Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 304: Fellow Countryman Meets Fellow Countryman

Generally speaking, the Magic House admits students from the age of seven, but they do not start boarding until they are eleven.

This magical girl named Fujiwara Aihua is an exception. She was admitted to school at the age of 11 due to her talent as a monk reaching the level of a demon, and she asked Chen Bin to take care of her.

The long queue of exchange students gradually shortened, and Chen Bin also looked at their information page by page. The top ten magic schools in the world also sent exchange students to Hogwarts, including Russia's Kodos Dorez, Ilvermorny in North America is modeled after Hogwarts, Kastrobusshe in South America, and Wagadu in Africa!

It wasn't that Chen Bin had any prejudice against the black brothers. He thought that Wagadu's students wore animal skins, but in addition to their different skin colors, they still wore similar European-style robes and leather shoes, and even wore wands.

"It seems that the rumors are not credible. The African magic world is not an animal skin tribe, right?" Chen Bin whispered to himself.

"Heng Dongye." Professor McGonagall shouted again but no one came forward.

"Heng Dongye." She shouted again uncertainly, wondering whether her pronunciation was too different from their country's pinyin.

"Oops." Chen Bin only focused on complaining, forgetting that there was a fellow in the audience who didn't understand English.

"Professor McGonagall, let me take charge." Chen Bin stood up, and then said in plain Chinese: "Higashino Heng, sit on the stool, put on your hat, and it will assign a seat to you."

Brother Dongye trembled when he heard this, and his anxious eyes instantly became firm. He looked at Chen Bin with an expression as if he had found an organization, but the words he opened his mouth made Chen Bin a little weak.

"Kiss me, Wo Zongyu has been waiting for you for a long time. He is so sullen that Wo Yi Juye doesn't understand."

Brother Dongye couldn't understand the English they spoke, so why couldn't Chen Bin understand Brother Dongye's plastic Mandarin?

He compared it several times in his mind before confirming that this fellow said: "Senior, I finally found you. I can't understand a word they said."

"We'll talk about this later. Let's sit down on the bench and go to the branch." Chen Bin spoke to him in dialect.

A more cordial smile immediately appeared on Brother Higashikata's face, which can be described as a fellow villager meeting a fellow villager with tears in his eyes.

The sorting ceremony ended quickly.

Higashino Hisashi and Fujiwara Aika were also assigned to Gryffindor. Chen Bin guessed that this was Lao Deng's arrangement. After all, there were Chen Bin's friends there.

Worried about the language barrier of the fellow villagers, Chen Bin confessed to Lao Deng and Kate and walked straight towards the fellow villagers' table.

"Higashino-kun, I have only been to your country twice, so don't praise me like this. Thank you for your compliment."

When Chen Bin came closer, he heard the Chinese spoken with a clear accent, and his views were subverted again! This is Hogwarts!

The person who speaks Chinese is not a student here, but the island shrine maiden sitting next to Higashino Tsune—Fujiwara Aihua.

"Fortunately, you still have a companion. Now I feel more at ease."

After hearing this, the two immediately turned around in surprise.

"Mr. Chen, こんばんは! (Mr. Chen, good evening!)" The girl spoke in native dialect in excitement, and stood up and gave a ninety-degree bow.

"Junior has met senior!" Higashino Heng also stood up and made a standard hand-over salute.

The students nearby made a small commotion upon seeing this, obviously not understanding what the three Eastern wizards were doing.

After Chen Bin returned the courtesy to the two of them, he sat next to Higashi Yeheng with a wry smile. "Don't practice Eastern etiquette at Hogwarts from now on. The atmosphere here is just like a school in the secular world. The most you can do is nod your head or add a professional title in front of your last name."

"How could this be?"

"Rituals cannot be abolished! Are they no different from barbarians?"

Chen Bin has a headache.

