[In the end, Mako's mobile phone was found, and Ito Makoto was arrested, but unfortunately the charges were restricting tracking and possession of dangerous drugs, and in the end, there was still no direct evidence that Ito Makoto was the murderer, but it doesn't matter, now everyone thinks that Ito Makoto is a murderer who escaped the law, and he can't go back to his old life. 】

[Mitsuki is the same, her crime is to abandon and damage the body, and the crime of killing Mako Igarashi, because there is no absolute evidence that Mitsuki did not kill Mako, so according to Mitsuki's own confession, the charge fell on her. As for the crime of killing Uncle Mako, Fei Yingli won a legitimate defense, so she was not guilty. Mitsuki also received nearly a decade in prison. 】

[Afterwards, many people on the Internet were saying that Makoto Ito was the real murderer, and now he is even pointed at when he goes out, and at the same time, all the people around him are alienated from Makoto Ito, so it can be said that he is already a dead man in the social sense. And Mako's father had no income and a broken leg, and soon died in the garbage heap. 】

[Now all the people who hurt Mako have been punished, and the price Mitsuki paid is everything she has, family, school, future, and future. Mitsuki, who is charged with murder, will be ostracized wherever she goes, and her mother has also disowned her, but Mitsuki feels that it is worth it. 】

[A week later, at the gate of the prison.] Mitsuki, who was originally sentenced to ten years in prison, has now walked out of prison, where Lin Mu has been waiting for a long time on his motorcycle, Lin Mu raised his hand to Mitsuki. 】

["I remember you, you were the assistant of that Kudo detective. "Mitsuki has an impression of Lin Mu, it should be said that Mitsuki has an impression of Concubine Yingli, Shinichi and Officer Twilight, because they are one of the few people who have given Mitsuki kindness and help, and if there is no evidence provided by Lin Mu, the plan for Ito Seisha's death will be delayed a little. 】

["You arranged this opportunity to go out?" Mitsuki had planned to sit honestly for ten years, but today the police found her and said that as long as she could give the thing called Gaia's memory to the police, she could run him out. Mitsuki agreed, it stands to reason that you are not allowed to carry this thing in prison, but no one found it during the search, so Mitsuki took it with her. 】

"I'm just making a suggestion to Officer Twilight. Lin Mu had long known that this suggestion would not be rejected, this was the first time that the police could obtain an intact memory, and it was impossible for them to let go of this opportunity. Lin Mu threw a helmet to Mitsuki, "You still have a place to go, then hurry up." Time waits for no one. "】

[After Mitsuki took the helmet, she subconsciously touched her left arm, and after hesitating for a while, she still put on the helmet and sat on the back seat of the motorcycle, just like Lin Mu said, time waits for no one. Mitsuki does have a place she wants to go, "Please take me to Magic Land." "】

"Let's go. Lin Mu drove the motorcycle and set off, and at the same time, several police vehicles followed behind Lin Mu, these Lin Mu and Meiyue were very clear, but they didn't care. 】

["You, you actually already know the truth, right?" Mitsuki looked at Lin Mu's back, there was no basis for her, she just felt that the person in front of her knew that Mako had committed suicide, but he chose to deliberately conceal it. Lin Mu chose to acquiesce, and Mitsuki asked, "Why don't you publish the truth?"

["There are so many whys, if I have to say it, it's just that I can't get used to that scumbag. Lin Mu looked at the road ahead, "It's you, is it really worth it?" You used lawyers and detectives, judges and the public, in order to completely ruin that Ito Makoto's life." But you have also paid a lot of price, youth and future. Obviously, you can easily kill Makoto Ito with the power of memory. "】

["Death is just a relief for that kind of scum, I can't be so cheap to him. And if I also use my power to bully the weak, what difference is there between me and them? Mitsuki answered Lin Mu's question, it is true that she thought of killing Makoto Ito directly, but in this way, Mako's matter will also be exposed. 】

["All I care about is Mako who has protected me desperately, and Mako who has always supported me behind my back, so I made an appointment with her, and I must protect Mako this time..." 】

["I think you've protected Mako well, and you've counted your sins. Actually, you can get someone to help. I know that the people around you are not good people, but you can't give up asking for help just because of this, this society is not bad enough to get to this point. "】

["Yes, if only I could have met Mr. Assistant earlier, it's a little late now."] "】

["It's not too late, let's make an agreement, no matter what problems you encounter in the future, I will lend a helping hand to you, this is my promise. Lin Mu said very seriously. Miyue couldn't see Lin Mu's expression now, but she felt that Lin Mu's words were serious. 】

"Thank you. Meiyue stretched out her hand and hugged Lin Mu's waist and leaned her face on Lin Mu's back. At the speed of the Battle Lion, it still took Lin Mu nearly five hours to come to the magic paradise that Mitsuki had in mind, looking at the gorgeous amusement park, Mitsuki seemed to understand a little why Mako missed this place. 】

["By the way, this was found in Mako's relics, so I think it's better to give it to you."] "Lin Mu handed something to Mitsuki, it was a very ordinary key ring, and it was also a peripheral product of this magic paradise, and on this key ring was written a few words 'to Mitsuki', which was a gift that Mako originally planned to give to Mitsuki when she came here with Mitsuki, but now she can only let Lin Mu hand it over. 】

"Thank you, Mr. Assistant. Meiyue suddenly came to Lin Mu's front and gently left a kiss on the corner of Lin Mu's mouth, "This is the only one I can return the gift, don't dislike Mr. Assistant if you like it." By the way, can I walk around?"].

["Please."] Lin Mu touched the corners of his mouth a little dazedly, and subconsciously replied to Meiyue. Seeing Lin Mu do this, Mitsuki also smiled gently, this was the first time she showed a sincere smile in front of someone other than Mako. 】

[Mitsuki walks alone in the magic paradise, feeling that everything around her is obviously so strange, but it feels very familiar, because this is the scene that Mako often talks to Mitsuki. Suddenly, a young girl appeared next to Mitsuki, and that person turned out to be Mako. 】

[Mako took Mitsuki's hand with her left hand and shuttled through the amusement park, they played together, took pictures together, and chose gifts together, as if time had suddenly returned to the past, that time should have been happy and happy. Mako jumped up and danced on the railing, and suddenly Mako felt something, and looking at Mitsuki with a bright smile, Mako stretched out her left hand to Mitsuki. 】

["I'm here, Mako!" Mitsuki stretched out her hand, and the hands of the two girls clenched together. 】

["What's wrong with her?" Miwako Sato looked at Mitsuki who was sitting on the amusement park bench 'asleep', and now Mitsuki tightly grasped the key ring left for her by Mako with her right hand, leaning weakly on the bench, with a smile on the corner of her mouth. Mitsuki's left hand has now turned completely black, and even these black marks have traces extending to Mitsuki's whole body. 】

["This is the consequence of forcibly using Gaia's memory without an interface, the toxins in the memory are not filtered and erode Mitsuki's body, and she has a very good relationship with this memory, and the speed of the toxin spread has become several times faster. Lin Mu explained. 】

["Is there no way to save her?" Miwako Sato asked nervously, such a girl's life passed in front of her eyes, and she couldn't be indifferent. 】

["I can't go back to the sky. Lin Mu's fists were clenched tightly, he was not as firm and relieved as he seemed on the surface, and now Lin Mu couldn't help but think, if he had defeated the doped body of Mitsuki's transformation for the first time, would there be a different result now?].

[Maybe, who can say such a thing. But Lin Mu knew one thing very well, that is, his own weakness, Lin Mu touched the fist in his arms, and he made up his mind. 】

[End of video.] 】

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