Hollywood Road

Chapter 401

For a film, especially a genre with a large number of fans, any change will inevitably be opposed by a group of staunch supporters. Human history has witnessed this countless times, regardless of politics, economy, or the film industry.

In the premiere and early screenings, CinemaSore also received some negative ratings, especially a small number of Superman fans who wore underwear outside, slammed "Man of Steel".

"Lack of the most basic logic, and some pictures make me sick, aliens destroying various buildings, distracted countless times on the way, massaging my forehead countless times, wasting my time and money."

"Just look at Murphy Stanton's 'Man of Steel' for how bad a superhero movie can be."

"Murphy Stanton ruined Superman, a character full of sunshine, and turned into an ordinary person who would get lost in his hands. It's just ridiculous."

Even though it was midnight, the lights of CinemaSore were brightly lit, and every weekend was their busiest time. Faxes of data from all over North America often made the company work up and down all night.

The sky had just turned dark. Two duty managers working in the same office got the same data. According to CinemaSore’s operating rules, they had to sign on the data page at the same time before the statistics could be officially released to the public.

"Ha, that's interesting." The older man looked at the statistical report and said, "Eighty-two percent of the people who received our survey and consultation gave a very high score of A+, but there were also 100 percent Twelve people gave the D- a very poor grade.”

The younger man lowered his glasses and said, "The reputation of Man of Steel may split into two extremes."

"The possibility is very high." The older person agrees with him, "From the statistical data, there will be a small group of viewers who do not approve of this new Superman movie."

He suddenly asked again, "How do you look at the box office?"

"The box office won't be bad." The man with glasses thought for a while and said, "Looking at the whole of North America, there are still many people who like dark and dark movies."

The older people quite agree with his words, "Several films such as Murphy Stanton's previous "Gone Girl" have also proved this point."

This type of film has never lacked audiences, and Murphy's appeal is also increasing year by year. As soon as the sun climbed the Santa Monica Mountains on Friday, he got the premiere and early box office passed by Warner Bros. .

"Man of Steel" took in $13.8 million Thursday night in early screenings in 3,500 theaters at the same time.

This box office figure is not comparable to the same period of "Spider-Man 3" released two weeks ago, but it is a good enough start for Murphy and Warner Bros. Or the audience's reputation is very poor, but "Man of Steel" is just the opposite.

Although some negative reviews came out quickly after the early screening, positive reviews still accounted for the majority of all reviews of "Man of Steel".

In terms of professional film critics, well-known film critics headed by Roger Ebert have basically given favorable comments. Perhaps the tone of this film is really to their liking.

Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times said, "Man of Steel is a dark and highly complex drama, despite being a comic book adaptation."

Almost all well-known film critics immediately published their comments on "Man of Steel" either in newspaper columns or on their own blogs.

"In the compact action plot design of "Man of Steel", Murphy Stanton used more angles and wider perspectives to shoot. The almost perfect picture shocked the audience. If you were lucky enough to enjoy this film last night , you will definitely be more surprised, cheered and excited. The extraordinary thing about this film is that it tells the audience about a hero's continuous growth in his life experience and inner fears and nightmares.


Richard Chris, The New York Times

"It would be no exaggeration to say that Man of Steel is the oldest and most ambitious film of its kind. Conceptualized, written, acted, directed, etc., it surpasses all the "Superman" series, and even surpasses has ruled out all the comic-book superhero movies. This Superman reboot, with Murphy Stanton at the helm, is dark, complex, and unsettling, at least because it grafts comic book heroes onto the blueprint of real reality. , rather than just making a Superman in a spandex suit, and while that difference may not make a huge difference to those who are eagerly awaiting the return of the Sky Knights, I can say here: Body" is by far the first comic book adaptation film that has truly achieved great artistic achievement!"

Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times.

The former Pulitzer Prize winner not only gave "Man of Steel" a super high score of nine points, but also gave it two thumbs up!

In addition to the columns of film critics in the media, magazines such as "Premiere", "Hollywood Reporter", and "Film Weekly" are also full of praise.