The girl was from the secular world, and she objected out of politeness. Her fellow villager was an orthodox pure-blood descendant. She had been influenced by the monastic tradition since she was a child, and her speech was also refined. This was the source of the headache.

Therefore, Chen Bin ignored the strange looks from other students and quickly popularized the etiquette and habits of the wizarding world and Hogwarts.

The three of them chatted for a long time that night and stayed in the auditorium after dinner to discuss the problems they might encounter in the future.

Kate, Ron and Hermione also stayed to hear if they could help.

Chen Bin asked the family wizard to translate textbooks for grades one to seven overnight, and mail-ordered some introductory English textbooks to Brother Higashino.

Although Fujiwara's English accent is terrible, he still has no problem with reading, writing and listening, so he was arranged to be Higashino's translator and teach him some daily spoken English in his spare time.

Don't underestimate Higashino Heng, who has never even learned 26 letters. As long as he is the chief disciple of the sect, no one is stupid.

Language is only a small challenge in the short term at best. The thinking ability and memory of people who can study magic in depth have always been several times stronger than Muggle top students.

For example, Fujiwara is a living example. Her English diploma was a primary school diploma. However, after she was selected as an exchange student at the beginning of the school year, she only studied by herself through English textbooks. This kind of dumb learning allowed her to solve the problem of reading and writing in two months. and listening issues.

As for Ron, he became their accompaniment, that is, he sat next to them in class and read together. If he didn't understand something, he would ask him after class. If he didn't understand something, he would ask Hermione, Kate and Chen Bin.

In addition, three professors who know Chinese will spend an hour each night tutoring the two of them in English, aiming to complete a complete English course within one to two months.

The next morning, Chen Bin and Slughorn brought more than ten foreign students without wands to Diagon Alley.

Chen Bin wanted to continue working as a salty fish, but Lao Deng appointed him to take care of the exchange students.

In order to reduce the pressure, Chen Bin encouraged Slughorn to recruit these students to join the Slug Club. The reason was also very good and powerful: "They are all top students from all over the world, and their future is unlimited. Do you want to have a family full of students?" Across Asia, Europe, America and Oceania?”

The old fat man couldn't stand the temptation, so he filled out the membership forms for more than 40 people that night and became a tutor for foreign exchange students.

"A rare visitor!" Mr. Ollivander saw Chen Bin coming in and quickly stepped forward to shake hands with him.

Although Chen Bin had accompanied Ron here to buy wands, the two wands in his hand were prepared by his family.

"Sorry for disturbing your business. There are fourteen foreign students outside who don't have wands. Please test them." Chen Bin said politely and walked out of the store under Ollivander's smiling gaze. Each student entered the store in order to purchase a wand.

Well, it was chosen by the wand.

After a while, the students who bought wands stood in a row, and the students in the other row continued to wait in the original long queue.

Chen Bin and Slughorn are professors who protect students on the surface, but in fact Dumbledore, Grindelwald and Granny Rosier have been hiding nearby. When did they get along, or did they get along? This is a mystery of the century. Baby Chen Bin said that he never wants to know, fearing that the black and white devils will join forces to silence him.

Anyway, Granny Rosier now lives in Hogsmeade and bought a small cabin nearby for the old villain to study the evolution of love. As for the British brothel branch? Oh ho ho ho! With Lao Deng and Rozier on the side, can the villain successfully open a store?

"Professor Slughorn, do you feel like someone is watching us?" Chen Bin stood outside the gate, always feeling uncomfortable, as if someone was secretly watching him.

"You know we have security forces." Slughorn yawned disapprovingly, and then continued talking to nearby students. "Yes, no wonder I am so familiar with the surname Ricasoli. It turns out that you are from Italy, which was famous all over the world seven hundred years ago..."

Chen Bin despised the old fat man in his heart, and continued to scan the nearby places where people could hide. Dumbledore, Grindelwald and Rozier's magical attainments were far superior to Chen Bin's. If it were their surveillance, Chen Bin would not be able to sense it.

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