[Mitsuki knows very well that suicide cannot allow the perpetrator to get the punishment he deserves, even if she can prove that Makoto Ito caused Mako's suicide, the punishment given to Makoto by the law is very limited, and that man's crime deserves a heavier punishment. After all, reality is very cruel, and not only the truth can save people. 】

[What Mitsuki has to do is to distort the truth and let Makoto Ito get a reputation for murder, only in this way will his life be ruined and he will get the punishment he deserves. In order to further expand the matter, Mitsuki is now playing the role of a stupid woman who is infatuated with Makoto Ito and convicted for him, and only in this way can Makoto Ito be pulled into the court. Even if it were, it would be my sin. 】

[After Mitsuki changed her testimony for the first time and put forward Makoto Ito's name, the first court session could only be temporarily over, and now the court needs to confirm Mitsuki's new confession, and ask Makoto Ito to testify in court, because Makoto Ito is not a suspect yet, so the court cannot take coercive measures, and of course Makoto Ito, who is weak-hearted, will not take the initiative to come to the court, so the second trial time has been postponed. 】

[In addition to the lawyer and the jury, there were many media at the scene, which were originally aimed at Mitsuki's case, but now that the case has made a little progress, they will report it immediately, and some unscrupulous media have already determined that Makoto Ito is the murderer or the scum who made the woman guilty. 】

[These reports have had a great impact on Ito Makoto's daily life, all the female friends have stayed away from Ito Makoto, and everywhere I go, passers-by pointed to Ito's back and said that he was a murderer, resulting in the current Ito Makoto even going out has been affected, and Ito Makoto has no choice but to appear in court. 】

[At the second court session, Makoto Ito, who was dressed like a dog, swore an oath with a sunny smile in front of the judge, but Lin Mu and the new one, who knew Makoto Ito's true face, would feel disgusted with Makoto Ito. As expected, Makoto Ito denied everything, he had not seen the murder weapon that killed Mako, nor had he seen Mako on the day of the crime. 】

["But according to the clues we found, you went to the scene on the day of the crime, and after the death of Mako Igarashi. You went to recover the murder weapon because Mako Igarashi was dead and was afraid that she would be discovered, right?"

[Fei Yingli took out the evidence provided by Lin Mu, which was the dash cam of a taxi, with a clear time and picture on it, which proved that Makoto Ito had been to the scene. At the same time, there is also a surveillance camera near Makoto Ito's house, which captures the conversation between Makoto Ito and Mitsuki, as well as the picture of Makoto Ito leaving, and there is also a specific time for monitoring. 】

[Makoto Ito noticed that the people around him were looking at him with strange eyes, as if he had already been identified as the murderer.] Fei Yingli continued, "We have investigated your relationships, but they say that you often pretend to be a kind young man and deceive countless women. And you've also colluded with the violent syndicate, and you've used your money to call some thugs. Mako Igarashi is one of the victims, and Mitsuki Rankawa, who is here, is also a victim. "】

["You let it go!she's not a victim!" Ito Makoto himself knew that he hadn't even touched Mitsuki's hand, how could he be a victim, "Don't you understand? You're the one who was deceived, big sister! Don't talk about you, everyone here has been deceived by her! Your brains are in water!"].

["It's forbidden to make noise in the courtroom!" The judge struck the hammer with an ugly face, and the people in the brain that Ito Makoto just said also included him, and it was not a good thing to offend the judge in the courtroom. 】

[Ito Makoto controlled his volume, but he still pointed at Fei Yingli very proudly and said, "I went to find the knife just because I didn't want to get into trouble, and I didn't find the knife, I didn't kill anyone at all, and there is no evidence at all to prove that Mako was killed by me!]

["Indeed, proving that the knife is yours does not prove that you are a murderer. But Mr. Ito, I remember that you said in your testimony that you didn't see Mako Igarashi that day, right?" Fei Yingli tactically pushed his glasses, and Ito Makoto didn't think much about admitting it directly. 】

["In the testimony provided by Mitsuki Lankawa, she only told you, 'The knife and Mako's body are buried together', do you admit it as a party?"" Fei Yingli's question made Ito Makoto reminisce, because this is what happened in reality. Makoto Ito recalled that it was indeed the case, and he admitted it again. 】

["Mitsuki-san obviously just said that the knife and the corpse were in the same place, but you said, 'I'll go find the knife', so may I ask, how do you, who haven't seen Igarashi that day, know where the murder weapon is? "】

[Makoto Ito's face froze, but Fei Yingli said her reasoning, "On the day of the crime, you saw Mako Igarashi herself, I guess you wanted to force her to get back together with you, but Mako didn't agree, so you stabbed Mako in the abdomen with a knife when you were excited, but you didn't expect Mako to die because of this, so after hearing Mitsuki-san's saying that Mako was dead, you will return to the scene in a panic.] "】

[Fei Yingli's reasoning sounded very reasonable, and most of the people present believed it, and then Lin Mu and Shinichi knew that there was a little gap between this and reality, and this gap was because Makoto Ito said a false confession, coupled with Mitsuki's deliberate guidance. Lin Mu didn't intend to defend Makoto Ito, and Shinichi was very hesitant, and finally didn't speak, judging from the current results, those who made mistakes have been punished, so he shouldn't make trouble. 】

["You slut actually bullied Lao Tzu! Be careful that I sue you for slander!"Ito Makoto also realized that he had fallen for the trick, but now he has no way to excuse himself at all, so he wants to vent his anger on Fei Yingli, but he was held down by the security guards, and in the eyes of others, Ito Makoto did this completely because of his anger after the truth was exposed. 】

['Go to hell, scum!' Looking at Makoto Ito who was pressed to the ground by the security guard, Mitsuki's face did not show any abnormality, but her heart was already cursing Makoto Ito, and now she finally succeeded, neither let Mako's affairs be known to others, but also punished for hurting Mako, even if it was the infamy on her back. 】

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