Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1192: Return home

"Is Zaviu's Dragon Soul? You can't run it now." Guan Heng glided out the swallowing beast on the back of his hand, "Well!" Three ghost swallowing ghosts, caught up with Zan in an instant. Wei Wulong's soul, Guan Heng then took three steps and rushed up in two steps, turning this guy into the soul stone.

"Oh ?! This is the taste of the dark dragon!" To Guan Heng's surprise, he suddenly opened his mouth and talked about the Dragon Soul Kufa who lived in the double-edged dragon's teeth. Guan Heng said, "What happened to Kufa? Aren't you sleeping? What do you wake up to do? "

"This is the soul of a dark dragon, isn't it weak?" Kufa slowly slowly gathered a virtual image of a big fist from the dragon's blade, and he said to Guan Heng, "Tell you one thing, I You can devour other dragon spirits to strengthen your strength and integrate some of their abilities into yourself. "

"Really? If you are interested in the soul stones of these dark dragons, I still have one here." Guan Heng ran out the soul stone of War Dragon Lei Kamo and said, "If you want, take both. Go devour it. "

"I originally planned to do the same, but now that the control of Dragonfang is in your hands, I suddenly have another idea." Dragon Soul Kufa said: "I haven't been lodged in Dragonfang for free these years. , After all, this weapon was also made by the flesh and bones of my lifetime. I can now slightly change the shape of the dragon tooth blade. "

Guan Heng moved in his heart and asked in a low voice, "What do you mean?"

"I can add a groove to each of the dragon's teeth, and you can inlay the soul stones of the two dragons." Dragon soul Kufa said his plan: "In this case, I can draw the soul stones at any time. This kind of power increases your chip and ability to fight against the enemy. "

"Good idea, then thank you." Guan Heng said, putting away the Dragon Soul Stone and holding the Ice Dragon Soul Stone in his hand, he secretly said, "Search for Zaviu's memory first and see Can you find a way to heal the poisonous flames of the dragon heart and rescue Prince Sisso, and why the monster demon dragon attacked Zaviu sneakily, this question must be confirmed. "

"Brother Guan Heng (brother Guan Heng), Borui!" At this moment, Imila and Zowei hurriedly arrived, and Borui hurried to say hello to them: "Are you all right?"

"We are very blessed, and of course we are fine." Zuo Wei patted Borui's shoulder with a big grin: "You second-class magician, haven't you been scared by the demon dragon's pants?"

"I don't look down on people." Borui said angrily: "What is Tevero? Master Ben used a big trick of ice **** indifference and almost killed him. When the boss arrived, he saw it with his own eyes. Now, boss, are you right? I didn't lie ... "

When Borui said the last sentence, he asked Guan Heng to testify for himself. Who knew that Guan Heng was searching for Zaviu's memory and ignored him for a while.

At this time, Guan Heng learned from Zaviu's memory that the initial constitution of the "Ice Fire Transformation Dragon" could not simultaneously use the ice and fire dual magic, but as a volunteer of the Dark Dragon tribe, he participated in a The secret experiment of the "Dragon Race Transformation Project".

Participated in the experiment, Zaviu changed his body into half to adapt to the flames, half of which produced a weird shape of cold, and his strength advanced by leaps and bounds, and he was promoted to the leader of the Ice Fire Dragon Regiment in a short time.

Later, the secret of Zaviu's half-ice and half-fire body was learned by the insidious and sly Tivello. He approached Zaviu by every means and wanted to take the inside story of the "dragon transformation plan" from the opponent's mouth. At that time, Tillow secretly had an unspeakable purpose.

However, Zaviu has been in the dark all the time, and he has inadvertently said that all his body that can maintain half-ice and half-fire is balanced, because he was installed with an artificial "ice fire" during the experiment. "Transforming the Heart of the Dragon", he did not expect to die, Tivelo had long laid a ghost idea on his own heart.

Guan Heng searched Zaviu's memory here and sighed in his heart: "Zawiu is a bad guy, not afraid of the enemy's arrogance, or his companion will be stabbed, and Tivilo will remember it. Guy's misfortune. "

Lingguanguan also received some information. The demon power on the island reversed the array. It is indeed a masterpiece of Tivello. Zaviu saw the demon dragon take out a piece of astrolabe inlaid in the rock in the middle of Coral Island. And personally started the reversal.

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly knew in his heart that the last piece of the magic chart he was looking for must be in the hands of the despicable and shameless Dark Dragon tribe of Tivelo, and he thought to himself, "Tivelo, Tivelo, Our beams are getting deeper and deeper. You better ask God to bless you not to fall into my hands, otherwise, hehe ... "

"Slap!" Borui came over at this time, reached out and patted his shoulders horizontally, he asked puzzledly: "I'm calling you, why didn't you respond?"

"It's nothing, I heard your cry." Guan Heng casually said, at this time Zou Wei ran over, she waved with a thing and said, "Brother Guan Heng, I picked up Zaviu's army commander. Token. "

"Is this what you want?" Zuo Wei said, handing over the tokens, and after Guan Heng collected them well, he smiled and said, "Tough work for you, this saves me a lot of trouble."

"Until now, the three legion leader tokens of the Slave Legion, the Undead Dragon Legion, and the Ice and Fire Dragon Legion have all been in hand." Guan Heng secretly murmured: "There are only three left. After getting together, you can find Otero. Whereabouts. "

"Boss, the Battle of Coral Island wiped out most of the vigor of the Ice Fire Dragon Legion, but let Devilo of the Devil Dragon Legion run away."

Borui said that he still hated his teeth itchingly: "This guy Tivilo is so cunning, even Zaviu was shot and killed in order to get away. This dragon cinder is almost cold-blooded and horrifying."

"Berry is saying that this Tivelo is both insidious and erratic and scheming," Imila said in a deep voice. "If not removed sooner or later, he will sooner or later become our biggest obstacle and scourge."

"Tivelo must not let go, because this **** still has the legion leader's token and the shard of the magic disk." Guan Heng murmured to himself: "These are all things I must get, not to mention This guy has so much blood debt that he must kill! "

"Let ’s go back to the island where Mrs. Jiang Ge lived. I have found a cure for the poisonous flames of Prince Sisso."

Guan Heng said to the other three: "After Prince Sisso is well, we can rest all night and then choose the next attacking Dragon Legion. I already know where the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment and the Phantom Dragon Legion are stationed."

—— [2016.5.22 second change, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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