In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 283 281. Arctic Journey (2-in-1)

This time the sea voyage was less stormy.

After playing "pirate games" with Gabrielle for a few days, the Hogwarts, manually controlled by Jon, had entered the Arctic Ocean.

As the temperature dropped further, they could already see occasional scattered ice floes on the sea.

As ghosts, Nick and Gabrielle were certainly not afraid of the cold. After seeing the ice floes, the two ghosts became excited.

Even though Nick has survived for such a long time, he has not seen every scenery in this world. The Arctic Circle is the place where he first arrived in the past thousand years.

After entering the sea with ice floes, the Hogwarts' sailing speed also slowed down. After all, although this old wooden ship was protected by magic, it was not a professional icebreaker. Be careful to avoid those Hard ice.

Taking advantage of this time, Nick took Gabrielle to wander around the waters around the Hogwarts. Only poor Jon was left on the ship, wearing a thick robe and a bearskin coat. Watch them fly back and forth in the cold wind.

It's not that he can't fly, but it's really unbearable for people to rise into the air without any measures to keep warm at temperatures of ten or twenty degrees below zero.

Jon had no intention of subjecting himself to such a punishment just to enjoy the scenery.

Besides, he still has a lot of things to do even when he goes out.

During the time Durmstrang was studying with Grindelwald, he had basically mastered the three Unforgivable Curses, and also consolidated the two commonly used "curses", the Explosive Curse and the Shadowless Blade.

Before setting off, he also learned his unique secret skill "Fire Shield" from Grindelwald. But it can only be used to form a circle of fire around the body. Not to mention that it is far from Grindelwald's overwhelming force that can burn a city. Even if it is used in actual combat, it is still far away.

So Jon did not waste the time on the ship. In addition to being familiar with the dark magic he learned from Grindelwald, he has also been studying various forbidden books in the second gem of the ring. This trip is not only Grindelwald's Wo said that he himself always felt that it would not be so safe, and there was nothing wrong with having more methods.

This kind of voyage continued for about a week, and with more and more large ice floes around it, the Hogwarts finally reached the point where it had no way to go.

There was a continuous group of ice floes in front of them blocking the way. If they wanted to continue forward, they had to get off the boat and rely on other methods.

Regarding disembarkation, this was something that Jon had already expected from the beginning when they came out of Durmstrang. The Hogwarts had no way to directly send them to the final destination, no matter where the ice floes were less. , in August and September when the temperature is the highest, or in mid-March at the end of winter, ice floes will become their biggest obstacle.

Fortunately, he had already made preparations when he was in Durmstrang. To be precise, it was Grindelwald who helped him prepare.

When he got off the ship, Jon didn't seem to have much with him. When he first sneaked into Hogwarts Castle in the second year, Jon kept the robe that Dumbledore had prepared for him that was cast with the Seamless Stretching Charm. Necessary supplies such as food and fresh water can be stored in the pockets of this garment.

Besides that, the biggest thing he brought was the brand new broomstick in his hand.

Firebolt - a special broom used in various official Quidditch games, representing the highest level of craftsmanship. The broomstick is made of ash wood, streamlined and exquisite, and treated with polish as hard as diamond.

It is said that each broom twig at the end of this broom has been selected to ensure its streamlined perfection, so it is unparalleled in terms of balance and precision. In terms of speed, it can accelerate to 150 miles per hour in ten seconds, and its braking device is charming, making it the first choice of any Quidditch player.

Such a perfect broom, including pedals, stand and branch hoops, all made by goblins, was a travel gift given to Jon by Grindelwald before he went out.

With it, Jon can safely cross these unsafe ice floes under the cold air currents and harsh winds and snow of the Arctic Ocean, and reach an ice sheet where people can stand and walk.

As for the unmanned Hogwarts, it can return to the lake behind Durmstrang Castle on its own, and when Jon and the others want to go back, they naturally don't need to take this ship again. .

Standing on an ice floe as big as a football field, Jon watched the return of the Hogwarts that had brought them from England to Norway, and then from Norway to the Arctic Ocean. He couldn't help but feel an indescribable emotion in his heart.

But although the ship, which is equivalent to the home of all Hogwarts students, has returned, Jon's journey is far from over.

After watching the Hogwarts disappear from sight, Jon took Nick Gabriel to the center of the ice floe. He opened the protective sheath on the Firebolt and finally inspected the tip. The state of the broom.

Gabrielle took advantage of this time to fly high, looking at this magnificent group of ice floes under the cloudless sky.

"Look! There's a white whale there!"

In the distance, Nick Jon heard her exclamation above his head.

They looked in the direction that Gabrielle pointed, and sure enough they saw a whale with a protruding and round forehead, a short beak, and a very light-colored body that was almost white, leaping out of the sea with its head and tail raised. .

This whale is very beautiful and not afraid of people at all. It just hangs out on the edge of the ice floe where Jon and the others are.

Gabrielle decisively floated down from the air and flew towards the whale.

Jon has prepared the Firebolt, and before riding the broomstick, he has to wrap a scarf around his neck and head.

Even if the Firebolt is equipped with powerful wind-shielding magic, it cannot completely protect the wizard riding it from the temperature and wind and snow. Jon must add multiple layers of protection to himself to avoid being frozen in the sky. Stiff body.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, if you want to come with me, just nod. I beg Jon to take you with him."

When Jon had wrapped himself tightly, he heard Gabrielle whispering to the white whale.

Jon took the broom, walked over to Gabrielle, and rolled his eyes.

"Even if it turns into a chicken and pecks rice in the sea today, I can't catch a whale and fly in the sky."

After hearing Jon's criticism, the white whale had no intention of responding to her nod. Gabrielle's face was full of disappointment, and she reluctantly drifted away from the white whale.

