments.

Now that they have been played by AG Chao, they also asked them to take out this Ma Chao Aguduo.

On their eStarPro side, there is no other way. They can only find a way to restrain themselves, and at the same time dismantle the Ma Chao Agudo lineup of the ag super game club.

Otherwise, they would have no way to fight.

Qingrong: "I think it's ok, but I think maybe Xishi is better than Zhang Liang."

"I'm confident that I can catch Luo Shang's Ma Chao."

"Comparatively speaking, for Luo Shang's Ma Chao, I think Xishi may be more useful than Zhang Liang."

Who is Qingrong?

King Xishi!

If it were someone else, he might not have the confidence to go fishing for Luo Shang's Ma Chao.

He only dared to take out Zhang Liang and come to control Luo Shang's Ma Chao.

However, Qingrong, the King of Xi Shi, who has the FMVP of Xi Shi, he has absolute confidence, and he took out this hand of Xi Shi to specifically target Luo Li.

sk thought about it for a while and considered it in combination with the actual situation.

He nodded in agreement: "Okay, then I'll give you Xi Shi."

"Ziyang, what do you think of Sun Bin?"

Ziyang: "I think it's possible. It can dismantle the opposing lineup and get the most comfortable lineup if you don't let AG Chao play."

"At the same time, Sun Bin's ultimate move is silent. I think it can also limit Ma Chao at a critical time."

"There is also Sun Bin's second skill that can raise blood."

"Used well, it can also effectively limit Ma Chao."

Ziyang also has a lot of his own understanding of support.

At this moment, in his understanding, it is to take out (of Li Zhao) this hand Sun Bin.

Not only can it dismantle the lineup of the AG Super Play Club, but it can also restrain Luo Shang Ma Chao to a certain extent.

It can be said that it is quite good.

sk: "Okay, then don't hesitate, let's lock Xijiu Sun Bin directly on the second and third floors, okay?"

Having said that, on the eStarPro side, the second and third floors also directly locked Xishi's Sun Bin.

Come to the side of the ag super game club.

Moonlight: "Good guy, Luo Shang, you are really right."

"SK's face is ugly. He chose to tear down our lineup and grab Sun Bin first."

"Also, I thought sk would take out Zhang Liang to restrict your Ma Chao."

"I didn't expect you to be right again, and I really gave Qing Rong a hand to restrain you."

Luo Shang: "That's necessary. To be honest, King Xishi of Qingrong."

"In this round, Qing Rong took out Xi Shi, and I was somewhat stressed."

"Be careful."

Luo Shang nodded, but there was really no surprise on his face.

for him.

It was almost already guessed that sk would probably give Qing Rong a xi shi.

After all, relatively speaking, if Qing Rong took out Xi Shi, it would definitely be better for his Ma Chao than taking out Zhang Liang.

Not because of anything else, but because of King Xishi of Qingrong!

At this point, before the finals started, Luo Shang had watched a lot of videos, focusing on studying the Qing Rong Xi Shi.

Knowing that he is strong, that's why there is such a judgment.

Moonlight: "It's not easy. It's the first time I've heard that someone can bring pressure."

"It seems that you attach great importance to Qingrong."

Luo Shang: "I'll tell the truth, Qing Rong's strength is very strong. I have studied his Xi Shi, but I have no solution."

"Of course, our Jiucheng is also very strong, not losing to Qingrong."


At the end, Luo Shang couldn't help but laugh righteously.

The last sentence, truth is the embodiment of pure emotional intelligence.

The emphasis is on Jiucheng, who knows everything.

The two hundred and twenty-eighth chapter is about to start, everyone is looking forward to it

Moonlight: "Yes, Luo Shang, this wave of emotional intelligence is full."

Jiucheng: "Yes, yes, this wave, it's not a waste of time for me to blow you for so long."

cat: "As expected of you, Luo Shang!"

Ah Ze: "High EQ, Luo Shang!"


Chuchen: Eight.

Luo Shang: "Hahaha."

Moonlight: "Okay, let's stop talking, this time, we'll make sure to use an alternate assistant on the third floor to lock Guiguzi?"

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