I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 130

In the smoke, the two sides are still fighting, and the veterans of the navy are obviously much more skilled than the pirates in terms of mentality and skills.

This pirate fleet that just set out from the North Sea was the target that Sakaski had been following a few months ago. If the number of pirates was too small, it would not be enough for the expeditionary fleet to divide up. If the individual pirates were too strong, it would be inconvenient. Battlefield control.

Therefore, when the expeditionary force was still training at the headquarters, Sakasky strictly ordered the ghost spider to monitor its course dynamics at all times.

Sakalski yelled at the phone bug: "Every night, the nightmare that plagues you after nightfall is the battlefield! It is the comrades who died before your eyes, and it is the shower of artillery fire and bullets!"

In one battle group, Bermel was leaning against the second-floor guardrail of the warship to load bullets. She held a toothpick expressionlessly: "Kerrigan, what do you think the legion commander wants to say?"

After knocking down a pirate on the watchtower from a long distance, Kerrigan held the special sniper rifle and reloaded the bullets. She sighed slightly and asked: "He is explaining the fact that after retiring, you didn't Ever had a nightmare about it all?"

"Someone warned me that most of the soldiers in this legion are veterans who have been wounded by war! If you want to choose, I will give you the best elite of the headquarters!" They assisted the ghost spider and other sea soldiers to push the pirates back to a deck.

Renault stared at the Legion Master in front of him, and complained a little: "Although everyone knows who they are, the Legion Master's words are too explicit!"

Sakarski looked around at the veterans, feeling dissatisfied and angry, but mostly numb to his words.

Only then did he continue to growl: "I told him! I love you! I want these veterans who have experienced life and death! Everyone may have a different view of justice, but there are too many unanswered questions on the battlefield!"

Sakaski pushed aside the crowd and walked towards the pirates who were cornered, lava dripped from his arm: "But at this moment, what you need is not an answer."

Take one night off and make up double tomorrow

Going to see a movie tonight~ I am not a drug god, it is necessary to appreciate a movie that can be rated by Douban. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . slipped away

165. Wolves (middle)

Sakaski took the lead in demonstrating, and exerted his strength suddenly, even though the pirates in front of him widened their eyes and stared at Sakaski's movements without blinking.

But when the lava arm pinched the pirate's neck from the front, the opponent's body still had no time to react.

The moment the hot palm came into contact with the skin, the flesh and blood were scalded to death. The deep fascia is the first line of defense in the neck of the human body responsible for protecting all important blood vessels. These fascia and muscle sheaths are so fragile under the magma, the lava easily burns through the trachea and esophagus, and the arteries and esophagus flowing with fresh blood The internal jugular vein was instantly charred and carbonized.

The Killing God of the Navy Headquarters held the pirate's scorched and cracked cervical spine with one hand, and lifted it in mid-air. The pirate's brain did not die immediately, but the high temperature from the neck into the skull made the inside of the head a steamer.

Even if the pirate who had been treated by Yantou could no longer hold his breath, the reaction of his body muscles and nerves still made his feet dangling in the air twitch.

The commander of the expeditionary army raised an arc cruelly at the corner of his mouth, revealing the answer to the previous mystery: "It has nothing to do with the glory of justice and bullshit. On this flesh and blood mill on the battlefield, the only thing you need to do is to kill!"




Straightforward and ruthless words are the unchanging truth of war.

Sakaski's words received the most direct and powerful echo from the legionnaires. They waved their weapons vigorously, completely releasing the desire to kill that had been suppressed in their hearts for a long time.

The sailors of each ship fell into an unprecedented excitement. These hundreds of battle sailors recruited from the four seas and various waterways may have different origins, different skin colors, different military ranks, and different weapons and equipment, but they appeared in the The one thing the Burning Legion have in common is that they have all survived many battles in their respective military careers! !

Regardless of justice or evil, these veterans may have become numb.

But the place where they get excited is also the place where they are broken and bruised—the battlefield.

Here, the only criterion is to kill the enemy and live!

"Hahahaha! I just like the straightforward character of the commander!" Beihai veteran Lei Nuo laughed wildly. From the dissatisfaction at the beginning to the current admiration, the change was so fast that the eyes of the East China Sea veteran Tullius standing next to him twitched. twitch.

