Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 230: Don’T Try To Hide It From Me

Ronald looked back and saw it was Hermione.

She was looking down at them.

He immediately became angry.

He growled: "Did you hear anyone talking? Harry?"

Hermione looked at them calmly.

"You know how worried Vesey is. She just wants you to be safe, but you always make her sad!"

"You only know how to talk about Vesey. Vesey has never said such things to us. That's enough. Haven't you done enough this year?"

Hermione clenched her fists angrily.

Obviously trying to punch Ronald.

But then Crookshanks suddenly shouted.

Hermione saw the murderous intent on Ronald's face and quickly hugged Crookshanks and went back.

She was worried that Ronald would kill Crookshanks.

"So, are you going or not?"

Ronald continued asking Harry as if their conversation had not been interrupted by Hermione before.

"Last time you just went to the Three Broomsticks and Honeydukes. This time we can go to the Owl House and the Shrieking Shack together."

Harry hesitated for a few seconds.

Thinking of the last time he went out, Vesey's face showed joy and he immediately said: "Go, I will bring my invisibility cloak!"

If Vesey was scared, he would show her the Invisibility Cloak.

As long as he puts on the invisibility cloak, Sirius will definitely not be able to find him.

Saturday morning.

Harry put the Invisibility Cloak into his bag, and pretended to be sad to say goodbye to Vesey and the others.

Maybe it's because they pretend to be too similar. 843 Vesey immediately stated that she was not going.

Harry quickly smiled and coaxed Vesey out of the door.


Harry winked at Ronald, they had agreed to meet at Honeydukes.

As soon as Vesey and the others left, Harry quickly ran up to the fourth floor.

He opened the map and saw Neville Longbottom's name approaching here.

He quickly put away the map.


Within a few seconds, Neville was already here.

"Harry, that's great, I thought you couldn't go to Hogsmeade either."

Sirius was able to break into Gryffindor because Neville leaked the password, which allowed Professor McGonagall to ban Neville from going to Hogsmeade.

Harry smiled dryly and said that he was going to the library to do the vampire paper assigned by Lupin.

But Neville seemed to have found a life-saving straw and insisted on writing with him.

Harry could only excuse himself by saying that he had already finished writing and that he had forgotten.

But Neville was even more enthusiastic.

He thought Harry could give him better advice.

Harry had a headache.

I really want to tell him, stop pestering me and leave quickly.

But he couldn't say that, it would seem too strange.

Fortunately he didn't say that.

Because in the next second, Snape appeared here.

He looked carefully at Harry(cjfh) and Neville.

"Why did you two meet here?"

Harry said quickly: "We just met here."

For some reason, Harry always felt that Snape already knew what he was thinking.

Because just as they turned to leave, Harry saw Snape stroking the witch's statue.

His face was very dark.

But the desire to go to Hogsmeade trumped everything.

After he sent Neville back to the Gryffindor lounge, he excused himself that he had forgotten his homework in the library and was going to pick it up.

Then he quickly ran to the witch on the fourth floor.

He looked at the map and saw that Snape's name was already in his own office.

So he immediately opened the witch statue and got in.

Inside he put on the invisibility cloak and ran towards Honeydukes excitedly.

Outside Honeydukes, he touched Ronald's back.

"It's me, where's Vesey?"

he asked doubtfully.

"She dragged her away and said she wanted to show Vesey something good. I really hate her!"

Ronald said angrily.

Harry knew that by her Ronald meant Hermione.

He sighed and decided to go find Vesey with Ronald.

But after searching many places, they couldn't find it.

If they hadn't known that Hermione couldn't kidnap Vesey, they would have thought that Vesey had been run away by her.

In the end, they had no choice but to come to the Shrieking Shack to enjoy the shade and rest.

As soon as they lay here, they heard Malfoy's voice.

....My dad's owl will fly here any minute now, and he will attend the trial, and that hippogriff will be dead.

Unless Potter comes to beg me, she slapped me in the face last time, and I can't let her get what she wants without apologizing..."

Goyle and Crabbe both chuckled.

"I really want to see Potter apologize to me. She kicked me last time, and guess what she said about me afterwards? She said I was despicable...

It’s not just for Slytherin, but for the honor of the entire academy. I can’t be like her, following Scarhead’s ‘brother’ and ‘brother’ all day long!”

Malfoy suddenly saw Ronald.

He smiled a malicious smile.

"What are you doing here? Weasley?"

Malfoy looked at the Shrieking Shack behind Ronald, which looked like it was about to collapse.

"You definitely want to live here, right? After all, this place is much more luxurious than your home..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ronald rushed forward.

But Harry held Ronald back.

He wouldn't let Ronald deal with Malfoy.

"give it to me!"

Harry said.

Then he picked up a piece of mud from the ground and hit Malfoy hard in the face.

Malfoy froze.

There was water running down his golden hair.

Ronald laughed.

"what happened?"

Malfoy, Goyle, and Crabbe looked around, hoping to find the bastard.

But immediately another piece of mud hit their heads.

"This place is haunted!"

Ronald said playfully from the side.

Malfoy and Goyle were even more frightened.

They want to run.

But Harry wasn't going to let them go just like that.

He found a branch and slapped their faces hard.

Malfoy and the others were dodging everywhere.

Maybe it's luck!

As Goyle was running around, he stepped on Harry's invisibility cloak.

For a moment.

Harry was convinced that his face was exposed.

The faces of Malfoy and the others were no longer panicked, and they showed sinister smiles that were determined to win.

Then, they ran away wildly.

Harry and Ronald looked at each other.

"Harry, run away and go back to the castle. Malfoy and the others are definitely going to file a complaint against you!"

Harry nodded and hurriedly ran towards Honeydukes' passage.

After finally returning to the castle, he took off his invisibility cloak and hid behind the statue of the witch, and Snape came.

"Follow me, Potter!"

Snape had a look of victory on his face.

"It's time to end, I think, Vesey always said that you are a good student who obeys the rules and cares about his classmates. Now it's time for her to take a good look at your funny brother!

Harry's heart skipped a beat.

But he still tried his best to pretend to be calm and said: "Sorry, Professor, I don't know what you are talking about!"

Snape chuckled.

"Just now, Mr. Malfoy told me that you showed up at the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade and smashed them with mud..."

Harry began to wipe his hands vigorously in his pockets, as his hands were now covered in mud.

"Sorry, Professor, I don't understand!"

he said again.

Snape looked at him with a half-smile.

"Potter, don't try to hide it from me!".

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