There are so many cultivators, so many powerful cultivators, and how many can be the masters of the palace.

Moreover, Liu Jiang is still the director, and he is far from the palace master.

After that, Liu Jiang and Su Xiaoxiao strolled around the front and back yard of the house.

"My lord, this house is so beautiful. Look at the window and the door. It looks so beautiful."

"My lord, look at the small garden in the yard. We can plant some flowers here."

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the house with excitement and excitement on his face, chatting like a little yellow oriole.

This house, in her eyes, is of great significance.

This is a gift Liu Jiang gave her, and it is her little family.

"Sir, which room do we live in?" Su Xiaoxiao took Liu Jiang's hand and asked for Liu Jiang's opinion.

"You can do whatever you like." Liu Jiang smiled gently.

"Then the one on the left. The light is better and warmer, and it will be quite comfortable to live in." Su Xiaoxiao took Liu Jiang into a bedroom.

"This bed is so big, and the mattress is so soft." Su Xiaoxiao leaped on the bed and jumped a few times before saying, "My lord, you can try it."

Liu Jiang tried it and found that it was indeed quite soft.

Afterwards, he lowered his head and looked at Su Xiaoxiao.

Su Xiaoxiao's skin is supple and tender, with bright eyes and white teeth, a small nose and pink mouth, which is really beautiful.

"My lord..." Su Xiaoxiao looked at Liu Jiang and looked at him, her small face was instantly pink, and her blushing face was even more alluring.

Even though she was shy, she looked a little expectant, which made her even more alluring.

Bowing his head, Liu Jiang kissed the alluring little mouth of the fairy.

Two hours later, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't bear the waves of attacks, and he fell asleep just after the battle.

Holding Su Xiaoxiao in his arms, Liu Jiang began to refine the soul-quenching fruit.

In two hours, Su Xiaoxiao gave Liu Jiang thirty thousand desires, thirty thousand joys, and twenty thousand loves.

Refining three soul-quenching fruits, the range of soul perception has increased to 2,710 meters.

Then, the energy fruit is refined.

Cultivation base, golden four-star peak (92/130).

"Teleport fruit, there are three too."

Liu Jiang looked at the blue fruit on the treasure tree, and he was very happy.

After eating the teleport fruit, it can teleport within a certain range for three minutes.

Although he hasn't used it yet, his instinct tells him that the effect of teleporting fruit must be extremely powerful.

Liu Jiang tilted his head and gently kissed Su Xiaoxiao's pretty face.

Su Xiaoxiao subconsciously took a finger and gently scratched the place where he had just been kissed.

"Hehe..." Liu Jiang smirked twice.

Two minutes later, Liu Jiang walked out of the room, took a silver coin to Wang Xiaocui, and said, "Make Xiaoxiao some delicious food, and after Xiaoxiao wakes up, tell her that I have something tonight and I may not be able to come back. ."

"Okay, my lord." Wang Xiaocui nodded respectfully.

After leaving, Liu Jiang changed his appearance, put on a brocade dress, and began to frantically brush his emotions.

One afternoon, Liu Jiang spent fifteen thousand taels of silver, frantically brushing 132 energy fruits.

After finding a free time, after refining, Liu Jiang's cultivation level has been improved again, reaching the golden five-star middle stage (94/140).

When Liu Jiang was about to have a banquet, Liu Qing unexpectedly came to Sanjiangling again and found him.

"You have five golden stars." When Liu Qing saw Liu Jiang, he felt that Liu Jiang's temperament had improved a lot, and then used Perception Technique to perceive it, and he was shocked to discover that Liu Jiang's cultivation level had actually improved again.

Actually, gold has five stars.

This is simply incredible.

You know, he is also the proud son of heaven, but now he is 158 years old and he is only six golden stars.

But Liu Jiang was only 17 years old, and he was actually a five-star gold star. He somewhat doubted whether he was a trash.

"I broke through accidentally." Liu Jiang shrugged and smiled cheerfully.

Liu Qing's mouth twitched slightly.

Break through accidentally?

What a **** word of tiger and wolf.

My **** wants to break through accidentally.

I have been stuck with six gold stars for five full years.

Liu Qing looked at Liu Jiang bitterly, quietly, and contributed more than 20,000 envy and jealousy to Liu Jiang, as well as 20,000 resentment.

"Are you really getting the hang of it?" Liu Qing asked.

"Yeah." Liu Jiang nodded.

Liu Qing sighed: "Keep your eyes on you, you kid, you are too powerful, but you are too powerful, too powerful to make people worry. I feel that your potential may even surpass the five great arrogances. I am afraid of the high-level monsters. After knowing that you are resuscitated, I will target you. I just brought you the secret technique to hide the cultivation base. You should practice it and hide the cultivation base."

With that, Liu Qing took out a booklet and handed it to Liu Jiang.

Liu Jiang took the booklet and began to read it.

Liu Qing reminded: "This secret technique, called Wither Wood Jue, is successful, but it can completely hide the cultivation base, even the perception technique can't detect it.

When you cultivate to the realm of transformation, you can control your own cultivation level at will. If you want to be high, you can be high, and you want to be low. "

"Is it so powerful when you cultivate to the realm of transformation?" Liu Jiang asked curiously.

"However, it is very difficult to practice secret techniques. It is quite difficult to practice successfully. It is even more difficult to reach the heavens if you cultivate to the state of transformation." Liu Qing said cheerfully.

"Oh." Liu Jiang uttered a loud voice, but decided when he must brush a wave of grievances and cultivate it to the realm of transformation.

"By the way, I came here mainly to get you a dead wood decision, and to tell you that the deputy palace master has been troubled again, but you can rest assured that your cultivation resources, my Liu clan will It is provided to you on a regular basis. The most important thing for you now is to secretly accumulate and improve your cultivation level. Once your cultivation level is higher, it will be easier to perform meritorious service. You are planning the position of deputy hall master."

"I see." Liu Jiang nodded, feeling a little warm in his heart, and the feeling of support from someone behind it was really good.

"By the way, Uncle Qing, there is a banquet here in the evening. I will invite all the senior cultivators from Sanjiang to have a meal and make friends. Come and join us." Liu Jiang said.

"Okay." Liu Qing nodded heavily. He didn't care much about the banquet. He mainly wanted to set up a place for Liu Jiang. He wanted to tell everyone how much his Liu clan attached to Liu Jiang.

In the evening, Liu Jiang attended the banquet. At the banquet, Sanjiang led a group of strong men. They were completely shocked by Liu Jiang's seventeen-year-old golden five-star cultivation base.

Even Zong Ze and Zhang Rang who inspected the palace were shocked by Liu Jiang.

A group of strong people, one by one, have an unusually enthusiastic attitude.

In addition to Liu Qing's attitude towards Liu Jiang at the banquet, everyone knew that Liu Jiang was also very much attached to Liu's clan.

I couldn't help but be more polite to Liu Jiang.

Liu Jiang's attitude is the same enthusiasm, and he doesn't have the air of a proud man, so he can talk to anyone.

Liu Jiang talked cordially, and everyone made friends.

After a Liu Jiang made a lot of friends.

Also along the way, brushed 810,000 joys.

410,000 envy.

230,000 jealousy.

160,000 worship.

After a banquet, Liu Jiang was a leader with Sanjiang, and he was already thoroughly familiar with it.

It was completely integrated.

The Liu clan, the proud son of Liu Jiang, was born, and the news spread quickly.

The limelight of Liu Jiang rose in an instant, and it was even no less than the five great arrogances.

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