Hollywood Lover

Chapter 465 Go to the cinema and buy tickets!

"I thought Lord of the Rings was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and maybe I could never do it again, to be able to go back to Middle-earth again, to go back to Tolkien's world, and tell a story with a lighter tone and a more cheerful tone. It’s really a lot of fun. I like this kind of work status very much.” Zhang Dongcheng replied with a smile: “As for why it took so long, it’s because I put countless efforts into this movie, and I worked with Peter Jackson director The problem of handover in the later stage. Everyone knows that Mr. Peter Jackson has fully recovered from the serious car accident. I handed over the right to shoot the next two films to him. It means a longer shooting cycle, because repeatedly setting up the stage, making props and costumes will only increase the production cost and the chance of making mistakes, so I decided to shoot this trilogy at one time, and then release one in a year in the summer file. "

"How was your day dealing with elves, hobbits and dwarves?" a reporter immediately asked.

"Oh, very good. I love it, it's an obsession in a good direction, being able to wake up in the morning, drive to work and enter the world of the hobbit for six months, and finally You feel like you've been doing this all your life and it's almost impossible to remember your life before this movie. Because it's so stressful, the days are long and the work is so hard, I just keep thinking, what would I do otherwise What? Is there anything in this world that I want to do more than shooting this film? I enjoy it and I like this experience." Zhang Dongcheng snapped his fingers and said with nostalgia.

If he didn't know about Peter Jackson's ability, Zhang Dongcheng would really want to do it all by himself and shoot all the trilogy, but the beautiful and extremely beautiful elf princess didn't take off her costume, and was crushed by him The feeling is also super perfect. Looking back on all that, Zhang Dongcheng still has something to say.

"By the way, Mr. Smith, are you going to release the last trailer on the official website today?" A reporter asked.

"Yes, the last version of the trailer is going to be released today to reveal some important and grand scenes in the movie. Now, let everyone present see it first, um, let's see it first!" Zhang Dongcheng said solemnly , and clapped his hands.

"Woohoo!" The reporters became commotion, and some of them were so excited that they almost shouted long live. You must know that although all the people present were reporters, many of them were super fans of Zhang Dongcheng.

That is the confidence established one after another masterpiece handed down from generation to generation, and it is the trust generated by seven years of regular companionship.

The venue of the press conference was also a small movie theater. As soon as Zhang Dongcheng clapped his hands, the entire venue immediately went dark, and the silver screen behind Zhang Dongcheng began to light up, showing the trailer of the last version of Lord of the Rings and The Fellowship of the Ring in front of the reporters.

This is a four-minute trailer, which was edited by Zhang Dongcheng himself. It will make everyone excited, and they can't wait to go to the cinema to watch it and witness Middle-earth with their own eyes.

On the silver screen, the true face of the Fellowship of the Ring appeared again.

Fire, fire soaring into the sky!

In the flames, a line of text appeared, and the weird and dragon-like font appeared on it, but it was the text engraved inside a ring.

Supreme Lord of the Rings!

The ring shone, but the camera changed again. The orc army swept like a tide, and the whole land was occupied by these ugly orcs. Blood was slowly dripping from the gleaming hammers, machetes and stabbing guns.

Compared with the tide of orcs, the alliance between humans and elves seems to be so small in number, but they burst out with bright armor to destroy themselves for the continuation of the race. go!

This big scene is not seen in all previous movies. Even if it is a historical war blockbuster, there are at most dozens or hundreds of people in one shot. Tens of thousands of people!

All the reporters couldn't help but raise their hearts at the coming war breath, their eyes widened, and they even stopped breathing nervously.


The demon king, who was as tall as the king of the nether world, held a meteor hammer and rampaged in the battle between humans and elves. Every time he swung, more than a dozen soldiers screamed and were sent flying. On his finger, the supreme demon The ring is shining!

The Lord of the Rings was covered in dust, and time passed, and finally someone got it.

"We must destroy it!" roared the Elven King.

"Take it to Mount Doom and destroy it, or Sauron will completely destroy this world!" The dwarves roared.

Fellowship of the Ring, let's go.

The camera flashed across the faces of the actors one by one, the dwarf Gimli, the elf prince Legolas, the elf princess Alvin, the human prince Aragorn, the human mage Gandalf, and the three hobbits...


Sauron's loyal and most terrifying servants, darkness accompanied them, the sound of death howled from their mouths, and the fallen monsters with wings were driven by them, rushing towards their faces!

