Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 303 Exchange students also need to be sorted into different schools

Sirius looked at his watch and said in surprise: "It's time to get off work. Go to the corner of the street. Someone will pick up our shift over there."

Chen Bin was speechless once again when he saw this guy acting like a child. No wonder he had no estrangement with Harry. It turned out that this guy was just like Isabel, his mental age was younger than his real age...

Finally, the international exchange students that no one was expecting arrived as scheduled in early November, and the pair of Hogwarts exchange students were also sent to their chosen country.

If it hadn't been for the temporary sorting ceremony that evening, the students would have forgotten that foreign students would arrive today.

There are more than forty exchange students in total this time, and most of them are students from the Western magic world, that is, wizards from Europe, America and Oceania. However, there were two foreigners mixed into this group of people, a monk apprentice from China and an onmyoji from the island country's magic institute.

The funniest thing is that the monk's apprentice doesn't understand English, and the Onmyoji girl's English accent is so heavy that no one can understand what she is saying.

The sorting ceremony was not for the purpose of sorting into dormitories. They still lived in the vacant headquarters next to the lake. They were divided into different houses just to share dining tables and classes. Because Hogwarts didn't have extra manpower or empty seats, it naturally couldn't open another table for them and add new classes for international students.

"Hey, that senior sister is quite pretty." Ron quickly noticed the Onmyoji sister at the bottom. In the eyes of Westerners, East Asians look younger. She is obviously two years older than Ron but more like her sister. .

"Without Lavender, are you so quick to let yourself go?" Harry shook his head helplessly, obviously confused as to why his best friend could be so heartless.

"Who said that? I plan to visit Lavender during the Christmas vacation!" Ron said seriously.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be hypocritical, Harry asked doubtfully: "Aren't you planning to break up with her?"

"No way?" Ron asked in confusion: "I just don't want her to only focus on falling in love and interfere with our studies. You also know that only by learning real skills at Hogwarts can you be successful in the wizarding world. She can get away with it. She is a good girl, and I will wait for her to recover and fight together."

Seeing Ron's seriousness and persistence, Harry once again swallowed back what he wanted to say. Maybe the atmosphere in the wizarding world that does not discriminate against mental illness is the right thing. At least Harry who grew up in Muggle society can do it. Less than that.

McGonagall put down the Sorting Hat and the three-legged stool, coughed slightly, and the auditorium became quiet again.

"The students who are called please sit on the chair and put on the sorting hat, and then sit at the appropriate long table according to the assigned results. Do you understand?"

As soon as Professor McGonagall finished speaking, English with different accents rang through the auditorium. Only the friar apprentice remained confused.

"Ismet Abdul Khaliq Atatürk."

A tall wizard with brown skin sat on the stool. He looked like a Middle Easterner.

"Ravenclaw-" the hat screamed without thinking.

There was sparse clapping from the Ravenclaw table, but no students cheered.

Chen Bin viciously speculated that they were racially discriminating.

Soon, his guess was confirmed, because the next wizard was also a Nordic in appearance and last name, and was also assigned to Ravenclaw, but the students burst into enthusiastic applause.

"Next..." Just as Professor McGonagall was about to call out his name, Chen Bin suddenly stood up and interrupted: "Everyone, I have to interrupt first."

Mag was about to reprimand Chen Bin, but seeing his serious face, he immediately guessed that he was going to say something serious, and even guessed that he was going to say something serious.

"Every exchange student is also the best student representative in the local area." Chen Bin glanced at the students in the audience, and finally fixed his eyes on the Ravenclaw table, and said seriously: "So, please take a look first. Whether you have shown corresponding respect and qualified cultivation, I would not mind privately tutoring the students of our school to correct your three views."

After Chen Bin finished speaking, he bowed to McGonagall and Dumbledore before sitting down. The students all shuddered and immediately understood what he said: "Whoever dares to show off his superiority in front of me will beat you until you doubt your life!"

Only then did they remember that the heir to the richest local Naama family had always insisted that he was an orthodox Chinese. The look on his face that matched what he just said was implying: "Whoever dares to be racially discriminatory will be doomed!"

