Compared with the lower grades who are playing games enthusiastically, the upper grade students are much more miserable.

It didn’t matter that they couldn’t attend Professor Welfare’s class or play the light ball game. They thought that after the duel, Quirrell could inspire a little sense of the professor’s mission.

In the end, he still looked like a mess!

Their dissatisfaction with Professor Quirrell has simply reached its peak.

School auditorium.

“Do you know what Professor Quirrell taught in today’s class?” Percy complained loudly to Penello.

Penello went on to say in a dignified manner: “What did you say?”

“He talked about the trolls for a full two hours! It was so lifelike! It was so vivid that I could smell the stench!”

Percy’s whole body slumped, and he rested his head on the long table, sighing sadly.

“I will also take the O.W.Ls exam this year. According to this situation, I probably won’t be able to get 12 certificates.”

“Oh, my dear brother, why don’t you ask the respected Professor Welfare for advice?” George came out pretentiously.

Percy waved his hand angrily.

“Don’t think about it. All the students in the grade want to be taught by Professor Welfare, but so far the professor has not agreed.”

Fred shook his head, looking a little unbeatable, “No, no, no, dear Percy, the professor won’t teach you, but he can give you a little guidance!”

Percy glanced at the staff table. Professor Foley was the only one not there.

“I don’t know what the professor is busy with. He is rarely seen. How can he have time to give me guidance?”

During this time, Tver was digesting the duel, studying Neville, and being obsessed with wizard chess, so he rarely appeared in front of the students except during class time.

George smiled triumphantly.

“To give you a hint, between nine and ten o’clock in the evening, you will meet the professor in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom on the first floor.”

Penello asked puzzledly: “Why?”

“As a reward, the professor will give them private lessons at that time,” Percy said enviously, “But the professor is also very busy at that time, right?”

Now both of them shook their heads in disappointment.

“Professors play wizard chess while answering our questions.”

“Now the professor’s wizard chess level has improved by leaps and bounds, and we are no match for him at all.”

“I can already feel that the professor is dissatisfied with us and has become careless in class.”

“So we need someone who is good at chess——”

“Come and play chess with the professor!”

The more they talked, the more excited they became. George and Fred both put their hands on Percy’s shoulders, “I leave this arduous mission to you, my good brother!”

“Come on, don’t you just want to find a tool man?”

Having said that, a smile still appeared on Percy’s face, and his eyes became bright, completely different from the dejected look before.

“By the way, isn’t Ron’s level better? Why not find him?”

“When you can’t satisfy the professor anymore, we will kick you away and drag Ron over.” George said matter-of-factly.

“Okay, I told you not to practice the light ball game, but it turns out you are really treating me as a tool!”

At nine o’clock in the evening, Tver came to the classroom on time.

During this period, he spent an hour every day practicing wizard chess, and his progress was indeed rapid. Now Cedric, the strongest among the four, could no longer beat him.

So he was so satisfied that he ran to face off against Professor McGonagall’s chessboard, and naturally failed.

But it has reached the point where there is going back and forth, and I don’t lose so miserably, which is a proof of my own level.

“Hey, if I remember correctly, your name is Percy, right?” Tver looked at the fifth person in the classroom in surprise.

“Yes, Professor Welfare,” Percy introduced himself somewhat cautiously, “My name is Percy Weasley, the brother of George and Fred, and the prefect of Gryffindor.”

His smile was a bit awkward. During the duel before, he had questioned Professor Welfare’s strength. Of course, now he admired the professor to the point of admiration.

“Why are you being introduced as a prefect?”

George stood up in disgust and told Turville about Percy’s desire to be mentored.

Tver’s eyes lit up when he heard this.

Ron’s level is undoubtedly better than that of Chessboard, but the level gap is too big, and he may not be able to learn anything.

On the contrary, it would be much more reasonable to find Ron after defeating Percy.

“If the professor doesn’t like it, we can find another sparring partner for you.” Fred finally added.

Tver laid out the chessboard, placed it on the desk, and patted the seat next to him.

“No need for now, come here Percy, let’s play a game of chess.”

Percy immediately trotted over happily and sat down solemnly.

After coming down, the other four people gathered around Tver with small notebooks.

This was usually how they had private lessons. Tver was playing chess and talking at the same time, and they stood nearby and listened, taking notes from time to time.

The only uncomfortable thing was Cedric, who was playing chess. He had to focus on the situation on the chessboard and understand the professor’s lesson content.

I can’t take notes yet!

So when they asked outsiders to come over, it was because of Cedric’s strong request.

The pieces are laid out, and Tver is on White as always.

“Soldiers advance to A3. The O.W.Ls exam is divided into two parts: theory and practice. Percy, what preparations have you made?” After Percy took action, he asked casually.

Percy thought for a while before answering: “I have memorized all the theoretical test parts, but I lack practical experience and am worried that I will panic during the test.”

Twil nodded casually.

As expected of a top student, they all like to memorize.

“You did a great job. The theory of Defense Against the Dark Arts is easily ignored. In fact, many people who don’t do well fall down in this department.”

He glanced at the four Cedrics who were frantically taking notes.

“This is why you have to take exams in class. Especially you two Weasleys are too practical. If you fail the theory exam at the end of the school year, I will let you write exam papers for the summer.”

George and Fred nodded hurriedly with chills on their backs.

Turville turned his attention back to Percy.

“As for your practical part, I recommend you a special method.”

At this time, not only Percy, but also Cedric and the other four people stopped writing, their ears pricked up, and they looked at him intently.

“The spell was broken.”

Tver took out his wand and muttered “luminescent flash”, but after he finished speaking, he waved the wand, and finally there was an obvious fluctuation of magic power.

The tip of the wand slowly lit up.

“Disassemble a magic into three steps: spells, gestures and magic release. Study and understand each step in depth. Don’t start the next magic until you fully understand it.”

Percy nodded thoughtfully, but Cedric and the others couldn’t understand.

A mantra is a mantra, just recite it and that’s it. Why do you need to study and understand it?

Tver did not explain that this is not something they can access in third grade. In fact, they may not learn this part until sixth grade——

A mastery of magic.

This is also another way to achieve silent casting, which is more difficult and stronger.

When you reach this level, you can cast magic as easily as you can. You don’t have to worry about not being able to cast the magic well, and you don’t have to worry about using the magic you have learned.

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