Hollywood Road

Chapter 456 First Day Box Office Results

Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!

The next Friday morning, Daisy went out to the nearby cinema. She parked the car and bought some newspapers. Fans who came early to watch it should be avoided.

This is also a tradition in North America. For Hollywood films, Friday is the beginning of a new weekend. For movie fans, it also means that a large number of new films have just been released.

Holding the newspaper and backpack, Daisy walked to the ticket window, probably because it was too early, there was only one window selling tickets for the time being, and because the ticket sales had just started, more than a dozen movie fans gathered and waited here.

"The Twilight Saga, one," said a girl. "Thank you."

The girl took the ticket and walked away contentedly. One of the two boys behind handed over a dollar bill, "Inglourious Basterds, two!"

"Inglourious Basterds, three!"

"Twilight, one piece!"

The people in front of Daisy chose these two films without exception. "Twilight" was released before Thanksgiving, and now it has passed the hottest stage. Relatively speaking, people who bought tickets for "Inglourious Basterds" More.

And she also discovered another point, basically all the people who went to see "Twilight" were women, and all the boys bought tickets for "Inglourious Basterds".

After buying a movie ticket for "Inglourious Basterds", since it was still early before the opening time, Daisy came to the rest area, found a seat and sat down, opened the newspaper she bought, and waited quietly.

Daisy has no interest in news like current affairs and politics. When reading newspapers, she directly turns to the entertainment section. First, there is a copy of "Los Angeles Times". On the front page of the entertainment section, you can easily see the Reviews of several films, most notably Murphy Stanton's new film Inglourious Basterds.

"Inglourious Basterds is a well-crafted, deeply complex, lawless film. In this crazy world, Hitler and a group of high-ranking Nazis were killed happily, as if there was nothing wrong with it. Yes, war between nations The act turned into personal revenge, and Hitler just died one more time. Ingeniously, Hitler died in the movie theater, in front of the burning screen, which shows Murphy Stanton's ambition: the movie is no longer a power play On the contrary, it has become a weapon to execute evil and realize justice. Then, let Hitler die happily in a movie theater."

There are still these hidden in the film, Daisy can't help scratching her head, and opened another copy of "New York Times".

"Inglourious Basterds is a cool post-modern, old-fashioned, entertaining movie. You could say that Murphy Stanton did it with all his skills, including the memorable Unique characters, dense and nutritious dialogue, amazing turning scenes and visual style. Murphy Stanton, with his unique noir style, made a World War II dream that belongs only to him."

Daisy nodded lightly, not only the audience's reputation on the Internet, but also the professional reputation in the media. Murphy's films can always win applause from the media and film critics while pleasing a considerable part of the audience. .

"Inglourious Basterds is messy, not flawless, and very self-indulgent, but Murphy Stanton also gives the audience great enjoyment. The film is bloody but glorious. Murphy-Stanton's war fantasy may It makes history a mess, but his film is an outstanding contribution to Holocaust cinema in World War II."

The evaluation of "Washington Post" was also very good. "Inglourious Basterds" won unanimous praise from the three major newspapers in the United States at the same time, which also strengthened Daisy's determination to let go of her unhappiness and watch this film later.

Finally, Daisy opened the "Chicago Sun-Times" and found the film review column of the famous film critic Roger Ebert.

"Murphy Stanton can perfectly integrate various elements into his noir style, coupled with his unique film talent, he will always be able to create films different from the past.

Inglorious and dark, the latest incarnation of Inglourious Basterds is a mixture of fluidity and prudence, historical fact and wild fantasy, realism and surrealism, a mix of real and fictional characters, famous historical events and notorious villains. Movies, novels, war histories, memoirs, photos, music and paintings, Murphy used all the popular cultural factors about World War II for his own use, and finally created a World War II miracle film! "

At the end of this video, Daisy also saw Roger Ebert's iconic thumbs up.

Apparently, the famous film critic is also very fond of Murphy's new film.

The theater began to check tickets, and Daisy walked into the screening hall with great expectations. The film did not disappoint her. Not to mention other places, just the sudden ending of Hitler and the one-shot killing of the top Nazis made the entire screening hall The audience inside all orgasmed.

Besides cool and cool, she couldn't find any adjectives.