McGonagall obviously didn't expect Chen Bin to correct the students' attitude in this way, but Dumbledore smiled with satisfaction and used magic to send him a thick list of exchange students.

Next, regardless of skin color or race, as long as the sorting hat calls out the name of the college, the students at the corresponding table will be as enthusiastic as welcoming first-year students.

Abbot Chen is very petty, and this time he means it for real!

The ceremony in the audience continued. Chen Bin kept flipping through the files of exchange students on the stage, and soon saw the information of exchange students from China and island countries.

The Onmyoji girl is named "Fujiwara Aika", she comes from the secular world of Tokyo and is eighteen years old.

This is a very sweet-looking island witch with a long ponytail, wearing the white clothes and red pants of a shrine witch, wearing exquisite straw sandals under white socks, and holding a folding fan that may be a magical weapon.

The monk's apprentice is named "Higashi Yeheng", a pure-blood descendant of Zhengerba Jing, who is also eighteen years old.

This guy is very tall, similar to Chen Bin in this life, and he is also a man taller than 185. He has a bun, wears a gray-blue robe and black cloth shoes, and holds a traditional mahogany sword in his hand.

This young man is not handsome at all, but he looks very determined. He is a man with explosive temperament. He is a man who becomes more and more attractive the more you look at him.

Although the surname Dongye is rare, Chen Bin really knows that his surname is derived from the surname Ji and is not a foreign surname.

This Brother Dongye is a disciple of the sect that is the originator of the Chen family. He is a Chinese monk who majors in Lei and Dan Dao and is a serious Chinese monk.

It is stated in the file that Qiu Zhang from Hogwarts was recommended to study in the Qingxiu Sect of the Southern Sect. The sect leader believed that sects should also communicate with each other politely, so he sent his most popular disciples to Hogwarts for exchanges. Fan.

When Chen Bin saw the description in the file, he wanted to flip the table immediately!

They came to China to pass on traditional culture, but the sect master sent a proud disciple who didn't understand English at all to come to England for exchanges. Did he think this was causing trouble? Is it a hero contest?

The most ridiculous thing is that there is a Chinese character attached to the file: "I hope that the 'international friend' Aaron Naama will take care of me, especially to resolve the communication barriers."

Chen Bin suddenly smiled strangely when he saw the island girl dressed like a shrine maiden.

The magic house obviously has a unified magic robe that can change in size as the students grow older, and change color as the wearer's knowledge increases.

When entering school, the school robe will appear pink, and if you get the best grades in all subjects, it will turn to gold.

What's even weirder is that if the robe turns white, the student has betrayed the "Japanese Wizarding Code", that is, a spell has been cast to detect whether the person has done something illegal or violated the "International Statute of Secrecy".

Her miko costume was obviously a personal item and not a school uniform.

Chen Bin opened the back of the student information and was immediately happy - he became the British guardian of this witch.

The magic house is located in the palace at the highest point of South Iwo Jima. The entire building is also made of mutton-fat jade. In the Muggle world, it is considered a wealthy building. However, if the diamonds and jades refined by the monks can be sold in the secular world, they will definitely be sold. It can cause the global diamond and jade markets to collapse.

Chen Bin originally thought that the Magic Institute was a traitor to the Eastern fantasy system, but the island country's monk community was only the first to have peaceful exchanges with the West.

A few centuries ago, several reckless Hogwarts students tried to travel around the world on broomsticks. They happened to be blown near this palace by strong winds and were rescued by the island country's teaching palace.

This was the first peaceful exchange between the East and West in the supernatural world. Unpeaceful exchanges have existed from ancient times to the 16th century. The earliest super-large world-destroying war can be traced back to ancient Persia and the monk world, which had exchanges with each other for more than ten years. Over and over again, of course the ancient Persian supernatural world was finally destroyed. Otherwise, would there still be a monk world now?

The island country's supernatural world has absorbed the Western experience of using wands from the students at Hogwarts, and they also prefer cherry wood wands, but they are still serious fantasy monks. The Japanese name "Magic House" to the outside world is just a name that is easier for Westerners to understand. This is just like the non-Western Ministry of Magic never includes the word magic in its local name.

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