Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2454: Backtracking in time and space

"Is he Rhodes? Unexpectedly, that necromancer also has a cute side."

Using the unique magic of the Holy Female Dragon to travel through Rowling's memory, Messika saw Rowling when she was a baby, and she was also a baby with her. She looked very helpless and could only Rhodes, who expressed his thoughts with tears, couldn't help joking.

"...Could it be that someone is very powerful from birth?" Rowling said helplessly, subconsciously defending Rhodes.

"Of course." As if thinking of something, Messika's expression became serious, but she did not continue.

Rowling blinked, and soon turned her gaze to the two babies not far away.

Rowling has always had many doubts in her heart as to why she can become a hero. In her opinion, Rhodes is undoubtedly more suitable for the status of a hero than her. Perhaps this doubt can be solved now.

"I remember that your hero's specialty is Wisdom." Mercija seemed to have thought of something, glanced at Rowling and said, "The specialty of natural heroes is closely related to the process of their awakening. As for Wisdom... I'm curious why you There will be such a heroic specialty."

Rowling was silent. At this moment, she suddenly turned over when she was a baby, and unconsciously hit Rhodes's face with her entire arm.

The baby Rhodes made a loud cry, but Rowling didn't realize that, her hands were still there until Rhodes couldn't breathe and began to struggle slightly, but it seemed to have no effect, instead the breathing became weaker and weaker.

Seeing this, Rowling couldn't help but be slightly worried, she tried to reach out and took her hand off the tip of Rhodes' nose, but found that she couldn't touch her baby self at all: "Brother, he won't have any problems, right? "

Messika showed a can't help laughing look: "This is just something in your memory, of course he will be fine, don't you think he is living well now?"

Hearing this, Rowling breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't want to cause Rhode any trouble because of herself. If what happened in front of him affected everything in Rhodes' future, then Rowling would not be able to accept it.

But at this moment, Rowling seemed to realize something, and said with a startled expression: "Prophet Mexica, you said that this is the magic that the holy female dragon once cast, and she also has a field corresponding to magic. Does that mean that What, the Holy Female Dragon has the ability to change what has happened?"

Looking at Rhodes as a baby, Rowling also had a terrible thought in her heart. Rhodes in this period did not have the stalwart power in the future, he was just a baby without any ability, any ordinary person could easily kill him.

If this thing really happens, Rowling can't imagine what will happen in the future, I'm afraid that the entire history of the main plane, and those necromancers, will change because of this incident.

"Have you found the problem? As expected of a hero specializing in Wisdom, it seems that letting you inherit my prophecy card is one of the few things I have done right." Messika said with a slight smile.

"What kind of power is that?" Rowling asked with some doubts.

"Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to that question either." Messika sighed, "The holy female dragon fell very early. Except for those spells and some lost records, no creature knows her true nature. Ability. However, after my investigation, I can roughly infer that she has a time-related field that can change what happened in the past, and the world we live in now is also the result of her change."

"The power to change the past..." Rowling's face was shocked. It was almost an invincible power. Any enemy will have a weak moment. If they can be killed when they are weak, they will be killed directly. How powerful that person is, it is meaningless at this moment.

Looking at the baby Rhodes on the side, all kinds of insights emerged in Rowling's mind. Before she could think clearly, she heard Messika say: "Unfortunately, her power is still not as good as the Destiny Domain on the Stigmata. Things that are destined cannot be changed even by going back to the past, including her own death. Only a hero has the ability to change all of this."

Rowling looked at Messika respectfully. Her teaching has benefited Rowling a lot. If it wasn't for the prophet's words, Rowling would never have known that there is such power in the holy female dragon: "Thank you for your teaching. , Prophet Messiah."

Messika shook her head: "My biggest regret is not being able to engrave the power of the holy female dragon in the prophecy card. She should be the trump card in my hand. But fortunately, there is still you, that set of prophecies. The card is now yours, I hope you can engrave the Holy Female Dragon as an ace's entrustment, Rowling said in a puzzled way: "But...I haven't seen it before. Holy female dragon, there is no way to engrave her into the prophecy card. "

"You will have this opportunity." Messika said mysteriously, "Someone has the supreme bloodline of the holy female dragon flowing in her body. She inherited the power belonging to the holy female dragon, but she didn't realize it. You know who she is."

Hearing this, Rowling immediately realized the problem and opened her mouth in surprise: "Inherited the power of the Holy Female Dragon... Are you referring to Inota?"

At this moment, Rowling couldn't help but stretch out her hand to support her forehead. She couldn't imagine the situation where Inota got that power. It was like putting a world-destroying artifact into the hands of a naughty child. I'm afraid it won't work. How long will the world collapse because of her.

"Inota? No, she can't use that power, at least not until she becomes the real dragon king, I mean Moriel, the dragon Moriel." Merciga pointed out the mistake in Rowling's words .

"Moriel!?" Rowling was stunned. Of course she knew who Morier was. She had heard that unique name from Rhodes more than once. It was the king of the underground world and the master of the dragon. , and at the same time, he is the undead enemy of Rhodes.

For Rowling, this result is undoubtedly worse. If Moriel completely masters this power, neither Rhodes, Inota, or Rowling himself will be able to face Morrill's pursuit from the past. , what awaits them will be complete death, or her enslavement from the beginning, with no future events at all.

"When you meet Moriel, don't forget to engrave her in your prophecy card."

Messika seemed to think of something and reminded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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