If "Man of Steel" uses a heavy and depressive theme to create a fateful epic sense that is attractive, then this film is like a nonsense, using almost nonsense techniques to kill all the top Nazis, highlighting the cool and cool!

Sitting in her seat, watching the subtitles fall, Daisy suddenly found that her previous dissatisfaction with Murphy Stanton had disappeared without a trace. How can a director who can make such a wonderful film make people not love him? ?

Of course, it is impossible for any film to win everyone's love. Often, as many people like it, there will be as many people who hate it.

Moreover, even if "Inglourious Basterds" was modified by Murphy to be more popular, it still wasn't suitable for all movie fans.

There are also criticisms of "Inglourious Basterds" on the Internet.

"If Inglourious Basterds wasn't a bad movie, and Murphy Stanton wasn't a bad director, then the world would be crazy, and you go on boasting about your 'unique taste'. All I see and feel is a bad movie. A bad movie made by a director, because there are very few bad people who can really push the bad movie to our eyes."

But these voices are not mainstream after all, and it is difficult to influence too many people. Murphy has been in Hollywood for so many years, and those who don’t like his black style will not like him after all. This is also a reality that cannot be changed.

During the day on Friday, "Inglourious Basterds" easily surpassed the previous "Twilight Saga", and its attendance rate and screening rate were far ahead, and it became the single-day box office champion without any suspense.

"Even last Thursday's early game, it was only $18.9 million..."

In the back garden of Wave Manor, Margot Robbie saw her golden ponytail thrown behind her, and said to Gal Gadot who was walking with her on the stone road, "The box office will definitely not exceed 100 million US dollars in the first weekend. "

"Your requirements are too high and unrealistic, Maggie." Gal Gadot took her arm, "How can an R-rated movie with this kind of theme have a box office of over 100 million in the first weekend?"

Margot Robbie got closer and said with a smile, "I know it's unrealistic, but thinking this is Murphy's movie, it can always create some miracles."

Gal Gadot shook his head helplessly, "He's just an ordinary person."

It is not a miracle that an R-rated film of this kind has a box office of over 100 million in its first weekend, but a fantasy.

Passing through the garden, the two saw a few people sitting under the palm trees drinking afternoon tea. James Franco waved to them first, and Gal Gadot and Margot Robbie hurried over.

"What are you talking about?" Gal Gadot sat on the chair next to Murphy, and Murphy poured a cup of black tea for her and Margot Robbie and replied, "Jim formally invited us to participate in his and Lily's moving party."

Gal Gadot looked at James Franco, "When?"

"The weekend before Christmas." James Franco urged, "You and Murphy must come."

Gal Gadot knew about the friendship between Stanton's party members, and without thinking about it, he said, "We will definitely be there on time."

"Yes, we must come!" Jonah Hill on the other side put down his teacup and reminded, "Don't forget, I have prepared a very special gift for you."

James Franco shrugged. "Hopefully it's not something that ruins the party."

Jonah Hill directly gave him the middle finger.

Hearing these words, Margot Robbie first looked at James Franco and then at Gal Gadot. Gal Gadot understood what she meant and gave him an encouraging look.

"Are you... are you going to hold a party?" Margot Robbie asked tentatively, "Can I join?"

"Of course!" James Franco said immediately, "I have sent an invitation to your brother David, and you will come together next weekend."

"Yeah!" Margot Robbie nodded and laughed.

For James Franco and Lily Collins, this is undoubtedly a very important party, and Murphy also knows that it is really not easy for these two people to get together.

Moreover, Lily Collins also seemed to have a way to make a pedophile stop looking for new targets and focus on her. More importantly, the two had already received the blessing of Lily Collins' mother.

Faced with this situation, Murphy can only say that Hollywood couples are extraordinary.

Confirmed to attend James Franco and Lily Collins' moving party next week, Murphy then began a busy post-screening promotional work, "Inglourious Basterds" has already had a good first-day box office results, no matter how it is Thinking about it, he hopes that the next harvest will be better.

The box office and commercial success of this film is definitely not comparable to that of "Man of Steel", as long as anyone with a normal head can see this.

After a box office of $18.9 million in the first day, "Inglourious Basterds" collected another $22.1 million on Saturday. The rising box office of the next day also indicates that the film will have a pretty good opening number in its first weekend.


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