I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 129

"Northwest direction, ten o'clock direction!" The phone call of the flagship was quickly dialed from the observation deck, "The target fleet was found!"

Immediately, an indifferent voice came from the flagship to the ears of the sailors on each ship through the shared channel phone bug: "I am the commander of the army, Sakaski, and I am notifying all ships to prepare for battle at the first level!"

Sakaski put down the phone bug, looked at the rapidly busy command room, and nodded slightly.

What else can awaken the bloodthirsty desire in the soldiers' hearts more than a hearty killing?

Surpassing all the rhetoric, the wonderful and strange pleasure of swiping the saber and pulling the trigger, the steel blade cutting across the flesh.

The expeditionary force is different from ordinary naval forces. Its original intention was to hunt and kill those big pirates.

It does not have the function of daily defense and patrolling the sea area, and does not have the requirement to defend the naval base. Its only requirement is to kill, an efficient and fast annihilation team formed purely for pirates.

And the pirates who also discovered this huge naval fleet tried to go deep into the fog-shrouded sea area, using the weather to get rid of a terrifying army.

"Legion Commander, the other party seems to be planning to take advantage of the unfavorable sea conditions to escape. Of course, it does not rule out the other party's consideration of ambushing our warship first." Lindeman, who was serving as a staff officer, made his own judgment. "From the perspective of prudence, the fleet cannot enter the fog for the time being, and the weather is slightly worse."

Sakaski twisted his neck, and appeared on deck for the first time after so many days at sea.

"The time of day is not on their side!"

His legs were slightly bent, and he rose straight up, crashing into the sea fog like a meteorite.

"Someone is going in!" The sailors of the vanguard ship were the closest to the fog, and they were the first to notice the figure in the navy coat entering the fog.

"Wait, what is that!" A sailor pointed to the gradually reddening air mass in the fog.

The fleet that keeps its formation on alert has a more intuitive and clear global vision. "Hey! Look!" Many sailors on the warships exclaimed.

A pair of big hands of lava brutally broke through the fog floating above the sea from the inside out, and completely pulled the sea fog that plagued the naval fleet to both sides in the most unreasonable way.

"Is that...the Legion Commander?" Bermer muttered to himself as he witnessed the terrifying force that turned the world around in one fell swoop.

Gion did not know when she came to their side. She looked up at the huge lava figure, and stood on a pirate ship that was completely paralyzed on the sea surface. Some of the magma was even submerged in the sea water, and there was a violent explosion. transpiration.

Although the rest of the pirate fleet was not affected, they seemed so small in front of this giant.

Gion's tone was full of undoubted pride: "That is the walking Scourge, Lord of the Legion of the Burning Legion!"

164. Wolves (Part 1)

"Attack!" While everyone was still immersed in the strong shock brought by the huge lava half-body giant in front of them, the ghost spider had already drawn out its sword.

As a battle-tested veteran, Ghost Spider knows in his heart that winning every moment of precious fighters in the ever-changing naval battle will make the balance of the battle in favor of his side.

Even knowing that Lieutenant General Sakaski, who has a strong combat power to control one side of the battlefield, is in charge, this kind of stable battle ghost spider is still willing to do his best to maximize his skills and tactical capabilities in every battlefield. exercise.

"Send the order, taut the sails, and the artillery on both sides is on standby!"

The sailors on the deck of the vanguard ship carried out the orders they had just received in an orderly manner. These veterans with rich experience in naval warfare silently and quickly carried out their own part according to their own division of tasks.

Dozens of sailors lined up in two rows, dragged the cable together, and stretched the sail to the tightest. Dozens of well-trained snipers next to the wooden guardrail on the second floor seized the commanding heights under the command of the officer.

The combatants on the deck are already on standby.

Lindemann, who took over the command of Sakalski on the flagship, naturally saw the semaphore of the vanguard ship. He watched the vanguard ship start to accelerate with a smile, and praised softly: "As expected of Major Admiral Ghost Spider, this fighter plane has not caught a single shot. not bad."

