Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1191: Raid (first)

Withdrawing from his heart, Zaviu's eyes flashed away. He shouted at this moment, "Oh!" The severed red dragon claw was quickly reborn under the gathering of fire elements. The next moment, Zaviu recovered. He rushed to Guan Heng: "Taste my fire magic fist!"

"Hoo!" Furious and fierce fist blasted Guan Heng's Tianling, Guan Heng sneered: "Idiot, how many times have I told you, Lao Tzu is immune to fire attacks." It ’s time to say fast, Guan Heng In the palm of your hand, the double-edged dragon's teeth slashed down: "No matter how many times you grow back, I will still cut your claws!"

Who knew that when Guan Heng's two swords fell off, Zaviu laughed wildly: "Stupid, you are fooled!"

"Ice Flame Dragon Blast!" Zaviu used this trick again to transform his whole body into countless flames and ice cubes.

At this moment, Guan Heng whispered lowly: "Sculpture of the worm, using the same tricks in front of me a second time, is completely invalid!"

"Hurricane Dragon Flame Slash!"

"Oh!" A sharp hurricane spun out of the center of Guan Heng's feet. His hands waved and slashed, and he shattered countless blades that could ignite the flames in the air between flint and sparks. "Oh!" The swift blades that swept the whole area instantly popped out of the hurricane's outer wall, and the generated power was more than doubled than the ordinary Longyan chopping effect.

"Boom!" Hurricane Dragon Yanzhan swept Zaviu, which shattered into numerous pieces of fire and ice, but at this moment, the pieces reunited in an instant to form Zaviu's body. He shouted: "I do n’t want to Play with you, there will be periods later. "

Speaking, Zawiu suddenly fluttered the dragon wings and fled towards the station of the Demon Dragon Army on the other side of Coral Island.

"Where to escape, today you are dead!" Guan Heng roared suddenly, and suddenly released the beak Long Lude from the magic pet tube, the latter howled with two claws to grasp Guan Heng's shoulder, Guan Heng turned his head to Iraq Myra and Zuo Wei shouted, "I'll go to Borui, and then you hurry up."

Zaviu was flying very fast, and in a blink of an eye, he had already flew to the stone platform over Tivelo. At this time, Zaviu saw that Borui was fighting fiercely with Tivelo, and his wicked intentions were suddenly contrived.

For a moment, Tivilo's blue claws skyrocketed by a few feet, and instantly turned into a sharp ice magic knife. He screamed and swooped down from the air: "Go to death!"

Borui was anxious to use the virtual image of the Snow Giant and Tivilo to fight, but he did not expect someone to attack from behind. At this time, Guan Heng was too far away. Although he looked really good, he could not be rescued in time. "Bang!" No one expected Then, after a loud noise, Borui was unharmed. It turned out that Tivello secretly drove to attack Borui's evil black snake, and was colliding with Zaviu's Ice Devil's Knife. The wolverines actually canceled each other out.

"You stupid thing, it's a bad thing for Lao Tzu!" Tivilo was so angry that he was a little relaxed, and his virtual image of the giant Snow and Ice couldn't resist each other, and suddenly collapsed in a moment, and the blockbuster freezing cold rolled back towards Ti Vero rushed away and froze his feet with time.

"Duck! Damn it--" Tivelo yelled, "Zaviu, you idiot with water in your head!"

Zaviu himself knew what was wrong with his heart, and immediately smashed the ice layer under Tivilo's fist with a fire magic fist, and whispered in his mouth, "The situation is not good, let's withdraw quickly."

"It's also said that the demon Yuan Yuanli's reversal array has been destroyed by Guan Heng. Today's battle on Coral Island, the Dragon Legion has no chance of winning, and the retreat should be, but it is only me who wants to retreat ..."

Speaking of this, Tivilo's eyes suddenly flashed a bit of vicious color, the end of his wand suddenly forwarded, quickly drew into the back of Zaviu, when the end of the wand runs through the opponent's body, there is a stick on it The size of a fist, half blue and half red, is exactly like a heart.

"Oh!" Zaviu sipped blood to the sky. He never expected that he would be conspired by Tivelo, and his mouth continued to bleed. Zaviu pointed at Tivelo and said, "You-- "

"I'm sorry, old friend, I didn't want to start with you so early."

Tivilo secretly succeeded, slamming back four or five meters to stand, he quickly took off the red and blue meat **** tied on his wand, and then he laughed and said, "But after I transformed you, you can use both ice and fire The body of the curse has long been very interested, so I'll accept it as your 'Ice Fire Transformation Dragon Heart', and goodbye! "

It took only ten seconds from the time Tivelo attacked the other side until he finished saying this. At this time, Borui, who had been stunned long ago, and at the same time Guan Heng who fell from the sky, were all extremely vicious. What Luo did was startled.

"Oh, Guan Heng, our decisive battle day is not today, I'm not here anymore." After saying this, Tivilo's wand suddenly stunned, and after a loud noise, the heartbroken The guy disappeared instantly.

"Tivelo !!! You stand for Lao Tzu, leaving fragments of the magic disk!" Roared, and flung Guan Hengheng, the dragon's teeth sharpened, two cold light crosses cut off, and Shitai shattered. , But the demon dragon has disappeared.

"Damn, it's just a step slower to let the **** run again." Guan Heng yelled and returned to the scabbard, then Borui shouted: "Boss, it looks strange to see Zaviu."

"What ?! How could this happen?" Guan Heng turned around, suddenly suddenly surprised, and saw that Zaviu's original half-red and half-blue dragon body had begun to smash and fall.

The leader of the Ice and Fire Dragon Corps shuddered. He suddenly raised his head and made a terrible cry: "Tivelo, you **** !!! I hate it !!!"

"Not good, get out of here, this guy is going to collapse and explode!" Guan Heng suddenly realized that something was wrong, and he hurriedly hugged his waist and hugged Borui, and the two fell down to the stone platform at the same time, just as they fell to the ground, the top was booming The quake was shattered by a huge blast, and fragments were scattered, Guan Heng and Borui rolled on the spot, each looking for a shelter to quickly avoid falling rocks.

Within ten seconds, the fragments of those stone platforms had fallen innumerable, and Guan Heng fortunately avoided this round of overwhelming smashing of rocks, looking confused, and Borui shouted inexplicably: "Boss, why is Tivilo? To attack their own Zaviu, aren't they two partners? "

"Who knows, these dragons are also ruthless towards their own people, and it is not uncommon to kill each other at will." Guan Heng casually said, but his eyes saw a sudden burst out of the stone bench ruins directly in front of him. Black gas, in the whistling ghost, just fled towards the northwest.

—— [2016.5.22 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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