In This Hogwarts Without a Savior

Chapter 282 280. Sailing North (2-in-1)

France, Lyon.

The winter cold has not dissipated here yet, and Lily and Mag are walking through a secluded alley together.

"Albus has decided to stop the plan to attack Beauxbatons?" Lily looked at McGonagall.

Mag frowned. After arriving in France, except for the night when she attacked the correctional facility, her brows had not relaxed.

"There is no way. We have determined that the current principal of that school is none other than Igor Karkaroff, one of the Dark Lord's die-hard loyalists. That school has already completed preparations in advance. If it is determined that it cannot hold If there is any hope, then he will activate the methods left by the Dark Lord and let all the Mock students in the school die together."

Lily moved her lips, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end it just turned into a calm question.

"Then let's just watch and pretend that Beauxbatons behind us doesn't exist?"

Mag said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Albus won't let this happen. He wants to liberate that school more than any of us. Calling all of us together this time must be related to this matter."

When they were talking, they had already reached the end of the alley. Facing the mottled wall, neither of them had any intention of stopping and walked directly through the wall.

After passing the cold, water-curtain-like wall, what came into view was a spacious space similar to the main hall of the British Ministry of Magic.

There are many wizards coming and going here. During these times, the Wizarding Line has basically occupied all places except Paris, where the French Ministry of Magic is located. Under the circumstances that Voldemort cannot hide and Dumbledore can come forward at any time, They basically encountered no major casualties.

It was precisely thanks to this that the French wizards who were liberated in the occupied areas began to restore normal life order.

The pure-bloods and mixed-bloods who committed the most heinous crimes were both liquidated. All the property they had plundered that belonged to the marrow wizards was returned, and the status of wizards returned to what it was before Voldemort came to France. The difference in blood was no longer class, but the original Slavery and oppression soon disappeared from the land.

This is something that the members of the Order of the Phoenix should be excited about.

But they all knew that the reason why France could transform so smoothly was mainly because Voldemort's rule over this land was very short.

Many people have not adapted to the new rules, so it will be easy to change them back to the previous state.

But the situation in Britain is different. Voldemort has been ruling there for ten years. Counterattack is a problem. If successful, how to eliminate the impact of bloodline rule will also be a problem.

Of course, even France has not yet fully occupied the Wu-Ping line, so it is not possible to think about such long-term issues.

McGonagall and Lily walked forward into the main hall. They entered a corridor and happened to meet Lupine and Tonks who seemed to have just returned.

"It's really time for you to change into a new set of clothes, Senior Lupine. You have been wearing this outfit since the beginning when you and I went on a mission together. It's been half a year and you haven't changed it yet."

Tonks, who had gradient curly hair and was dressed like a little girl, was educating Lupin endlessly.

Lupine nodded repeatedly, the gentle smile on his face unchanged.

"It's only been half a year. When it was a long time ago, I didn't change into new clothes for five or six years."

"Can it be compared between the past and now? You now represent Wu Pingxian and Dumbledore. Wearing such old clothes will make people think that we are still the weak force we were before."

While they were chatting, they also saw Mag and Lily following from behind.

After seeing the two female professors, Tonks subconsciously restrained her casualness, secretly stuck out her tongue, and greeted Mag and the others.

"Good afternoon, Professor Potter and Professor McGonagall."

Lily and Mag both looked at her and Lupin strangely, and then nodded in response.

Lily smiled at Lupine.

"Listen more to her. You are indeed quite young."

What she said had a profound meaning, which made Lu Ping look a little embarrassed. Fortunately, at this moment, a big hand from behind suddenly put on his shoulder to relieve him.

"Brother, after tonight's meeting, let's go have a drink? We are so busy these days that we won't see each other for two or three months."

It was Sirius, with a cheerful smile on his face, as if he had just experienced something happy.

"When you were chasing those Aurors in the morning, you just finished drinking and violated the rules by using forbidden black magic. I will report this to Dumbledore later!"

The harsh words came from Flitwick, who was with him at his side. He was so short that no one noticed him at first.

Sirius also hugged Flitwick carelessly and let him lean against his thigh.

"Hey, professor, don't lecture me like you did when I was in school, I'm already sensible!"

"I don't think so!"

Flitwick said angrily.

"Is it so lively here?"

There was a hoarse greeting behind them, and a limping Moody walked over from the other end of the corridor with Kingsley.

"It seems that tonight is an important combat meeting, and all the important people are here."

cried Moody.

This long corridor, which was not spacious, became crowded. The professors of Hogwarts and the higher-ups of the Order of the Phoenix did not stay here anymore. They walked to the conference room at the end of the corridor, opened the door and left. Go in.

There is a long table in the conference room that can seat twenty or thirty people. When McGonagall and the others entered it, Dumbledore was already sitting at the head seat of this long table, and there was also someone on the right side of him. The seats were already full of French wizards headed by Iniesta.

After Mag and others took their seats, the meeting that gathered all the top leaders of Wu Ping Line officially began.

Dumbledore, as always, maintained his good habit of never talking nonsense in meetings. The first sentence he spoke was the main topic of tonight's meeting.

"All over France, except for Paris, where the Ministry of Magic has been shrinking its defense garrison, and Beauxbatons, which is using students as a threat, all wizards in other areas have been liberated."

Dumbledore's voice was not loud, but it could be heard clearly in the ears of everyone on both sides of the long table.

"The current principal of Beauxbatons has been confirmed to be Igor Karkaroff. Although he has always been trusted by the Dark Lord, when we sent people to contact him, he once vaguely stated that if If we occupy all of France, then he is willing to give up resistance and hand over Beauxbatons safely. Regardless of whether his words are worthy of trust or not, we will fight for the possibility of peacefully occupying Beauxbatons."