"The fleet changes!" Lindeman's slender eyes suddenly widened. "Follow up with the vanguard ship, and the whole ship advances in column formation."

The ghost spider turned around and noticed the changes in the fleet. Fox was serving as an adjutant under him before, and the two had a good understanding and made the most favorable tactics in the shortest time without any verbal communication, "Bombardment distance measurement!! "The major general with a fierce face roared.

Instead, Sakaski was not in a hurry to destroy the second pirate ship beside him. These pirates were valuable materials for the legion, and they were the fuel for combustion.

When most of the first salvo hit the pirate ship next to Sakaski, he took out a phone bug with a military cap on it from the inside of his coat, which was his personal communication tool.

"Prepare for the second round of salvo!"

The warship group headed by the vanguard ship formed a double column, and under the suppression of the fierce artillery fire, they fiercely entered the formation of the pirate fleet.

"Quick, quick, quick! Fight back!" The flagship pirate ship anxiously gave an order, but his voice was completely covered by the roaring fleet salvo.




The guns on both sides of the warship spewed tongues of flame wantonly, repaying the chaotic counterattack of the pirate fleet twice.

With the help of the fleet salvo, the ram of the vanguard ship had already crashed into the side of a pirate ship first.

"For the legion!" The ghost spider took the lead and rushed to the pirates who lined up to meet the enemy.

In the mid-air of jumping towards the pirate, his long brown hair scattered in the wind, and instantly twisted into bundles of powerful arms, each holding a sharp saber tightly.

The eight sword glows arrived at the same time almost in no particular order.

In the blink of an eye, a bloody ring spread out on the deck of the pirate ship.

The corpses of the pirates fell to the ground.

The officer was so brave, the veterans such as Tullius and Raynor were unwilling to follow suit, they all swung their claws to catch the pirate ship's cable and rushed to this side.

The dark-skinned veteran did not use a single-edged standard saber, but brandished a double-edged one-handed dagger. He parried a scimitar that was slashing at him with one sword, and then stabbed several pirates with blood holes in their necks.

"I said, Tullius, your hands are quite ruthless!" Reynolds, a North Sea veteran holding a navy-style flintlock gun with a bayonet in his hand, shot down the pirates who were shooting guns in the distance, and he still had a leisurely heart. Say a few words.

He kept moving his hands, and he didn't intend to continue filling the guns. Instead, he used the rifle as a spear, and slashed left and right with the bayonet to overturn the two pirates.

Tullius, who had just been promoted by the ghost spider as a temporary staff officer, pointed to the right side: "Did you see the sailors at the headquarters over there?"

"I'm not blind! What's the matter?" Lei Nuo spat on the face of the pirate next to him. Taking advantage of the moment when the other party closed his eyes, he used the bayonet to push away the heavy mace. With a flick of his wrist, the pirate The thief's neck was cut open.

Seeing the pirate helplessly holding the blood gushing out like a blowout, Tullius rolled his eyes: "I heard Major General Ghost Spider say that this kind of battle formation will be popularized for us veterans from all over the world. You This kind of stunned young man who just goes to the pirate pile for nothing will definitely be scolded to death!"

While they were talking, a large vacancy had been cleared where they were standing, and the naval fleet had already cut off the formation of the pirate fleet.

The bombardment of artillery fire has basically come to an end temporarily, and it has turned into a bloodier and more dangerous boarding battle.

Sakasky stepped into a pirate ship with his moon step, and he looked down at the battlefield on the deck below.

However, the loudspeaker bugs on more than a dozen warships with their volumes turned up to the maximum completely overwhelmed the shouts of killing.

The sailors on each ship heard Sakaski's voice through the transmission of the phone bug: "The best warship, the best weapons and ammunition, and the most generous military salary, are you satisfied?"

"Hey!" Tullius knocked on a pirate's forehead with the hilt of his sword, knocking him out. "Is this considered pre-war mobilization?"

"Hahahaha, is our officer so foolish?" Renault laughed and knocked over the pirate in front, smashing his head into the deck with the butt of his gun.

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