Hollywood Lover

Chapter 466 Potential Rising Star, Jessica

"Huh? What are you calling Anthony for? Can we just buy it? If he wants to see it, just bring him a copy!" Dilanke didn't understand what happened.

Thomas looked at his younger brother with contempt, pretended to be a prophet and said, "What kind of movie is this? It's Smith Zhang's movie! It took him a whole year and a half to release the movie, and it's his sister's movie." The Lord of the Rings! If you have a brain, you will know how many people will line up for the movie tickets that will go on sale half a month later!"

After hearing what Thomas said, Dilanke suddenly realized.

As the world's most popular super director, it took more than 500 days to bring you a super epic blockbuster. No one knows how many people will go crazy after this long wait. It is clear that the movie theater will be full, and there will be a super long line!

If you don’t queue up, well, you may not be able to see this movie until half a month later, and you can only be speechless while others are discussing the plot. Who wants to experience this embarrassing feeling?

If you want to keep up with the trend, haha, you have to pay a small price, for example, take a tent and spend the night outside the cinema with friends, and the result is that the ticket for the best seat belongs to you!

Maybe you haven't seen such a grand event in the previous films of director Smith Chang, but this time it is absolutely unimaginable.

Dilanke understood immediately. He picked up the phone and called his neighbor Anthony. He frowned and said, "Just the three of us? Why don't we have more? How about we go to the cinema and have a party?"

When Thomas heard this, he patted Dilanke's head happily and smiled, "Aha, you have a good idea. I'm going to ask some pretty girls in school. Maybe I can have an affair after watching the movie."

"Then what are you waiting for, call now!" Dilanke frantically dialed.

Smith Zhang's super epic blockbuster The Fellowship of the Ring has made many teenagers crazy about it, starting from queuing up to buy tickets.

Although he didn't know where his Fellowship of the Ring would go, Zhang Dongcheng had full confidence in himself. After the press conference, he chatted with Adaman about the company's affairs.

With the development of Dongcheng Group, there is an urgent need for talents. Zhang Dongcheng is carrying the entire company forward with superhuman physical fitness, and often sleeps only three or two hours a day.

Rubbing his temples, Zhang Dongcheng, who is so strong, also felt a little tired, but Adaman's words aroused Zhang Dongcheng's interest.

"Smith, we have graduated from the first special actor training class of Dongcheng Films. We have signed contracts with about a dozen promising new stars. The students all expressed their desire to meet you. How about it? Are you free? Have a look at your potential new stars?" Adaman said with a smile, winked at Zhang Dongcheng, and handed him a list.

Zhang Dongcheng took the list and just glanced at it. Here are all the actors he specially arranged to be cultivated in special training classes. Although they are not well-known now, these people will be super talented actors in the future.

Moreover, the members of this special training class are of different ages, the older ones are in their twenties and the younger ones are only ten years old.

For example, Jennifer Lawrence, who is only ten years old now.

It has always been Zhang Dongcheng's belief to walk the way of Dongcheng and leave others nowhere to go. It is also a great joy to finish other people's way ahead of time.

Zhang Dongcheng watched with satisfaction that these future stars were under his control. The feeling of manipulating the future made him feel very happy, but when he saw the last name, he was a little surprised.

Jessica Alba?

It seems that I met her at some awards ceremony, right? But at that time, I inquired about it. This girl had signed a contract with another film company, so she hadn't been dug out. I didn't expect her to appear in the actor training class of my film company. What happened?

How could that movie company terminate the contract with such a beauty? Is their boss or general manager blind?

This is a very interesting thing.

"This is Jessica Alba, I want to meet." Zhang Dongcheng put the list on the table, tapped on the name of this beautiful girl, and said to Adaman with a smile.

"OK, no problem, I'll arrange it right away." Adaman also smiled, nodded, and went out to make arrangements.

The spacious and bright office is full of the smell of sunshine, but it is warm rather than hot, and it is very comfortable to bask in the sun. Zhang Dongcheng carefully examines the documents piled up like a hill on the table, and gives comments from time to time.

When his net worth exceeds billions of dollars, Zhang Dongcheng has no idea what the point of chasing money is, it's all about numbers.

Maybe only movies, only movies with different roles, different content, and different backgrounds are worthy of his seriousness and hard work.

Just like those girls who are completely different, the process from discovery to conquest is the most interesting.

