Tweel thought he might have guessed the reason for their change of attitude—word spread of his mingling with students in class.

It only takes one day for what happened in the castle to reach everyone’s ears.

All I can say is that it truly deserves to be Hogwarts.

“It’s just a little teaching technique,” Tver shrugged. “It seems that the students are not disgusted.”

“The students are not just not disgusted,” Professor Flitwick blinked in a mysterious manner, “I was also worried that you would be nervous on the first day of class.”

“They’re just some third-grade kids, and they’re easy to coax.” Tver said in an old-fashioned way, and those who didn’t know thought that this was said by Professor Flitwick.

Smiling all the way, Tver felt that his face was a little stiff.

Obviously he had only met them at last night’s dinner, and today was still the first day of school, but it seemed as if all the students knew him as a new professor.

But as soon as he entered the auditorium, he understood the meaning of Professor Flitwick’s words.

When the students saw him appearing, someone suddenly let out a scream.

“Professor Welfare, why don’t you think about hanging me up and whipping me as a fourth grader too?”

Well, this is a boy with a rough appearance.

The auditorium burst into laughter, but the students’ eyes were full of expectation and they looked at Tver with bright eyes.

“Professor, please teach us how to fight!”

“Please be sure to tie me up vigorously, I don’t mind!”

As for Quirrell at the teaching desk, he wished he didn’t have to attend a single class and could just spend the whole day thinking about how to deal with the three-headed dog.

Tver had just taken his first class, so of course he didn’t expect the students to be so excited.

It’s just that I’m afraid of comparison in everything. It was also the first class, and Quirrell’s class was extremely boring.

The classroom alone was filled with the smell of garlic, which gave the students headaches.

Not to mention the content of the course, he would just follow the script. Compared with Professor Binns who taught the history of magic, he only had a little more emotion.

When it came to casting spells, he asked the students to demonstrate it. Although he talked a lot, he never demonstrated it to everyone. He had to rely on the students to explore on their own.

But Tver is different. The golden film alone is enough for the Weasley twins to brag about for a long time.

There is also Davis from Ravenclaw, who has almost become a fan of Professor Welfare, boasting of his strength.

In the eyes of the little wizards, from appearance to strength, Professor Foley simply crushes Professor Quirrell!

Tver raised his hand, and the auditorium immediately fell silent. Looking at the expectations in the eyes of the students, especially the senior students, he waved his hand and pointed at Quirrell who was sitting on the faculty bench.

“Professor Quirrell is in charge of courses for fourth grade and above. Believe me, he is strong enough to be your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but he has not shown it yet.”

Quirrell wants to hide his strength, and Tver doesn’t mind digging a little hole for him.

Now we are peers in every sense of the word. If you don’t cheat, who will?

This move had a remarkable effect. Quirrell’s originally smiling face suddenly froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He didn’t know what kind of expression he should put on to respond to the students’ questioning looks.

The little disturbance in the auditorium just dissipated, but the students were still discussing the personable Professor Welfare.

“We won’t have Professor Welfare’s class in a few days,” Ron said with a chicken drumstick in his left hand and a custard pop tart in his right hand, and he kept talking, “so there’s no need to look forward to it so early.”

“I’m not expecting it!” Hermione, who was reading a book and eating dinner, raised her head, frowning and emphasizing in displeasure.

“Professor Welfare’s first lesson is to test our strength. If you don’t even know a single magic, wouldn’t it mean that we will lose in one face to face?!”

Neville put down the drumstick in his hand with a look of despair, “That’s it. Even if I study for a year, I may not be able to cast a complete magic.”

Harry listened to their discussion in silence, his own heart clenching.

During class today, he was pleasantly surprised to find that his magic learning was no worse than that of his classmates, except of course Hermione.

But now I heard that I had to fight a professor in the first period of Defense Against the Dark Arts. If my performance was poor, wouldn’t I be sent back to the Dursleys for failing grades?

George sat excitedly in the middle of them, now at the Gryffindor table, wherever Professor Welfare came up in conversation, he would appear there.

“Don’t worry, no matter how much you learn, you will only be beaten down by Professor Welfare’s magic.”

“Maybe the professor can scare them with a wave of his magic wand?” Fred smirked.


“But I heard that you just suffered a magic spell from the professor, and then the three of you were hung up.” Ron blinked his innocent eyes blankly, not realizing that he stepped on the mine accurately.


The twins looked at each other in silence.

“I think it would be fun to develop a spider candy that turns people into spiders.”

“You can also fill the lounge with spiders, so that the Gryffindors can practice their moves in advance.”

“Movement? Are you talking about combat skills?” Hermione became curious about knowledge. “Can you tell us in detail?”

She was more interested in the content of Professor Welfare’s class. As a studious student, she always had to preview before class.

Judging from the few words she heard, it seemed that the content of Professor Welfare’s class did not follow the textbook at all.

And in her impression, there are very few such books that contain these contents.

“Don’t worry, you will learn. We have a whole year!” George shook his head proudly.

Now they are the only people in the entire school who have taken Professor Welfare’s courses, and the specific content of the courses has been kept secret.

This is a top-secret technique that can enhance your strength!

Although everyone will know these contents once they have taken Defense Against the Dark Arts.

But at that time, it was just a friendship of hanging from the ceiling together, so it didn’t matter if we knew.

Hermione curled her lips in dissatisfaction and ignored the strict-mouthed Weasley twins.

But after Ron had eaten and drank enough, he suddenly said: “Aren’t you worried that Professor Welfare will use black magic?”

“Impossible, how could a professor use black magic on students?!” Hermione retorted immediately.

“But the professor is a standard Durmstrang. Is it normal to know how to do black magic?” Ron frowned.

In his mind, knowing black magic equals a dark wizard, and Durmstrang, who teaches black magic, is the base camp of dark wizards.

George became dissatisfied and patted Ron hard on the shoulder.

“My dear brother, knowing dark magic does not mean using dark magic. I bet that Principal Dumbledore knows a lot of dark magic.”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a dark wizard,” Fred said with a stupid look on his face, “As long as he doesn’t use it on us.”

Ron glanced at his two brothers with disdain.

Obviously you were still making bets this morning on how long it would take Professor Welfare to enter Azkaban…

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