Hogwarts Diary: Snape Goes Crazy

Chapter 229 Sirius Breaks In

Vesey was full of guesses, and it wasn't until Madam Pomfrey came to bring her breakfast that she told her that Sirius had broken into her room.

"At around five o'clock, Cassandra from your college came out and waited for everyone to go out.

Then you realize your door is open and the room looks like it's been ransacked by thieves.

Then she pushed you, trying to wake you up, and found you unresponsive, so she had to quickly notify Severus, and then they sent you here.

I said you just drank too much and were too sleepy, but they didn't believe me and insisted on giving you treatment. "

Madam Pomfrey shrugged.

Even his eyes were a little solemn.

After all, Sirius broke into Vesey's dormitory, and he apparently actually almost killed Vesey.

"Speaking of which, he is really powerful. He broke into your dormitory, and also broke into Harry's dormitory..."

Vesey immediately looked over sharply.

"Brother, how are you, brother?"

"Calm down, kid, Harry has no problem now. Sirius found the wrong person. He found Weasley and was discovered by Weasley, and then he ran away...

Then he came to the Slytherin common room for some reason, probably wanting to kill you..."

Madam Pomfrey stopped talking, worried that Vesey would be frightened.

But Vesey was not afraid.

She seemed to be relieved.

"Sometimes I really hope that he will just kill me and leave my brother alone, so that I won't be sad when I die..."

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]

[Ding, energy points +10]


"But if that's the case, what do you want me to do?"

Harry's angry voice came from the door.

Vesey immediately showed an embarrassed expression.

"I'm sorry, brother!"

She apologized profusely.

This made Harry and the others unable to express their anger.

I can only ask her what happened last night.

But Vesey doesn't know that either.

How could she know what happened?

She doesn’t even know how she came to the school doctor’s office!

But with such a big thing happening, how could Vesey just be let go?

Everyone asked her to recall what happened at that time and what was in her room. She was also asked to recall everything.

Vesey was so helpless that she really wanted to give them a pick and tell them that it was none of her business?

If you have the guts, go ask Sirius!

But due to her character, she is still obedient and can recall the things in her memory.

Since she really only knew that little, she was quickly let go.

The next person to be questioned was Cassandra.

Because she was the first person to see the 'crime scene'.

She also acted confused about this, but Vesey felt that she had lied.

Perhaps out of intuition, Vesey believed that Cassandra was not telling the truth.

In other words, part of her was not telling the truth.

However, the professors didn't mean to make it too difficult for her. After all, Dumbledore and the others had basically determined that Sirius was fine. They wanted to investigate, but they were just worried about something going wrong.

But Snape was furious about this.

He was very unhappy.

He told everyone he met that if he met Sirius, he would strangle him to death.

From the look on his face, he seemed to really do what he said.

The defense inside the castle has been upgraded again.

After all, Sirius had barged in, and no matter what, he had to show off, unless Dumbledore didn't want to do it anymore.

Mr. Filch showed Sirius's picture to all the portraits and ghosts, and Professor Flitwick sealed all the small gaps in the castle.

Harry and the others were starting to get anxious.

Because they began to hesitate to give the map to the professors.

But Ronald told him that if Sirius really came from that passage, Honeydukes would definitely know.

This made Harry sigh in relief.

A few days passed.

Hagrid's owl has arrived.

Invite Harry and Ronald to have a cup of tea

He also said he would come to pick them up.

Let them not pass by themselves.

Because of what happened to Vesey, no one allowed her to leave the castle, and Hagrid didn't dare to invite her.

Ronald told Harry, "Hagrid must want to hear their dangerous experiences.

After all, that night, Sirius scratched Ronald's bed curtain.

Everyone felt that Sirius must have admitted his mistake.

But for Ronald, this is a talking point.

These days, he has become something of a celebrity.

Tell everyone about his adventures.

Therefore, he thought Hagrid also wanted to know the specific things that happened that night.

But no.

When Ronald asked, Hagrid already said that he knew everything.

This disappointed Ronald greatly.

They entered Hagrid's cabin.

As soon as he came in, he saw Buckbeak lying on Hagrid's bed, tearing into a plate of ferrets with enjoyment.

Hanging on Hagrid's wardrobe door was a huge, outrageous suit.

There was also a yellow and orange suit that was hideously ugly.

"What is this~"?"

Harry asked.

"Buckbeak's case against dangerous creatures. I'm going to London with him on Friday. I've booked two seats on the Knight Bus..."

Harry suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling of guilt.

They said they would help Hagrid, but they helped Hagrid just a few days before Christmas, and then they didn't help him anymore.

He turned back to look at Ronald. Ronald's face turned red and he was obviously very guilty.

"||Okay! I know you are already busy enough. Vesey and Hermione have compiled a lot of useful materials for me. I have some confidence. I am looking for you this time because of Hermione's matter."

"What's wrong with her?"

Ronald asked unhappily.

"Vesey wrote to me and said that you don't talk to Hermione because she finds it particularly difficult to deal with Firebolt and Scabbers. She has to be sandwiched between you every day..."

"But her cat ate Scabbers!"

"Her cat just did what all cats do. You shouldn't value a broomstick and a mouse more than your friendship, not to mention that Vesey couldn't even sleep well.

Vesey told me that she was always worried about your relationship breaking off these days. She couldn't sleep every day, and she couldn't help but drink too much that day. If she hadn't been lucky...she would have been (ok) ) can really die.

Harry and Ronald paused.

They always thought that Vesey drank so much because he wanted to drink.

It turns out Vesey was worried about them.

"If she throws that cat away, I will make peace with her immediately!"

Ronald finally gave in.

But Hagrid thinks it's impossible.

"People are always a little pampered with their pets..."

He looked at Buckbeak with a loving smile on his face.

For the next time, they discussed Saturday's Quidditch match together, and it wasn't until nine o'clock in the evening that Hagrid sent them to Hogwarts.

They passed by the foyer and saw the Hogsmeade notice posted above.

"Next weekend, Harry, can you go?"

Ronald looked at Harry.

Harry hesitated.

At this time, a voice sounded behind them.

"Harry, if you go to Hogsmeade, I will tell Vesey that you are always disobedient!"

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