When you pin the conquered girl on the bed and get deep inside her, the final gush feels good but less fun.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door of the office, and Zhang Dongcheng said without raising his head, "Please come in," and continued to look down at the documents.

The door opened, as if there was no sound, or maybe the thick carpet sucked up all the sound.

A burst of girl's scent wafted over, Zhang Dongcheng couldn't help but freeze, and inhaled inadvertently with his nose, but that burst of girl's smell became even sweeter.

"Oh, God, what's wrong with my nose, why is it getting better and better!" Zhang Dongcheng thought to himself mockingly, but automatically ignored that he couldn't smell the smell of a smelly man, and raised his head.

Huh, Jessica Alba?

Jessica is a great beauty, no one can deny this, no matter in the East or the West, no man can resist such a perfect girl who kills both East and West, she seems to be a natural chocolate, everyone wants to eat it, everyone wants to eat it. love to eat.

But such a beauty is not something everyone can eat.

Jessica Alba's characters who impress the audience are all dressed in cool clothes, either a sexy stunner in a bikini swimming in the sea, or a woman in a crop top and waving a rope. In America, Alba is a nationally obsessed icon. But the image of Alba in real life has nothing to do with the above description. She rarely dresses fancy, instead wearing flats, denim trousers and a loose top, with her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail. In reality, Alba is more like a choir girl than a sexy stunner. Although she has an impressive height of 1.7 meters, she still feels petite and charming on the big screen.

Because of the needs of the movie, Jessica often shows her beautiful figure on the screen, but she has never appeared naked or acted in a large-scale passionate scene. This is something that many female stars cannot do at all.

"Hello, Mr. Smith, Mr. Adaman said you asked me to come?" With a questioning tone, Jessica stroked her ponytail uneasily, not knowing why Zhang Dongcheng called her here.

Inexplicably, Zhang Dongcheng felt that she was a little nervous. This kind of nervousness was not the kind of nervousness where she was a little bit tied up when she met a big man, but it was as if she was afraid that Zhang Dongcheng would do something that was not good for her.

Jessica looked at Zhang Dongcheng who raised his head, but his whole body was on guard. The opened office door was not closed, and the whole body leaned forward, with his arms unconsciously protecting his body, as if Zhang Dongcheng was a monster who wanted to eat people. generally.

Jessica was like a frightened rabbit with this fully on guard look. If Zhang Dongcheng made any movement, she would slap her hard and run away.

Zhang Dongcheng suddenly felt that such an atmosphere was a little strange. He had no bad intentions at all, but being teased by Jessica like this, it seemed that calling her was out of good intentions, and wanted to rape... her in the office.

That's right, it's strong...

Smiling, Zhang Dongcheng raised his hands as if meeting a policeman, and jokingly said, "Jessica? I saw your name on the list of the actor training class. I remember you, so I called you Come over and have a chat, how about a cup of coffee? I think you are a little too nervous?"

Perhaps because she felt that she was a little nervous, Jessica lowered her head, acquiescing to Zhang Dongcheng's proposal.

After connecting to the intercom, Zhang Dongcheng said to the outside: "Bring me two cups of coffee and come in."

Soon, Zhang Dongcheng's assistant came in with two cups of steaming coffee, put them on the table, and backed out.

Pointing to the steaming coffee on the table, Zhang Dongcheng made a gesture of invitation: "Come on, have a drink, it's still early, can we chat for a while?"

Maybe it was because she got used to being in front of Zhang Dongcheng, or maybe she felt that the door was open to make Jessica feel at ease. Anyway, the beautiful girl in front of her breathed a little and finally sat down.

"Well, Mr. Smith, I'm sorry." With her head lowered, Jessica seemed to be muttering to herself. The bright sunlight penetrated through the bright and clean floor-to-ceiling windows, making her charming eyes deeper and deeper. The kitten, which can be wild and peaceful, reached out and stirred the coffee with the coffee spoon.

The slender and delicate fingers looked even more attractive against the white porcelain. Jessica, who was silent after speaking, stirred the coffee clockwise, watching the small swirl in the coffee cup, her face But it was a little lost and uneasy.

"I'm sorry? Why do you say sorry?" Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly, looking at her in front of him, admiring the most charming and beautiful side face of this peerless beauty, his eyes secretly swept across her golden ratio body.

Zhang Dongcheng smiled, put away his malicious eyes before she realized it, raised his coffee cup and took a sip, his action was a typical British gentleman's style.

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