"So, our next strategic goal is now clearer than ever before."

"That's how to take Paris!"

On the same night, Wu Pingxian's senior officials were holding a key meeting about this.

Durmstrang, Jon is fully prepared.

He did not refuse Grindelwald's mission, nor did he have any reason to refuse.

As a natural prophet "prophet", Grindelwald can often see fragments of the future that others cannot see, including the route of the Hogwarts, which is enough to show the power and accuracy of his prediction ability.

But this time, he allowed himself to continue to the North Pole, and Jon didn't think it would be wrong.

As for the dangers that may arise in the Arctic

Opportunities always coexist with dangers. If he didn't even dare to take this risk, he wouldn't have agreed to Dumbledore sneaking into Hogwarts Castle in the first place.

What's more, this time Jon was not unreasonable. One night, Durmstrang suddenly appeared in Fox and gave him one of his feathers.

Jon never went to Dumbledore to tell him that he was preparing to leave Durmstrang. Now that Fox himself came to give him the feather, it was only possible that another insider had revealed the news.

There was a warmth in Jon's heart. After spending more than a month with Grindelwald, he didn't know whether it was because his personality was too extreme when he was young and has become much more normal now, or because there are many rumors about him from the outside world. Reality.

At least for himself, this once-frustrated old man was really interesting. Jon would certainly not forget such help.

This time, just as Grindelwald said, he would not take any more students from Hogwarts with him when he went to sea. Even Jon planned to hide this matter in case Hermione and the others were in Durmstrang. I want to go with him when I feel uneasy.

But there is no living person to take with him, but Jon plans to take Nick with him.

No matter what situation they encounter, ghosts are much more convenient to move than living people, and after all, Nick has been around for so many years. He is experienced and can provide Jon with a lot of help.

After getting everything ready, just when Jon was planning to set off tonight, a little accident happened.

The accident came from Nick. Jon made an appointment with him to meet at the lake behind Durmstrang Castle, but when he came, he brought another "person" with him, which was literally a ghost.

Gabrielle was carrying a small schoolbag and was flying happily above Jon's head.

"Travel! Travel! North Pole! North Pole!"

Jon paid no attention to her, but looked at the culprit with blank eyes.

"We agreed that no one would talk about this?"

Nick defended with a guilty look on his face.

"It's not my fault. It was Gabri who overheard our conversation and then followed her on her own initiative."

Gabrielle floated in the air and touched Jon's hair, making him feel a chill on his scalp.

"Why doesn't Jon want Gabri to follow? Gabri is not a bad boy who likes to cause trouble."

"What if you get lost in the North Pole?" Jon said helplessly, "The place is huge. If you get lost and you can't cast spells, it will be difficult for us to find you."

Gabrielle raised one of her arms with a serious look on her face.

"Gabriy promises that she will never disappear from Nick and Jon's sight for a second!"

"It's useless to promise you, go back quickly!"

"Ah! Gabrielle is bored in the castle every day."

The little girl's eyes were red, and she didn't know whether she was using a trick or her true feelings.

"Ginny Luna and the others have to go to class during the day, and there is no one in Durmstrang that Gabrielle knows. The ghosts in this school also speak in an old-fashioned way, and Nick doesn't let me play. Joe Well, you can’t even find anyone.”

She looked like she was about to cry, which left Jon unmoved, but after some hesitation, he finally changed his mind.

Gabrielle is basically safe in her ghost state. Even if something goes wrong with her, Nick can still bring her back. The only time she is unsafe is when she is afraid of getting lost on the Arctic ice sheet. Just let Nick take care of it.

With hundreds of years of experience in dealing with Peeves, Nick was quite good at taking care of children. Besides, he was the one who caused the trouble in the first place.

After finalizing the sailing team for this trip, Jon no longer stayed. Together with Nick Gabriel, they boarded the Hogwart on Lake Durmstrang again after nearly two months. Ci number.

No one came out to see them off this time, and no one knew that Jon would have such a long voyage.

Grindelwald, the only insider in this castle, just stood quietly in front of the window of the principal's office, watching the Hogwarts that had begun sailing towards the center of the lake. The scene from the near future that he accidentally saw appeared in his mind again.

In the splendid hall, under the gaze of wizards from all over Europe, scarlet blood bloomed like magical petals.

And while he was thinking, the huge Hogwarts disappeared silently on the Durmstrang lake under the falling night.

At the same time, on the northernmost coastline of Norway, near the boundary of the Arctic Ocean, an old wooden ship suddenly jumped up from the sea, its tall sail slowly dropped from the top of the mast, and four animals surrounded the "H" The mark shines brightly in the moonlight.

Gabrielle was wearing a pirate captain's three-cornered hat that Jon had conjured up for her. She was standing on the bow of the ship with one foot in high spirits. The sea breeze blew up her white dress, whirring like a cloak. ring.

"Gabriel! Let's go!"

Her childish voice could not penetrate the sea breeze, and it did not even disturb the seagulls resting on the rocks.

"First Officer Nicholas! Be careful around you!"

Nick's breathy voice came from the mast.

"No problem, Captain Delacour!"

"Second Officer Green! Maintain course! Target north!"

Jon, who had been demoted two levels from captain to second officer, also controlled the rudder and responded weakly.

"Okay, Captain!"

"What are you doing! Jon, you are not cooperating at all! I will punish you by not drinking rum for a week!"

"I'm underage and can't drink."

"Then I'll punish you by eating salted fish for a week!"

There is another chapter of Four Thousand in the back, probably after 12 o'clock. If you can't wait any longer, go to sleep. I'll read it tomorrow.

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