Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 171 Officer Chen’s reasoning about history

Scientific development can be traced, firstly, basic theory, secondly, demand, and thirdly, the background of the times.

For example, Zhang Heng of the Eastern Han Dynasty calculated pi to 732/232. It was precisely because only this theorem could be used to solve all problems at that time. Before that, the "diameter of one day and three days" was used!

In the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Zu Chongzhi calculated the most accurate pi in the world for the next thousand years: 3.1415926. It was precisely because this period required more accurate basic theories to develop applied science.

During this period of war, the popularity of horse stirrups made the "bows and crossbows to defeat cavalry" tactics originated from the Han Dynasty useless, and iron armor became the standard equipment of cavalry.

The armored knight is an ancient tank. Ancient machine guns such as the Zhuge Liannu cannot penetrate it, and the armor-breaking effect of the halberd is not ideal.

Therefore, equipment, materials, tactics, iron smelting and technology have been improved driven by survival.

In order to upgrade basic theories, the dynasty had to keep basic theorists doing full-time research. Even the most unrealistic "Astronomy" was for agricultural services.

Speaking of the West, Britain gave birth to Newton, a scientist who was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher and alchemist. It was also because basic theories restricted applied science that England increased funding for the University of Cambridge. Cultivate full-time scholars to solve the technologies needed for navigation.

Take a look at "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy", "Newtonian Mechanics", "Universal Gravity", "Differential and Integral Calculus", and "Classical Optics". Which one was not used in the applied sciences of navigation, colonization and mechanical manufacturing at that time?

Okay, let’s review the Archimedes principle of ancient Greece: F buoyancy = ρ fluid × g × V displaced fluid. This theory was invented just to test whether the craftsman used silver without cutting open the pure gold crown. Cutting corners!

It's like Einstein deduced the mass-energy equation just to see if Newton could explode his corpse.

For another example, Mr. Diophantus in the 3rd century AD left on his epitaph the "Diophantine problem" that modern mathematics has not yet been able to solve. There are still a large number of theories related to the Diophantine equation, such as: Peishu's equation, the integer solution of the Pythagorean theorem, Pell's equation, the four sum of squares theorem and Fermat's last theorem, etc.

However, the tombstone of Diophantus has still not been found. Why did a European publication in 1621 claim to have found the so-called mathematical puzzle of Metrodorus from the 5th century AD, and the title included the so-called 3rd century AD? "Diophantus' Epitaph"! ?

Obviously, the "ancient Greek scholarship" that emerged in the 17th and 18th centuries invented the ancient background just for the sake of popularity. Those theories were actually created during that period!

In addition, Europe’s so-called evidence is difficult to reconcile logically. For example, before the 6th century AD, only China produced silk, and the description of silk in the so-called "Homer's Odyssey" is: "From the doorstep to the inner room, soft Qiluo is placed on the chair."

The Qiluo here is the beautiful silk, which has made countless Greeks bow down. They also call the place of production "Seres" - the country of silk production.

However, the year after tomorrow (1998), an archaeological team discovered silk fragments about 5,500 years ago at the Qingtai site in Xingyang. Even 37 years ago, silk artifacts from 3,700 BC were discovered.

That is to say, China had already invented silk 2,700 years before the birth of ancient Greek civilization! If ancient Greece was really so advanced, why did they marvel at the beauty of silk?

Even ancient Greece, which was so advanced, couldn't produce it before it was destroyed, and it was still as shocked as a rustic!

"Shocking! The Greeks, who have led the world in science and mathematics for two thousand years, are eager for silk! It's like we know how to produce computers two thousand years later, but we are amazed by the 'planning' invented during the Warring States Period, and even now We haven't been able to produce a 'plan' yet and are rushing towards it.

The only possibility is that many mathematical achievements were attributed to the ancient Greeks.

In the Age of Discovery, some famous theories were passed on to the ancient Greeks, and the reason why the buoyancy principle was used to measure the gold content of the crown was ridiculous. I prefer that the buoyancy principle was used in the manufacture of sailboats in the Age of Discovery. "Basic Academics"

As Chen Bin continued to extract unreasonable evidence, Caitlina's three views were refreshed over and over again, and she no longer believed in the popular science knowledge she had read as a child.

After Chen Bin finished complaining, Li Xiuhui added a cup of tea and continued the unfinished story.

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