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Chapter 0316 snapped fingers

I saw Zhou Wenwen say, "Tony, you go to hack the computer, I'll hold him."

Tony agreed with confidence because he thought that this matter had nothing to do with Obadiahstan.

In this way, the two swiped their cards, Zhou Wenwen stayed, and Tony entered the internal elevator and went straight to the office.

And Tony's appearance made several of Obadiastan's subordinates immediately vigilant. , call the boss immediately.

At that time, Obadiahstan was testing Iron Overlord's program.

After Obadiahstan heard this sentence, Obadiahstan quickly came out, he took the elevator to chase after him, and at the same time sent his men to stop him.

"Boss, do you want to shoot?"

The strength of the [Pyroxene Shield] provided by 6 square centimeters of pyroxene is enough to withstand the explosion of artillery shells, rockets, and missiles above 30 mm and below 210 mm.

A piece of [Crystal Shield] magic array steel plate with 3 crystals of 1 square centimeter in size, which can generate a crystal shield.

The strength of the [Crystal Shield] provided by a 1-square-centimeter crystal is enough to resist the penetration of bullets with a caliber below 30 mm.

The subordinate asked on the phone.

Because Tony hadn't spoken to Obadea Stan after the concert hall, after hearing this, Obadea Stan immediately scolded him as an idiot.

But Obadiahstan remembered those videos on the computer that he forgot to delete. Obadiahstan immediately shook his wit, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, with a silencer."

At the same time, Obadiahstan also put the big robot into a standby state, so that if something happened, he could still escape.

Because with this robot, he, who is connected with the military, can also leave the portal and make a comeback.

Not leaving what Zhou Wenwen said in the elevator, as soon as Tony and Zhou Wenwen got out of the elevator, Obadiahstan's people stopped them.

Tony, who saw this scene, immediately became suspicious of Obadiahstan, but he hadn't thought that Obadiastam was the murderer behind the scenes.

Now it's just for its own sake, and it's a step ahead.

Although it seems that Zhou Wenwen's plan is naive and ridiculous, what can Zhou Wenwen do.

In this Marvel movie world where humans are weak, in the end, only a few human heroes can possibly help Zhou Wenwen.

Spider-Man and Doctor Strange are too late. The four Fantastic Four do not know about the comprehensive movie. Doom dare not. Surprise is a female lunatic.

Dr. Kabanner is not easy to control, let alone the captain, Black Widow and Hawkeye are too mortal, and training is useless.

Although Thor is stupid, but with Odin staring at him, it is not easy to control.

And Loki has the intelligence and ability and can be clever, so Zhou Wenwen is not at ease.

Ant-Man is too far behind. Although it is strong when it grows bigger and smaller, its strength is still too weak. Black Panther Zhou Wenwen doesn't like it very much.

It can be said that in the entire Avengers movie universe, he can only see Tony Stark Iron Man.

Having said that, with the help and training of Zhou Wenwen, Tony's fighting strength is rising rapidly, whether it is consciousness or technology.

And seeing the frequent appearance of the Tin Man, Obadiahstan knows that the Tin Man is Tony.

Feeling the crisis, Obadiahstan increased his research efforts and tried to catch up with Tony's progress.

But this is of course unlikely.

But it's okay, Zhou Wenwen can help.

An enemy of equal strength, this is the part that Tony has to face.

Obviously, the Iron King Obadiahstan can perfectly replace Zhou Wenwen's responsibilities when Zhou Wenwen will not take action.

At the same time, the strength of the Iron King Obadiahstan was not enough to threaten Tony.

But Zhou Wenwen must prevent Obadiahstan from stealing his heart.

In the movie, because of Pepper Potts' actions and the slow progress of his imitation Ark reactor, Obadiahstan had to take risks.

Obadiahstan stole Tony's heart and installed it on Iron King.

Obadiahstan entered the control program into the Iron Overlord before the arrival of Coleson Science and Technology, and successfully completed the transformation.

But don’t say, Obadiastam did all these moves right, but the only problem is that Obadiastam didn’t make up for the knife.

There was no replacement, which led to Tuomin, who had changed his old heart. Knowing that he would lose in the continuous battle, he desperately launched the offensive and finally won.

So now, if Zhou Wenwen wants to protect, he has to prevent Tony from dying in the stealing heart, then Zhou Wenwen has to stop the stealing heart.

So under Zhou Wenwen's actions, stealing the heart changed. Obadiahstan didn't steal the heart because he got the drawing of the heart.

With the help of those typographers and engineers, a small Ark reactor was newly released, and Obadiahstan installed the Iron Overlord for the first time and started uploading the program to the Iron Overlord.

Zhou Wenwen, who secretly peeped and saw this scene, silently turned off the camera, he knew that the day of the decisive battle was finally coming.

Since it was time for the decisive battle, Zhou Wenwen didn't need to come down again. He pretended to be in a hurry and directly reminded Tony that the computer in the president's office in the group building must have a contract with the armed elements. .

You just send someone to hack the computer so you know who did it.

As a computer genius, Tony immediately understood Zhou Wenwen's meaning and acted quickly, but Tony embarrassedly discovered an important point at this time.

A computer like this will be offline when no one is there, so no one can hack it if it is not connected to the Internet.

So Tony said nothing, and immediately pulled Zhou Wenwen into the car to go to the group building, and Zhou Wenwen, who had not yet responded, got into the car stupidly and waited for the location to respond.

But what's the use of Cha's reaction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhou Wenwen couldn't say anything at this time, especially when this was the most critical step of the plan.

After realizing this, Zhou Wenwen decided to continue after struggling for a few seconds, and at the same time he wanted to become more active.

After talking about the space gem, let’s talk about the equally powerful time gem.

The Time Stone, which was originally orange, is now green.

The Time Stone, also known as the Eye of Agamotto, first appeared in Doctor Strange as the Eye of Agamotto in the movie universe, but it should be noted that the Eye of Agamotto in the comics has nothing to do with the Infinity Stones.

The Time Stone allows the user to have complete control over past and present and even future time.

Time travel, time acceleration, time reversal, time confusion, and even infinite looping of time, the highest efficiency is omniscient.


Chapter 0317 Announcement of Six Forces

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