Hollywood Road

Chapter 402 The Scary Destroyer

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Even in North America, there has been a long-standing conflict between some DC fans and some Marvel fans. The "primary school student's appointment" once again intensified the conflict between the two, and this conflict was directly reflected on the Internet.

Since Friday night, DC fans and Marvel fans have started to attack each other almost crazily around the Internet.

Fans of Marvel responded immediately to "Elementary School Students' Frame Date".

"Murphy Stanton, let's make "Man of Steel". With so many special effects, I'm ashamed to say that Marvel movies are all popcorn. I'm really convinced."

Now that the war has kicked off, Marvel fans will certainly not show mercy.

"It's tall and dark, but in fact, nine out of ten d comic movies are bad movies that don't even reach the level of qualified popcorn movies. It makes people think that they have seen through the world after watching "Man of Steel". Laugh out loud."

DC fans were naturally unwilling and jumped out one after another.

"After watching Man of Steel, I thought what a Marvel hero movie is."

"You expect the IQ of those guys with surprise feet to understand "Man of Steel"?"

"Marvel's movies are all clumsy talk shows, and DC is playing with strength and content!"

Because some fans of Marvel dragged Murphy into this dispute, some of Murphy's supporters also stood on the opposite side of Marvel, but compared with DC's fanatical fans, these people were calmer and more restrained.

"Someone once joked that compared with the action fighting scene in "Man of Steel", the big battle at the end of the "Spider-Man" series and "Fantastic Four" is like a child's play. After watching it today, I deeply agree, Murphy The combat action special effects in "Man of Steel" have reached a state similar to the pinnacle. I personally think that for a single-round action scene, Murphy's skill is at least as good as that of Michael Bay and Roland Emer. Qi is waiting for someone. For the audio-visual effects of "Man of Steel", it is a perfect score!"

At noon on Saturday, Murphy learned of this dispute on the Internet, and he didn't find it surprising. Fans attack each other, these are just trivial things.

If it was an ordinary film, this kind of dispute would be blackmail, but after Murphy thought about it, he met with Warner Bros. and DC Comics, who are in charge of the project, Diego Harris, and shared his views. .

"Why don't we give it a push from behind?"

In the office, Murphy looked at the executive president of DC Comics opposite, and said, "Diego, such a dispute can create a topic for "Man of Steel" on the Internet and attract more people's attention."

Diego Harris had some doubts, "Is this appropriate? Will it lose some potential viewers?"

"Who are the group of people who are attacking us on the opposite side?" Murphy didn't need Diego Harris to give an answer, and said directly, "Those people are fanatical supporters of Marvel. Even if we do nothing, do you think they will be the ticket audience for Man of Steel or any other DC superhero movie in the future?"

"No!" Diego Harris shook his head without even thinking about it. "It's not bad if they don't criticize DC's works. Buying tickets? It's impossible."

Having said that, he suddenly understood Murphy's intentions.

"So, why should we care about these people?" Murphy said as concisely as possible, "We guide the direction of Internet disputes appropriately, and don't let it expand to real passer-by audiences. As for those paranoid fans who are surprised, it is us The most suitable object for creating topics."

Hearing Murphy's words, Diego Harris couldn't help but nodded.

Murphy continued, "It might be possible to attract some of them to pay for Man of Steel."

"Oh?" Diego Harris looked at Murphy suspiciously.

"If you attack each other, you have to come up with some real facts. You can't just talk about it, otherwise you will only be ridiculed." Murphy spread his hands and said, "There will definitely be some surprised fans. "Man of Steel" may find evidence for the film's shortcomings and enter the theater."

Diego Harris understood it completely now, and immediately laughed, "The more paranoid people tend to do this more!"

When it comes to things that really involve revenue, the major companies in Hollywood are moving very quickly. Warner Bros. and DC Comics adopted Murphy's suggestion, mobilized various resources under them, and used the Internet as a base to attack Marvel works. , and also carried out some ingenious self-hacking in order to arouse the indignation of DC fans.

"Man of Steel, this is the most technically bad movie I've ever seen!"

An article attacking Man of Steel published by a well-known blogger quickly spread on the Internet.

"After the film was released, it got a super high user rating on IMDB, which can be said to be the highest since the superhero movie came out, but IMDb's ratings were first scored by fans to occupy seats, so There's no point in bragging about Man of Steel with that."

