Invincibility Starts From Absorbing Emotions

Chapter 135: Wolf Xiao's strong vision

Continuously refining 109 soul-quenching fruits, Liu Jiang's soul origin has been improved a lot, his soul perception range has been increased to 2709 meters, and the resilience of divine consciousness has also increased by half again.

Liu Jiang felt that his mind was exceptionally clear and his thinking was exceptionally clear.

Very familiar!

Very transparent!

Then Liu Jiang quietly refined 18 energy fruits.

Cultivation base, golden four-star peak (59/130).

After that, he began to comprehend the Escape Technique and refined 32 Epiphany Fruits in one breath. Liu Jiang's perception of Escape Technique once again improved a lot.

Escape Skills: (342/800).

Look at the treasure tree again.

On the treasure tree, there are 97 mad fruits, 167 fruits of wisdom, 59 fruits of dreams, and 1 fruit of teleportation.

To control the fruit of the soul, 980,000 points of fear are needed to mature.

The awakening fruit of worship requires 77.5 million of worship to mature.

The bad luck of sympathy requires 3120 points of sympathy to mature.

Taking a deep breath of foul air, Liu Jiang slowly opened his eyes, and a light flashed in his eyes.

Su Xiaoxiao stayed in the distance, blinking his big eyes, stunned Liu Jiang, his face was full of happiness.

Looking at Liu Jiang in this way, I feel so happy and satisfied.

She knew that Liu Jiang did not belong to her alone, and their time together would not be too long, so she cherished the time spent with Liu Jiang very much.

Seeing Liu Jiang opened her eyes, she immediately stood up happily, but she didn't dare to go there because she was afraid of disturbing Liu Jiang.

Liu Jiang looked at Su Xiaoxiao, his body trembled and turned into a dragon shadow, quickly appearing in front of Su Xiaoxiao.

"Ah... so fast." Su Xiaoxiao exclaimed, she was a little surprised and admired.

"It's too fast for me." Liu Jiang smirked. He knew how to eat. Seeing Su Xiaoxiao's charming appearance, his heart was already agitated.

"Well, it's so fast, I came here in a hurry." Su Xiaoxiao didn't notice that Liu Jiang's words were not serious, and he explained it seriously.

"At night, let you try whether I am happy." Liu Jiang smirked again.

"Ah..." Su Xiaoxiao was in a daze, then opened his mouth slightly, looking at the smirk on Liu Jiang's face, as if he understood Liu Jiang's words, his small face instantly blushed.

Liu Jiang pulled Su Xiaoxiao out of the training room. Wolf Xiaoqiang was already waiting at the door of the training room.

"Master, the house has been bought, and the big bed and quilt are also packed." Xiaoqiang said cheerfully.

"So fast." Liu Jiang was taken aback. He was refining the fruit in the training room, and it took less than two hours after all.

Liu Jiang asked: "You didn't make any moves, how did you do it?"

"I didn't move, outside of the inspection hall, there happened to be a family selling the house. After I went, I just told him that I was the contracted spirit beast of Liu Jiang, the deputy head of the inspection hall, and wanted to buy his house. Then I became the main body, and he sold it very politely." Lang Xiaoqiang said lightly.

The Thunder Wing Demon King has been lurking in the Human Race for so long, and his understanding of the Human Race and the understanding of human nature are no less than that of Liu Jiang.

When he said that, the money was placed on the table, and the other party was afraid of the name of the Vice-Hallmaster, and if he dared to dare, he immediately moved happily, which was very convenient and quick.

"It's really nonsense, when will I be the deputy head of the palace, do you give it to me?" Liu Jiang asked.

"Yes, I gave it exactly at the market price, and there is no shortage of one. I am your lord and your contracted spirit beast, and I dare not bully people at will." Wolf Xiaoqiang said.

"Good job." Liu Jiang nodded. Wolf Xiaoqiang's methods of handling things, although a little rougher, are still quite efficient.

Hearing this, Lang Xiaoqiang was extremely happy, and in a flash, he contributed more than 18,000 points of joy to Liu Jiang, and the two energy fruits quietly matured.

"What's the specific position?" Liu Jiang asked.

"It's just beside the inspection hall, it's more than 50 meters away from the inspection hall, and only more than 50 meters away from the palace owner's house." Wolf Xiaoqiang said.

"Go, take me to see." Liu Jiang said.

"By the way, I also bought a maid for my wife, a very capable maid." Little Wolf opened his mouth with a face of dedication, and then added, "I didn't force it, but his father sold it voluntarily. of."

"All right." Liu Jiang nodded. In this world, buying maids often happens. He also bought a maid himself, so this is not surprising.

Three minutes later, Liu Jiang and Su Xiaoxiao walked into the house.

The house is quite big, and the houses in the front and back courtyards are very clean.

A strong middle-aged woman with a height of about 1.7 meters, a stout body, a waist and abdomen like a bucket, and a thigh like a pole, is working.

Liu Jiang's eyes widened slightly, this one, wouldn't it be the very capable maid that Lang Xiaoqiang bought back, right?

Su Xiaoxiao also looked at the woman curiously.


Wolf Xiaoqiang spoke.

The strong woman immediately walked over tremblingly, the scene where the love wolf Xiaoqiang turned into a demon wolf is still deeply imprinted in her mind.

"Master, this is the maid I bought. She is very capable. She can cook, wash the dishes, and chop wood and dive." Yaolang happily introduced that he bought one maid, which can be used as three. It's a huge profit.

After that, he introduced the two Liu Jiang to Wang Xiaocui: "This is my master, Liu Jiang and Liu, this is my master's super favorite concubine Su Xiaoxiao.

The strong woman respectfully said, "Xiao Cui, I have seen an adult, ma'am."

The voice is very strong, even more man than a man.

Liu Jiang was secretly shocked. The eyes of this demon race's selection of servants are really different from those of the human race, but he didn't have the meaning of looking down on him, and smiled gently: "Don't be afraid, we get along well, the little wolf is just a little bit naughty, but It won't hurt people."

He saw the fear of the strong maidservant.

Su Xiaoxiao smiled kindly at Wang Xiaocui and said, "We get along well."

The strong woman breathed a sigh of relief and forced a smile.

"My lord, this is the deed of the house, the name of the little lady I wrote, and the deed of Wang Xiaocui." Wolf Xiaoqiang handed two pieces of animal skin papers to Liu Jiang.

Liu Jiang took a look and handed it to Su Xiaoxiao.

Su Xiaoxiao solemnly accepted the lease Seeing her name on it, she was so excited to death.

Liu Jiang actually bought such a big house for her.

Moved, grateful.

In an instant, he contributed more than 3,000 joy and gratitude to Liu Jiang, and more than 3,000 love.

"In the next few days, we will live here for the time being. Later, when I become the master of the palace, I will buy a big one at that time." Liu Jiang said without embarrassment.

"Yeah." Su Xiaoxiao nodded obediently. As for what Liu Jiang said about being the head of the palace, she thought Liu Jiang was really joking, not too serious.

The lord of the palace, that is the largest official in the entire Sanjiang leader, and even the lord of Sanjiang is not as powerful as the leader of the Sanjiang Inspection Hall.

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