The illuminated moon blade splits everything and takes away fear. Alvin, who follows the Fellowship of the Ring and secretly protects everyone, is so beautiful that every man's heart beats for it.

The flying arrows caused the orcs to be knocked down one by one. After being unrestrained, the blond hair was fluttering, but Orlando made every female reporter drool.

Finally, in the flames, there were two huge horns on top of the head, and the whole body was blazing with flames. The flame demon in his hand was like a fire dragon, and the flaming whip crackled and crackled, making the whole audience It feels like being roasted!

Such special effects, such breakthrough special effects, such special effects are completely beyond imagination!

All the reporters were dumbfounded. After watching the short four-minute trailer, they were speechless. They were still immersed in the magical world of Middle-earth. Suddenly, even their thoughts were a little confused. Those shocking shots were completely ruined.

"The trailer is over." Zhang Dongcheng looked at his watch. At this time, the official website of Lord of the Rings also uploaded the trailer. It was also the time when the broadcast officially started. I don't know how lively the official website is now.

"Okay, what else do you want to ask? Time is precious, big reporters!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled and waved to all the reporters, and it was this sentence that attracted the reporters who had lost their three souls and seven souls. back.

Without waiting for the embarrassment to dissipate, all the reporters screamed as if they were exploding, one by one scrambling to be the first, just carrying cameras like cameras and holding various microphones, aiming at Zhang Dongcheng.

"Mr. Smith, I have a question!"

"Mr. Smith, tap me, tap me!"

Well, let's put aside the journalists who were all fired up by the trailer, let's take a look at the reaction of fans on the Lord of the Rings official website at this time.

The future era is the era of the Internet. Zhang Dongcheng understands it very well, but his interest is not in this. He prefers to see real things rather than virtual things, so he invests very little in the Internet and does not play with himself. What he doesn't like is Zhang Dongcheng's principle.

Even if he knew that the Internet could create countless billionaires in the future, Zhang Dongcheng didn't pay much attention. After all, there are many money-making projects in this world, and he is not a superman, so it is impossible to take advantage of everything.

For the Internet, Zhang Dongcheng still maintains the method of relying on his strength instead of actively supporting its growth. Therefore, for super blockbusters such as Lord of the Rings, he also established an official website according to the current trend, but he did not pay attention to it every day.

But that's okay, when he finally noticed the official website, the crazy numbers made him interested in the Internet, and it was not too late.

Dilanke is a seventeen-year-old boy, usually the most enthusiastic is to go online to discover the outside world. Like the most netizens in China in the future, he will feel uncomfortable if he does not go online for a day.

On this day, as soon as I turned on the computer, I saw a huge advertisement on the Internet.

The latest trailer of The Lord of the Rings, grand debut!

"Aha! Smith Zhang's The Lord of the Rings is finally about to be released!" Dilanke jumped up excitedly, dancing with his arms and legs, and shouted to the outside: "Brother, come and see, the last version of the trailer for The Fellowship of the Ring The film is out!"

Before Dilanke finished speaking, a tall and thin boy rushed in, rushed to the computer eagerly, and shouted excitedly: "What, really? It's about to be released? My God, I've been waiting since last year!"

"Who says no, I'm so slanderous, Scarlett is my goddess!" Dilanke quickly opened the trailer, staring at the screen intently, just looking forward to the elf princess Alvin played by Scarlett. Appears: "Thomas, get out of my way!".

"Stop drooling! You only know how to look at beauties, you kid!" Brother Thomas was pushed several times by Dilanke, but he didn't move his butt, even if he stood in front of him, he still said plausibly: "This This kind of epic blockbuster must watch the special effects! The special effects produced by Smith Zhang’s special effects company are simply not too cool! I am especially looking forward to the archer in Orlando, the few arrows in the trailer completely shoot the girl’s heart down, okay? ?”

"Don't make me vomit!!! Do you like Orlando? I saw Brokeback Mountain last year and found out that you are a little abnormal! Stay away from me, Thomas!" Dilanke hugged his arms in a disgusted state.

The two brothers kept complaining, but as soon as the trailer officially started, the two of them closed their mouths at the same time, just staring at the computer screen without turning it around.

The four-minute trailer ended in no time. This super-long version of the trailer completely ignited the passion between the two of them. They glanced at each other, and they couldn't wait!

"Call Anthony and tell him to go to the cinema together! Let's buy tickets!" Thomas yelled, standing up, yelling as if he couldn't control his emotions.

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