I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 346 Revisiting the Gate of Infinity

Chapter 346 Revisiting the Gate of Infinity

There is no way to investigate, and this matter can only be temporarily suppressed.

Kemen stood in the underground testing room of the Bureau of Investigation, watching the testers keep testing the new items that Kemen brought out today, feeling dazed.

The picture of a red wooden door flashed away. It was the picture of Kemon's memory, and it was not created out of nothing.

"The Gate of Infinity." Kemon murmured.

Kemon knew why he suddenly thought of the Gate of Infinity.

The concept of the door made him feel that the door of infinity might be related, but it didn't feel obvious intuitively.

In the afternoon, Kemon drove directly to the octopus market to see the gate of infinity.

The residential area of ​​Infinity Gate was transformed into the investigator's accommodation area. The investigator on the first floor received the news in advance and came out to pick up Kemon.

Kemon entered the living room and touched the door in front of the infinite door.

This door is full of weirdness.

After opening the red door, there is still a door behind it. The big face cat also explained that this is a door that can be opened forever, endless and endless.

But Kemeng revisited the old place this time, and saw the red door with a new feeling.

This time, Kemon recognized the concept of "door", while last time Kemon didn't understand the concept of "door".

As the knowledge reserve has been upgraded, the understanding is naturally different, and subtle changes have taken place.

"The outside of the door is connected to the blue star, and the inside of the door is connected to the unknown. You are also such a door." Kemeng touched the red door without a handle, his eyes flickered, and he muttered to himself, finally understanding the connotation of the infinite door.

Inspiration flashed through my mind like a flash of lightning.

Spiritual awareness continued to spread, accepting the information naturally emitted by the Red Gate, Kemen seemed to see a new world.

"This is a 'door' that has not been closed, although the spirituality is urged to push the door."

Kemon's heart was pounding, and it was possible that this push would open the door to a new world.

But Kemeng didn't dare to push. The big-faced cat once said that there seemed to be something hidden behind the gate of infinity.

And how to push the door with spirituality still needs to be studied carefully.

Now human beings don't study spirituality deeply enough. Kemeng has the identity of dream boss, but Cthulhu's powerful knowledge can't be brought over, only the use of synaesthesia can be inherited.

Of course, in the synesthesia technique, the use of spirituality is also quite high-end, and you can still learn advanced knowledge after pondering.

"Kemon, what did you study?" The janitor came over and asked routinely, and didn't expect Kemeng to really see something.

This door of infinity, Kemeng has come to see it last time, and didn't see anything, just used the big face cat to complete the information of the door of infinity.

"Well, I did research something." Kemon nodded.

This time, he just had a feeling in his heart and came to see it casually, without thinking of gaining anything.

Unintentionally planting willows and willows into shades is both surprise and worry.

Will pushing open that unknown door lead to disaster, or usher in blessings?

"This is an open door. In theory, I can push open that unknown door," Kemon said.

The gatekeeper is an A-level member with a high level of confidentiality and can know these things.

The gatekeeper heard that Kermon had a way to push open the real door, and for a moment couldn't figure out whether Kermon was joking or talking seriously.


"I'm not sure now, but when I think about it, it should work."

Kemon has already begun to think about the way of using spirituality in the synaesthesia method, analyzing the theory in depth to see if it can be used in the non-synaesthesia method.

"Okay, then you think about it slowly, by the way, should I report it to the Investigation Bureau?" The gatekeeper was still not sure that Kemeng had researched something, so he asked again, lest Kemeng joked that he took it seriously.

"Well, let's report it." Kemen nodded.

The matter is of great importance, and opening an unknown door requires the protection of the whole world to prevent things that the investigation bureau cannot resist.

There is even a possibility that the authorities decide not to push the door and continue to stabilize it.

The gatekeeper didn't know that Kemen was already imagining the worst outcome in his mind. He was in a daze, thinking that Kemen was joking, but the other party agreed to report it, so he couldn't set up a card to intercept it here.

"If a door to a new world can really be launched, the level of this door will also be raised." The gatekeeper's thoughts flew away, and he gradually thought of the risks and benefits of the world behind the door.

This is not something that one person can consider. We must take the overall situation into consideration to avoid uncontrollable disasters.

The gatekeeper's report was quickly uploaded to the investigation bureau's network, and after review, it was sent directly to the Koi City General Bureau as quickly as possible, where it was known by the big bosses of the general bureau.

"Is there any new progress in the gate of infinity?"

When the man in the bandage received the message, his eyes were filled with surprise.

Others couldn't see the feeling behind his bandages, but everyone was spiritually strong, and they all read surprise from the bandaged man's eyes.

"The gate of infinity, I thought it would keep opening indefinitely, but I didn't expect it to be able to open."

"This is just a briefing, there is no real information. I need to connect with Kermon."

"Mythical beast, please connect to Kemeng." The man in the bandage said to the air in the conference hall.

"Received, the connection is in progress." The electronic synthesizer sounded from the speaker.

"Should we change the name for it? It doesn't feel awkward to call it a beast."

"No, I'm used to it, it's good to just call it like this." A man with a burning head waved his hand.

After a while, Kemon's voice sounded in the meeting room.

"I probably understand all your questions, let me talk about the cause and effect first.

A special field was born in our city last night. In my friend's bedroom, there is a conceptual object with a door as the main object. Outside the door is a blue star, and inside the door leads to an unknown place.

After careful understanding, I had a new association with the Gate of Infinity. I went to the Octopus Market to try it in the afternoon, and the test results came out. This is an open door, and what is missing is someone to push the door.

The person who pushes the door can decide whether the 'door' opens to the outside or to the inside of the door. "

Kemon's explanation was a bit long, but the S-class members present listened to it word for word, and quickly understood and digested it.

"I have a question. Usually, when there is no professional pusher to push the door of Infinity, what kind of state are we normal people in when we push the door?"

A man with red flames coming out of his head coughed and spoke.

Kemeng's speech rate remained unchanged, and he calmly explained: "This door is not closed, and the direction it opens is to the outside of the door, that is, to Blue Star."

"I see." The flaming man nodded, and his hair suddenly stopped flaming.

The S-class members present casually glanced at the flaming man's hair, and they were no strangers to it.

"The usual direction is outside the door, that is, to the blue star. No matter how many times we open the door, or from which direction, it will lead to the blue star after opening, so the phenomenon of infinite nesting dolls is caused. Is this the understanding? ?” The man in the bandage revealed his reading comprehension.

"Basically correct," Kemon said.

there is one more

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