Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2453: Dragon Heart

"Lord Moriel, that Rhode rejected your negotiation proposal, and he also threatened to..."

In front of the majestic big red dragon, the sorcery messenger was carefully reporting the news, for fear that he would say something wrong and offend the giant dragon in front of him.

"What did he say?" Da Honglong suppressed the anger in his heart and asked.

"He said that you should be careful, lest the dragon skin on your body be robbed..." The sorcery messenger trembled as he repeated Rhode's words, for fear of making the big red dragon angry because of his offense.

The big red dragon let out a roar, and was about to spit out a fiery dragon breath, burning the magic messenger in front of her to ashes, but she finally endured it. She knew that the source of her anger was not the messenger in front of her, but the messenger in front of her. It was the abominable necromancer: "Rod! You damned fellow, if you fall into my hands, I will definitely make your life worse than death! Let you understand what real pain is!"

"Lord Moriel, it seems that Rhode saw through your plan." Xilika, a powerful and powerful magician, said at this moment, "In this case, we should take the initiative to attack."

"Xilika is right." The sorcerer Ajiette added actively, holding a dried human head in his hand, and several different battlefields were projected in the empty eye sockets of the head, "Lord's The main force was besieged by the mages in the east of Bracada, and even the angels helped the mages, and he himself was attacking the hinterland towns of Bracada in order to resolve the predicament. The battle with the college mages in the south also scattered his Forces, he is no longer able to handle the situation west of Bracada."

The whole body is blue, as if there is a minotaur with lightning around, and he can't help but let out a few grins: "That's it! He occupied Trith City to create obstacles for us in the west, and now we should let him taste the power! Lord Moriel , please order, we will give that necromancer a hard lesson."

Listening to the advice of his subordinates, an astonishing divine light also erupted in Moriel's dragon eyes: "That **** Rhode would never have imagined that the fierce battle between him and the mage would only cost us in the end. Daxdo, You led the alien army and expanded the land we occupied to the City of Wind and Snow, Xilika, you led the other magicians to assist him, and took away all the facilities belonging to the mages, the future of that snowy area must be ours!"

The nearby generals took orders one after another, and Moriel's eyes were also on another person.

That person was Jadet, who was once heavily used by Moriel and had a prominent position among the sorcerers, but all of this dissipated with his death.

Under Rhodes' ultimate lightning, Jadet was only affected and lost his life in an instant. Now, as a death knight, he is working for Moriel again. Unfortunately, undead creatures are always not treated so well. See, his status has dropped a lot, not to mention Rhodes, who still has the ability of the dark holy word.

"Jedette, you lead the Red Dragon Legion to clean up the undead creatures in the city of Tris, even if you use the dragon's breath to raze the entire town to the ground."

Fortunately, Moriel still gave him full trust and gave him this not-so-difficult task.

"Dragon King Moriel, I will definitely complete the task you gave me." Jedette said respectfully.

"Mr. Moriel... It seems that something is not right. I saw the Golden Dragon General Lacante." At this time, Ajit, who used the power of evil eyes to peep at the battlefield, seemed to have found something and took the initiative to report to Moriel.

"Isn't he transformed into an undead creature?" Moriel seemed to remember something, and Long Tong narrowed slightly.

Ajiette shook his head in a panic: "It doesn't seem like this, Lord Moriel, the evil eye told me that Lacante is still alive. That abominable golden dragon, he betrayed you, the Dragon King, he betrayed the underground. world."

"It's impossible..." Moriel's dragon pupils shrank, and it belonged to her bloodline command, which was a power that all dragons could not resist, and no dragon could betray Moriel.

No... Moriel seemed to realize something, her face sank, there seemed to be a giant dragon that could defy her bloodline order, that was a fairy dragon following Rhodes. With the help of Rhodes, the fairy dragon took away the artifact that belonged to Moriel, and the artifact contained the gift of the holy female dragon.

Not only that, but in the later confrontation with Rhodes, due to a moment of carelessness, under the deterrence of the ball of destruction, Moriel had to give up another artifact, the Dragon Blood Bottle, and was able to escape.

According to legend, when the two artifacts that belong to the holy female dragon are paired together, they will show extremely wonderful effects, but it is a pity that Moriel cannot experience And all of this is the fault of that Rhodes. , if it wasn't for his obstruction, I'm afraid those two artifacts would have already fallen into Morril's hands.

Thinking of this, fiery anger rose in Moriel's heart, and the terrifying coercion belonging to the Dragon King burst out from her body. Now that fairy dragon has used the power in those artifacts to take away her own dragon, how can she endure it? She could not wait to tear the fairy dragon and Rhodes to pieces together.

Taking a deep breath, in a trance, Morril's mind couldn't help but flash a few fragments of memories that she had long forgotten.

It was in a dark and cramped underground, with unbearable humidity, which made Moriel in her infancy cry uncontrollably.

In a trance, the flames seemed to ignite the sky, and a behemoth revealed its body in the firelight. It was a huge black dragon. He glanced around with the eye-catching dragon pupils, and the creatures below were already frightened and fled everywhere.

For some reason, looking at the oppressive giant dragon, Moriel's heart seemed to be at peace, the crying stopped, and it was replaced by giggling, and she stretched out her baby's tender white hand, as if to make the giant dragon. Hold it in the palm of your hand.

To become a dragon was the most ardent desire buried in the heart of baby Moriel.

Incomparably pure, without any impurity yearning, it has also made Moriel no longer ordinary, and the name that belongs to her will be resounding in the entire underground world in the future, and she has indeed done so.

After becoming a giant dragon, Moriel soon ushered in the second awakening of her heroic will. She not only wanted to become a giant dragon, but also to become the king of all giant dragons, conquering the whole world with her giant dragons.

Now, knowing that Rhodes and his fairy dragon dared to openly confront herself as the king of giant dragons, how could Moriel not be angry in her heart? She vowed to make Rhodes pay a price he could not imagine.

(End of this chapter)

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