Jon mounted the Firebolt and skillfully controlled it to rise into the air.

Gabrielle just grabbed one side of his scarf and could follow Jon without having to float it by herself.

It's not that she thinks it's fun, but that Jon and Nick specifically asked her to do this. When the Firebolt starts flying faster, a ghost like Nick who has lived for hundreds of years can still control and flexibly keep up with it. Gabrielle This kind of "little ghost" is not necessarily the case.

Jon did not have the serious illness to rush over the Arctic Ocean at the highest speed of the Firebolt. He had enough time. As long as he could return before September this year, there was no time limit for this trip.

After trying out the wind and snow at different speeds, he controlled the speed within a hundred kilometers per hour and kept flying towards the north, near the pole.

The ice floe group under them was very large. Jon had been flying all afternoon and still hadn't seen a large continuous ice sheet.

It's not long before March 21st, the vernal equinox, and at this time, the pole of the North Pole will begin to enter the polar day. It will be dawn 24 hours a day, and as time goes by, the range of the polar day will continue to expand. Spread in low latitudes.

Jon and the others were obviously still on the outskirts of the Arctic Ocean, so near six or seven o'clock in the evening, the sky began to get dark.

With no intention of traveling all night, Jon found a suitable place to land, took out the folding tent from his pocket, and built a temporary nest for himself on a huge ice floe.

After preparing the sleeping place, he started to make a fire and boil some hot water so that he could have something hot to eat.

Of course, Nick and Gabrielle didn't need him to do the work. After Jon landed, they went around to help him explore the situation of the ice floe.

Just as Jon boiled the water, Nick and Gabrielle came back together, but they brought a living creature with them.

It was an Arctic walrus. It seemed that it was attracted by the fluorescence emitting from Gabriel and Nick. It broke away from the group and came to Jon's tent.

"Look! Jon, this is my new friend, the Tusker!"

Gabrielle floated triumphantly on the walrus's head.

While pouring boiling hot water from the kettle into the cup, Jon looked at the walrus's beard with interest.

"Don't give people random names. This animal is called a walrus."

He fished out a bag of raw meat from his pocket, took out a piece of it and threw it to the walrus, which was not afraid of ghosts or humans.

When the walrus saw that there was something to eat, it hummed and flapped its hind legs as it slid over on the ice.

"The whale you saw during the day is called Beluga, and the bear you called Xiaobai No. 2 is polar bear."

In his free time, Jon did not forget to teach Gabrielle and spread some common sense about common animals to her.

Gabrielle shook her head.

"It's better to call them Xiaobai No. 1 and Xiaobai No. 2. Longtooth Beast sounds better!"

"When people call you a stupid girl in the future, don't mention that you know me. It's too embarrassing."

"No! If I want to meet people in the future, I will say that I was taught by Jon Green!"

If nothing else, at least Gabrielle brought Jon a lot of fun during the journey.

After teasing the little girl for a while, Gabrielle and Nick went around to look for other novel animals.

Jon was holding the hot cocoa in the tea cup. Seeing that the walrus hadn't left yet, he stretched out his hand and waved to it.

I don’t know whether it was because Jon had fed it just now, or because the walrus itself was not afraid of animals. After seeing Jon waving, it hummed and moved forward and came to Jon.

Jon gave him another piece of raw meat and wiped his beard while he chewed the food.

"Aha! Teacher, I've actually wanted to touch it for a long time."

He whispered something that was unclear to outsiders, and his low voice was hidden in the wind and snow.

The walrus did not resist, as if it knew that it had taken good care of the people in front of it, and there would definitely be no shortage of food behind it. It allowed Jon to pat its long tusks and thick skin and whisper some irrelevant things.

At dawn the next day, Jon got out of the tent. While re-lighting the fire and preparing to boil water for washing, he looked around. The walrus that he had been talking about for several hours about being careful as an undercover agent was long gone. There was no trace, and he probably returned to his group in the middle of the night.

Of course, Gabriel and Nick don't have to sleep. They act as night watchmen at night, just so that Jon can have a good night's sleep.

After a simple breakfast, Jon mounted the Firebolt and continued on the road.

In this way, he kept flying for three or four days, and finally arrived at an extremely broad ice field with almost no end in sight.

After determining their current location, Jon controlled the broomstick to land and re-demarcate the next target point.

On this trip, Jon's goal was not to go directly to the pre-planned end point on the Hogwarts, but Grindelwald marked a new location for him.

According to him, there are still Death Eaters stationed in this area of ​​the North Pole, so Jon had better go to meet up with his people left in the North Pole first, and then decide what to do next after knowing the number and general situation of the enemy. Plans and strategies.

Following the marking points Grindelwald recorded for them, Jon raised his wand on the ice, then let go and spoke softly.

"Show me the way."

The next moment, his wand fell towards the northwest.

After re-determining his position, Jon did not hesitate, once again mounted the Firebolt and took off into the air, taking Nick and Gabrielle to fly in the direction pointed by the wand.

This flight was not as long as before. Jon deliberately stayed close to the ground. After flying for about four or five hours, he finally saw a fortress carved out of ice!

There is also a small black flag hanging on the fortress, with the emblem of Durmstrang's double-headed eagle and deer head tattooed on it, which is extremely conspicuous in the vast white ice field.

After Jon circled the ice castle, he found the location of its gate, and then slowly landed.

After falling to the ground, he checked the information on the map one last time before knocking hard on the door of the ice castle.

It’s two o’clock and I finally finished it. It’s 12,000 words. I also made up for the time off yesterday. They are all calculated as 6,000 words. Let’s give some monthly tickets as a reward (˙▽˙)

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