Every veteran has all kinds of minds and small calculations, but there is no doubt that their experience along the way tells them that every word Sakaski said before is the absolute truth in the battle!

No one likes to work for others and be calculated by the superiors, but this is the first time to see this highly prestigious legion commander in the Navy headquarters. After all, there are only a few foolish people like Renault. Veterans may talk about It is not convincing, but Sakalski's every move is concise, efficient, and what the soldiers value most-pragmatic.

The young officer knocked down the last pirate on the ship with a single blow. He was one of the few 3,000 young officers in the legion who were recruited directly from the active forces.

This is naturally the intention of the Warring States Period. An army needs elite veterans, as well as a constant supply of fresh and powerful blood.

Skilled marksmanship, quick movements and decisive killing, this short young officer is like a little bear growing up in the harsh winter.

Even though he was young, with his extraordinary skills in the branch troops, those ordinary sailors no longer dared to laugh at his age and height.

But in this legion of veterans, Jonah is still a child.

He frowned, this legion was very different from the original army in every way.

In his view, Sakalski's previous remarks were a bit "deviant".

Jonah clearly remembers that before a war, most navy chiefs will mobilize, but the content and purpose of the lectures are often for justice. Killing pirates is justice, and saving civilians is justice..... All actions are just.

No commander has ever been crazy enough to tell soldiers: killing is what you should do.

Today, this "iron rule" was broken, and a senior general of the headquarters personally said it.

Jonah looked at the saber in his hand in a little confusion and looked at the excited veterans around him. He felt a little confused: "Is killing justified?"

"Oh?" Renault happened to hear the "child soldier" whispering to himself, he turned his head and looked at him with a smile: "It's fine to shout those slogans for justice outside, don't take it seriously, we also It’s not as noble as you imagined, what bullshit does is justice, recognize yourself! It’s just a bunch of professional butchers, a brat like you joins the expeditionary army?”

"Of course it is to implement justice!" The young man replied decisively.

The smile on Renault's face deepened: "I guess there is still fighting for honor?"

Jonah frowned and corrected, "It's for glory!"

"Hahahaha, Tullius! Come here! I'm dying of laughter, here is a recruit who is willing to fight for glory!" The old ruffian Renault burst into laughter, as if he had heard some joke.

The young officer's expression became more and more dissatisfied: "What's so funny!"

Tullius turned his head when he heard the sound, looked at the veteran soldier Renault who was laughing loudly and scolded: "Laughing fart! We haven't come here from this mentality yet!"

He lowered his head and looked at the "child soldier" in front of him who was not as high as his chest: "Although Renault is an old army ruffian, I think this is also the common feeling of most veterans, boy, in the pursuit and killing day after day Among the pirates, we also firmly believe that everything we do is for justice, and there is nothing wrong with that.” He nodded as he looked at Renault who was gradually becoming serious: “However, we have observed for a long time during the war, and we have not seen the so-called Things of justice and honor. The so-called sacrifice is like a meat animal entering a slaughterhouse, except that the slaughtered meat here is not put into cans, but thrown into the sea.”

"No! No!! You're not right!" Jonah growled, "How can there be no justice and honor, those civilians! Didn't we protect them! Those towns! Didn't we defend them from the ravages of pirates?" ?!"

Tullius let out a long sigh, and before he could speak, Renault asked first, "So, what's the price?"

His voice was a little hoarse, and he didn't know what he recalled: "The comrades-in-arms who lived with you day and night, and the brothers who lived and died by your side all died for the justice they believed in. Should you accuse the navy of not protecting towns and civilians? Your words did not Wrong, the navy is not wrong, if it happens again, my brothers will still die resolutely.

He looked at the young soldier with red eyes: "But the price cannot be equated with a sentence of glory and justice. Whether it is a pirate or a navy, one after another fell on this flesh and blood mill.

One group kills another group, it's that simple.

But for ordinary people like us, war is never just! "

166. Wolves (Part 2)

"It's very tangled, isn't it? Killing in order to claim justice, but in the end it turns out that killing itself has nothing to do with justice." Tullius wiped the dagger in his hand, seeing the confused young man in front of him, it was like seeing himself when he was young "But As the Legion Commander said, there are too many unanswered questions on the battlefield."

Sakaski didn't pay attention to the small commotion in the rear. He looked around at the raging fire on the pirate ships around him, and the sailors of other ships were evacuating in an orderly manner.

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