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Chapter 0317 Six Powers

The sixth gem, the Mind Gem, is the last gem.

The Mind Stone, which was originally blue, is now yellow.

The Mind Stone first appeared in The Avengers.

The yellow gemstone inlaid on Loki's scepter once made people

Thinking it was Loki's scepter, he grabbed Hawkeye.

At the end of the Avengers, the Avengers obtained the scepter from Loki, which was then seized by the Hydra commandos lurking inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

In The Winter Soldier, Hydra was exposed and temporarily destroyed along with S.H.I.E.L.D., and the remaining Hydra agents, led by Baron Strucker, successfully recovered the scepter.

In the Age of Ultron, the scepter was obtained by Ultron who killed Baron Strucker.

The combination of the Mind Stone and the body made by Ultron to simulate the human body with vibration gold, and the artificial intelligence system Jarvis, the fusion of various factors has become a vision.

In Infinity War, Vision became the target of Thanos' Legion because of the Mind Stone. In order to save the universe, he decided to destroy the gem at the expense of himself.

In the end, the gem was successfully destroyed under the power of the Scarlet Witch, but because Thanos had already obtained the Time Stone, this result was unfortunately reversed.

Vision was eventually resurrected by Thanos and brutally killed a second time,

The Mind Stone has since become the last gem on the Infinity Gauntlet.

In Endgame, the Mind Stone is destroyed by Thanos.

The Avengers who hope to reverse the infinite sent Iron Man, Captain and Ant-Man to the Avengers Building after the war in New York in 2012. Captain America successfully obtained the Mind Stone from the Hydra commandos who recovered the scepter.

In the movie, Vision is given all the energy and life it gives, such as being able to easily lift Mjolnir, ignoring Odin's spells.

The energy ray emitted by Vision from the forehead is also enough to melt the armor and body of Ultimate Ultron.

It was a single blow that broke the engine of the war machine.

A lonelier existence beyond imagination.

It chose to end itself, but with such power, it was not so easily dissipated.

From its ashes, the present reality rises in its many forms.

Each gem grants the user omnipotent control in some way, including: power, time, space, soul, reality, and mind.

If someone has six gems at the same time, he will be omniscient and omnipotent.

Each Infinity Stone in the comics is jointly kept by the Elder Universe and the Magician Adam, but Thanos collected all the Infinity Stones with a trick and set the original stone on the Infinity Gloves.

Once the six Infinity Stones are used at the same time, the user will have the supreme power of almost the entire multiverse, such as the most powerful Eternal God, the Celestial God group, and even the five creation gods.

After collecting all six Infinity Stones, Thanos put the Power, Time, Space, Soul, Reality (Reality) and Mind (Mind) gems on the Infinity Glove and snapped his fingers.

The Mind Stone is the embodiment of Cosmic Consciousness, which enables the user to increase psychic abilities and gain access to the minds of all other beings.

The Mind Stone can read, manipulate, modify, create, and guard the spirit of life.

It allows the user to enter the minds of other people, and also allows all dreams, thoughts and ideas to enter the user's brain.

The mind gem can enhance the spiritual power and increase the psychic ability, so that all existences with a psyche are controlled by it.

Even in the condition that other gems enhance their power, this gem can simultaneously enter the mind of everything that exists, and govern the mind of everything.

Therefore, the mind gem itself also contains a huge amount of energy.

The Mind Stone allows the user to enter the minds of other people, and also allows all dreams, thoughts and ideas to enter the user's brain. It enhances mental strength and increases psychic abilities.

Even with other gems enhancing their powers, this Mind Stone can simultaneously enter the mind of everything that exists.

Even a slight touch can change the mind of the user according to the user's wishes.

At the same time, the mind gem itself also contains a huge amount of energy.

In the animation Thanos used them alone, but in this animation, there are only five Infinity Stones in total, and there is no Soul Stone.

Using the Time Stone, Thanos ages heroes and changes the time state of their weapons.

For example, weathering Captain America's shield and Iron Man's armor, turning heroes into old people or even destroying them directly.

However, Thor, the Asgardian, gets stronger with age.

In the end, he even overtook Thanos and devoured the effect of the gem on himself, causing Thanos to reverse the effect of the gem.

Using the Space Gem, Thanos teleports anywhere, such as behind the heroes, for a sneak attack.

But Hawkeye successfully cracked this trick by calculating the law of Thanos teleportation.

By using the Mind Stone, Thanos affects the minds of the heroes, causing them to fight infighting.

However, because of the effect of the Mind Gem, the Hulk, who became more angry and stronger, entered an unprecedented state of anger. Hulk suppressed Thanos with powerful force and forced him to stop using the gem.

Thanos plunges the heroes into beautiful illusions - and the consequences would be particularly severe if the captain hadn't seen through Thanos' tricks.

Possessing the power gem, Thanos' attack and defense have reached an almost invincible level.

Even the extremely angry Hulk's attack has no effect on his attack and attack. The robot arsenal made by Tony's father Howard can absorb energy to restrain Thanos, so he can successfully defeat Thanos, but Unexpectedly, Arsenal was eroded by Ultron.

Compared to the Soul Gem, which was shown without much opportunity, the other three gems, Reality, Power, and the Power of the Mind Gem, though were given ample time to show.

But in front of the space gem with infinite energy and the time gem with the ability to change time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The power of the three gems of reality, power and mind is not worth mentioning.

Let’s start with the weirdest reality gems.

Reality gems, which were originally yellow, are now red.

The Reality Stone, also known as the Aether Particle, first appeared in the Dark World timeline.

At the end of the Dark World, Sif and Vorstagg decided it would be inappropriate to keep the second Infinity Stone, the Reality Stone, in Asgard.

So the ether particles were handed over to the Universe Elder Collector, but this brought disaster to the Universe Elder Collector.

In Infinity War, Thanos travels to the Collector's Netherworld and forces the Collector to hand over his third Infinity Stone.

In the final battle, the Reality Gem Xianbao was destroyed by Thanos.


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