Hogwarts Blood Curse Martial Arts

Chapter 170 The So-Called European History

After Chen Bin informed Li Xiuhui of this idea, she drank a sip of Longjing and pondered for a while.

Katerina was stunned when she heard this, because this was really irrefutable. No matter how powerful Voldemort is, he can only cause trouble in a village with less than 5,000 people. He is not as good as Grindelwald, who almost overturned the European wizarding world with more than 50,000 people. No matter how powerful Grindelwald is, he will still make waves in the East.

"Binzi, you are right, Asia cannot take Voldemort and the Death Eaters seriously." Li Xiuhui smiled bitterly: "We preconceived the idea that if he could overthrow Europe, he would definitely threaten the whole world. The supernatural world does not We don’t look at technology, but at magic and cultivation. We are bound by Muggle thinking and think that Europe and the United States are very advanced, but this is only advanced in terms of modern Muggle technology. The Western magic world alone will not unite We will definitely conquer Southeast Asia.”

Chen Bin took a sip of tea and asked puzzledly: "But why is the magic world in the West so weak? Is the witch-hunting war really so damaging?"

"This is a long story, and part of it is incomplete. I got this inference by combining some collections of books. Do you want to listen?"

Chen Bin and Kate's eyes lit up, and they immediately took out the preserved fruits and melon seeds, listening to the living fossil tell the secret guess.

By the way, the European magic community generally believes that "History of Magic" originated from Eastern Europe.

According to the documents of the ancestors of Naama, in the 8th to 1st centuries BC, the wizarding civilization was active in the Aegean Sea region of Eastern Europe, and the highest magical society there was called Olympus.

With the eastward expansion of the Roman Republic and the collapse of ancient Greek civilization, wizards from Olympus were invited into the Roman magical world and became one of their leaders.

Li Xiuhui was full of doubts about the history collected by her ancestors. The main reason was that these historical materials were more like epics than rigorous history books, and there were no relics or documents to study, so they were just read as stories.

Katerina expressed confusion about this point of view, so Chen Bin had to interrupt Li Xiuhui's story and explain the historical dispute between the East and the West.

Westerners have extremely strict requirements for the history of the East, insisting that documents from later dynasties cannot be counted, and will not shut up until they find the ruins and cultural relics of that period.

Well, if we apply the same standards to ancient Greece, ancient Macedonia or the Roman Republic, the West cannot find relics and documents. Instead, it uses legendary oral literature as evidence.

The so-called "Homeric Epic" is said to be created by the blind ancient Greek poet Homer from the 9th century BC to the 8th century BC. The Trojan War, ancient Greek civilization, style and history all originated from this oral story.

Now, there is no need to forge even the parchment that has been preserved for three thousand years, and there is no need to worry about scholars not being able to understand ancient Greek texts that date back to that time!

What's even more ridiculous is that Western encyclopedia books also say: Archimedes once boasted: "Give me a place to stand on, and I can move the earth because of his full understanding of the principle of leverage." I will move the Earth.)”

Judging from the context, the Earth must not be flat in order for the fulcrum to move. Otherwise, wouldn't it be more illogical to use the fulcrum to move the Earth under your feet? He used the fulcrum to move the land. In the end, it wasn't the land that moved, but him himself!

(Please imagine pole vaulting with a fulcrum.)

To get out of this thinking, Archimedes must first prove that Earth is a three-dimensional object.

Then, he also needs to have reasons to support that this sphere can absorb objects to the surface, and other planets must also have the power to pull each other, otherwise how can they set up a fulcrum?

Imagine that if he had not discovered the force of gravity and gravity, the earth he wanted to move would be weightless, just like bubbles in water. In this cognition, how stupid do you have to be to think of using a lever to pry bubbles?

Only in the 17th century did someone explain universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, but in order to explain the simpler lever principle, people in the 2nd century BC first solved the puzzle of the round earth theory and universal gravitation!

Is there something wrong with your brain?

Oh my God! Ancient Greece was so advanced, and then Europe went backwards in intelligence and civilization for more than a thousand years!

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