"Man of Steel" viewing report, human nature and divinity are fiercely debated, superheroes have gone through vicissitudes of life, and Wonder Woman is glamorous and eye-catching."

"This is an absolute example of a Hollywood superhero movie, representing the highest level of Hollywood filmmaking art, and Murphy Stanton has brought a work of great charm."

"This film continues the excellent elements of Murphy Stanton's works, the gloomy atmosphere, the ups and downs of the story, and interesting characters, making this two-hour blockbuster look very exciting."

"Man of Steel is a dark and heavy movie that carries far more weight than a superhero movie can carry. It may not have the global box office of Spider-Man 3, but it may be. The best superhero movie ever made. Compared to Man of Steel's heroic flaws and mortal foibles, Spider-Man 3 is child's play."

"With Man of Steel, Murphy Stanton convinced us, for the first time, that melodrama from popular culture can have the same allure as Greek mythology."

During the daytime on Friday, as a newly released film, "Man of Steel" easily surpassed "Spider-Man 3" and "Shrek 3" in terms of the number of viewers and attendance, becoming the most popular film of the day.

As a well-known die-hard supporter of Murphy, Daisy spoke in the IMDB discussion group one after another, calling on the members of the discussion group to go to the theater as much as possible to support "Man of Steel".

"This is a film worth watching repeatedly. Repeated viewing is not only a possibility, but also necessary for its existence. From the design point of view of the film, this kind of adrenaline stimulation is far from being able to get a complete view of the movie once. Satisfied, the film’s racing-like speed rhythm, shocking sound effects, blood-thumping background music, and roller-coaster-like plots one after another, I believe no one can watch it for the first time without getting excited!”

Like "Titanic", for a blockbuster movie, it is important to attract as many new audiences as possible, but it is also important to get old audiences into the theater to watch repeatedly.

Warner Bros.’s promotion and marketing has not been relaxed at all. Internet trolls are an indispensable part of the promotion of Hollywood movies today. No one can deny that trolls can sometimes affect some people’s perceptions.

On Friday night, various scoring data that could be counted were passed to Murphy one after another. It is no exaggeration to say that although "Man of Steel" encountered resistance from some audiences and extremely low-scoring negative reviews, the overall word-of-mouth It is still going higher, showing a clear trend of opening higher and moving higher.

On the IMDB website, 18,957 users participated in the scoring, points; Rotten Tomatoes, which reflects the reputation of professional film critics, is as high as 85%, and the popcorn index is 92%; , even though many people gave D- ratings, but the live audience ratings are still high at A+...

Almost all of this indicates that "Man of Steel" will be a box office hit, at least in North America, where it was first released, the box office will not be bad.

And it is true.

Early on Saturday morning, Warner Bros. passed on to Murphy the box office statistics for the first day of "Man of Steel" in North America. With an advance box office of US$13.8 million, "Man of Steel" earned a total of US$46.2 million from North America on the first day.

There is a clear gap between this figure and the first-day North American box office of "Spider-Man 3", but Warner Bros. is extremely excited. With a single day's box office harvest, "Man of Steel" almost kept up with "Superman Returns" opening weekend three. Today's North American total box office!

The total box office in North America of 46.2 million US dollars can basically guarantee that the box office revenue of "Man of Steel" in the opening weekend will not be lower than Warner Bros.'s lowest expectation of 100 million US dollars.

In that regard, Man of Steel has already achieved a fair share of its success.

The word-of-mouth and first-day box office figures of "Man of Steel" were inevitably used by Warner Bros. as a gimmick for publicity and hype. These can indeed attract some passer-by audiences, and the excellent performance of the film also cheered DC's fanatical fans. , In recent years, DC Comics has been continuously hit in the field of film adaptation, not only losing its absolute dominance in the field of comic film adaptation, but also surpassed by rival Marvel Comics.

On the Internet, fans of Marvel often laugh at DC fans.

This time, DC fans are finally proud, and of course they will not let go of the opportunity to fight back against Marvel fans.

"Look at the depth of "Man of Steel", and then look at "Spider-Man 3". The Fantastic Four and the like are basically elementary school students dating!"

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