I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 347 Skill Practice (Part 3)

Chapter 347 Skill Practice (Part 3)

When the gate of infinity is no longer the gate of infinity, everyone has infinite assumptions about the world outside the gate.

However, the future is not 100% rosy.

"Everyone has seen it. The note left by the big face cat is 'There seems to be something behind the door', which means that the thing behind the door may be a disaster that we can deal with infinitely, or it may be an ordinary thing. The risk is quite high." The man in the bandage started the topic.

After half an hour of the temporary meeting, the topic gradually got on the right track, and the discussion on "the advantages and disadvantages of opening the door" began.

No one doubted that Kemen couldn't push the door open, even if it couldn't, this new understanding gave everyone a lot of insight and benefited a lot.

When encountering similar things in the future, you can also think of the things discussed today in time, and increase your synaesthesia reading comprehension ability.

Kemeng had already hung up the meeting and didn't listen, but went back to ponder spirituality.

Kemen doesn't know whether to open it or not, so let them think about it.

After all, the world behind the door is full of unknowns.

Kemen stayed in the room, slowly pondering the means of using spirituality.

In the field of synaesthesia, spiritual practices are primarily concerned with amplifying the senses, sensing information, and gathering information

Especially the magnification of the senses, the core secret technique, it is a feeling that even Kemeng can't say, it is mysterious and mysterious, as long as you understand it, you can use spirituality to strengthen synaesthesia.

And this process of using is the key point that Kemen needs to strip out.

Deprive it, condense the spirituality of the human body into the hand alone, give the "door" a message to open inward, and actively pull the door.

Late at night.

Kemen pondered for a while, but the effect was slow.

You know, Kemon's spirituality is high enough, and he learns things quickly, so he should have learned quickly.

But today, when I went to deep learning in the mysterious field, it was a bit difficult and difficult.

However, there is still some progress, so we have to take it slowly and try it step by step.

Kemeng has finished the theoretical work, and the rest is to rely on practice, to experience the spiritual hand use step by step, and to correct it slowly.

In the evening, Kemon received the latest investigation report from Team Luo.

In the community of the Chen family, all the doors were demolished.

It also included things with the significance of the "door" shape, all of which were removed, and as a result, the special field in the community still could not be retreated.

This also became the first special field that the Investigation Bureau could not handle. After the official discussion, it was decided to permanently seal off this area and prohibit ordinary people from entering and leaving.

After reading the new report of the Bureau of Investigation, Kemen continued to ponder spirituality.

After a whole night of testing, Kemon made great progress in the use of spiritual hands.

Tangyuan watched silently from the side, Kemeng's palm didn't glow, but Tangyuan thought it was glowing, very bright, attracted it, and wanted to take a bite.

Kemon patted the glutinous rice ball with a flip of his hand, and slapped it away.

"It's done, spiritual hand." Kemeng let out a sigh of relief, tossing back and forth, exhausting his spirituality quickly.

The consumption of spirituality will be manifested as a loss of energy, as well as a decrease in sensitivity to external things, as well as a combination of symptoms such as slow reaction.

However, as long as one eats a psychic fruit, this symptom will return to the original state.

Others dare not eat it as a snack, but Kemeng dares to eat it like this.

In fact, people in the bureau secretly speculated that the glutinous rice balls, Shirley, and white sugar might have eaten a lot of spiritual fruits, otherwise Kemeng ate all the fruits by himself, which would really shock the world.

"There is a method, but whether to push the door or not depends on their decision." Kemen looked at the distant sky.

"The advantages and disadvantages of opening the door" cannot be discussed in one day, and it requires careful discussion and confirmation of the stock of strong items in the national inventory.

The decision to push the door will only be implemented if the preparation is sufficient.

Kemen thought for a while, the possibility of the superior deciding to push the door is not zero.

The power of the zero-level thing can be glimpsed from the side effects of the bandage man. Kemeng's whole body is piled up, and it is not enough to beat the zero-level thing behind the bandage man.

The big-faced cat is a popular science thing, even if it has the potential of a zero-level thing, its combat effectiveness is still scum.

"No results have been discussed yet, but at least half of the people at the meeting advocated opening the door. Brother, can you really open the door?"

At twelve o'clock in the evening, the man in the bandage sent a message to Kemon.

Kemen hasn't slept yet, mainly because he ate too many spirit fruits and his consciousness is so active that he can't even use self-hypnosis.

"Yes." Kemon replied.

After receiving the news, the man in the bandage immediately replied: "It's good if you can, I'm afraid it will be embarrassing if you can't open the door after we discuss it for a few days."

"Do you want to open the door?" Kermon asked.

"Now there are only two 'doors' in Koi Island. One is the closed door, and the other is the one in Octopus City that has not been closed. The door is not closed. We guess it may be unattended, otherwise the door behind the door Why don’t things come over by themselves, so I advocate opening the door and going in to have a look, of course, the premise is that I lurk in with a zero-low presence to ensure safety.”

The zero sense of presence of the man in the bandage is very BUG. Undoing the bandage has no sense of presence, and others cannot perceive him. As long as the man in the bandage does not shoot, the security is full, and this is why he confidently advocates opening the door.

"What about you, Amon, I want to know if you have any sense of danger in your view of the world behind the door."

"I don't feel any danger right now." Kemon shook his head.

After chatting for half an hour, the other party went to sleep, while Kemeng was running in the villa to expend energy, and at the same time, he took out similar special items to expedite energy consumption.

Kemon deliberately controlled the resistance power, not resisting things that drain energy.

After running for an hour, I was so tired that I quickly took a shower, lay on the bed and hypnotized myself for less than a minute, Kemen fell asleep and entered the deep sea Raliyah.


Kemon became Cthulhu and once again communicated with the Infinity Gate.

Last time, Kemon didn't have the concept of doors, and his level of understanding was different.

The countless skills of Cthulhu's body contain infinite knowledge, but without using the skills, it is difficult for Kemen himself to understand.

This time, Kemon had synesthesia again, and saw the red wooden door without a handle standing in the darkness.

Without the decoration of the living room, it is just a simple wooden door, standing in the dark, the scenery is monotonous, but it highlights a theme, that is "door".

But this time, in addition to seeing infinite "red doors" in the door opening, Kemeng also saw a second layer of phantoms.

It was an unlocked red door, as long as someone pushed it open, it would lead to the blue star.

If others turn its opening direction inward, it will open a space channel leading to another unknown region.

Kemon didn't feel any danger, but behind the door, there was indeed something there.

What is that thing?

Without a closed door, there is no way to stop the evil god's synaesthesia.

But in an instant, an invisible obstacle appeared, which was the power of Blue Star, which blocked Kemen's deep synaesthesia.

Part 3 completed

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