"Honestly, as a fan, I'm happy to see Man of Steel premiere so well, but let's not forget Spider-Man 3 and Shrek 3, which premiered a few weeks ago with rave reviews as well. , not a single bad review, everyone boasted that this is the best summer movie in history, but in the end it all became a shameful play."

"Most of the people watching the premiere are fans. It's normal to get good reviews. It takes a long time for the real word-of-mouth to appear. Want to let the media decide for you whether you like or hate the movie before watching the movie? The so-called media evaluation is just an indicator, no matter how high the score is, there will be moisture. Movie viewers themselves, don’t let any external factors affect their basic judgment on whether a movie is good or bad.”

"Nutritious plots and repetitive monotonous explosions have become synonymous with "Man of Steel", so here I would like to congratulate Murphy Stanton for being a more terrifying destroyer than Michael Bay. The tenth time is the CG special effects display and the "gorgeous" fighting, multiple zooms in the long shot. I thought that Murphy Stanton would incorporate some diversified values ​​into the film to provide some depth. I didn't expect several propositions that could be played Just scratched the surface and made one of his worst films."

This is an Internet marketing event carefully planned by Murphy for Warner Bros. and DC Comics. Of course, such a negative review will not exist in isolation. Wherever this review appears, most of it is followed by rebuttal opinions.

"The fighting scene is amazing. It is full of power, the lens is also great, and the sense of impact is super strong, especially the scenes where the eyes emit line, which is very destructive. There are many shots, and the expressiveness of direct screenshots should be better than the publicity. The pictures are also great! Just seeing these fighting scenes is worth the price of admission!"

"Ultra-violence! The destruction of various buildings makes my heart ache. The entire metropolis has been turned into ruins. The fight between Superman and Wonder Woman is very presumptuous, but it also shows that the enemy is a huge threat to the earth. There is that The determination to do whatever it takes really exploded."

"Superman's uniform is great, the texture is very delicate, I feel that the previous uniform is too cheap, this time it is a high-end product, and the armor of the heroine is also very domineering, really handsome and cool."

Since it continues to spark disputes between the two sides, of course some so-called "surprise fans" remarks will be added to the rebuttal.

"The plot is procrastinated, the rhythm and editing are very bad, the picture is too dark to see clearly, the fights are long and boring, and there is a lot of urine."

There are also the views of passers-by and viewers.

"Super-speed fighting, flying to the sky, swishing, swishing, bang, bang, and then there is no more. Even if it is bad, it is better than the childish works of Marvel superhero movies."

This kind of controversial publicity method is more suitable for the Internet. In addition to the Internet, Warner Bros. will certainly not let go of the traditional media, and in the traditional media, it is mainly touted.

For example, the "Premiere" magazine, which has a great influence among movie fans, has published several favorable reviews. Time Warner's "Time Magazine" even made Superman the key cover character in May.

"Man of Steel directed by Murphy Stanton should be the one that balances the passion and exaggeration of comics with realistic emotional stories among all comic book hero adaptations so far. Believe that Superman can live in reality, but when the war begins and the new version of Superman flies and fights at high speed in Hans Zimmer's extremely passionate music, nothing is important, the rest is just excited goosebumps Dance couldn't and shouldn't ask for more from a summer movie based on a comic book."

"If you only talk about the visual impact, "Man of Steel" is definitely the best of the year. Murphy Stanton fully uses the lens to narrow the visual and psychological distance with the audience. The battle in the last few minutes of the film is huge and destructive The power is so strong that people feel that 'this is really cool'. There is no slow motion in this, which mainly emphasizes the speed and strength of Superman and his opponents; a large number of zoom tracking shots allow the audience to directly experience the magnificence of the battle Momentum; as a connection between action scenes, one or two relatively static pictures with beautiful composition are often interspersed to further enhance the visual shock.”

"Although this kind of movie seems to be expected because it can't jump out of the setting of 'Superman will win in the end', Murphy Stanton at least managed to make people feel fresh excitement and tension in the action scenes. In the age of 'aesthetic fatigue', it is not easy to do this."

Just like what is said here, ordinary audiences think that the action scenes are fresh and exciting enough, audiences who like heavy movie themes, and are delighted by the dark colors from the picture to the theme, so when the new week begins, "Man of Steel" "It's no surprise that it took the top spot on the box office chart.

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