Roger Davis was the only one hanging upside down. The other students only felt a little uncomfortable mentally, but he really felt physically uncomfortable.

Seeing that his face was all red due to the backflow of blood, Tver quickly used a normal levitation spell to put them all down.

I almost ended up in Azkaban for murdering students…

Giving them some time to relax, Tver canceled the surrounding magic.

“I think you have experienced a real battle, tell me what you feel in your heart.”

Tver was still sitting on the table, watching the students look at me and me at you. It seemed that no one was talking, so he had to call their names.

“Davis, I think you have a deeper experience. Can you pass on some experience to your classmates?”

When Davis’ name was called, his neck suddenly shrank, and his originally red face turned a little pale.

He glanced at the expectant eyes around him, and after confirming that no one was speaking for him, he said in a loud voice: “Don’t just stand there stupidly?”

“That’s right!” Tver nodded approvingly, “No matter how fast the opponent’s magic is, its trajectory is straight. Well, most of it is straight. This means that as long as you run effectively, You can avoid most spells.

Of course, if you foolishly run towards the curse, not even Principal Dumbledore can save you. ”

The students laughed happily.

“But there is another question here. Have any of you thought of it?” Tver let the students laugh for a while before asking the question.

Just as George was about to speak, Fred covered his mouth, “Raise your hands, you idiot!”

Then Fred raised his hand in front of George’s disbelieving gaze.

After getting Tver’s signal, he spoke loudly.

“Professor, I think it is, if we step on a trap while running, we might as well stand still.”

Tver gave him a little applause approvingly.

“Yes, the situation on the battlefield is often complicated. When we move, we must not only pay attention to the opponent, but also pay attention to our feet.”

“Five points from Gryffindor, it seems you two are experienced in this.”

Fred and George raised their heads proudly and greeted the low laughter of their classmates.

At this time, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. For the first time, the students felt why the bell was so annoying. They also wanted to hear Professor Foley talk more about combat skills.

How handsome!

Adolescent children are full of the desire for expression, and they wish they could learn many fighting skills now and replace the Welfare Professor who had just defeated many enemies with themselves!

“Okay, in this lesson you have roughly understood the four key points of combat, which are positioning, casting speed, own protection and teamwork.”

“But don’t worry, we still have one year to learn these four skills. After one year, we can have another battle to test everyone’s learning results.”

The students’ fighting spirit immediately became high.

Destroy Hogwarts and capture Tver alive!

Tver was very satisfied with the students’ ambition, but why did he seem to have horns growing on his head?

“First of all, the first point – positioning. Your homework is to think about how to move effectively and how to invalidate the opponent’s position.”

“The latter one is for students who are willing to use their brains. If you have good ideas, there will be a small special reward.” He showed a standard professor’s smile to let the students look forward to it.

Several top students looked at each other, their eyes shining with a light that was hotter than fighting.

Professor Welfare’s reward is determined by him or her!

“So you just need to write a paper about your idea. There is no limit on the length, even if it is only a few words, but please note that it is your own idea.”

Unlimited word count is the most insidious thing. None of the students are brave enough to actually submit a paper with a few words. They will basically be in a state of worrying about not having enough words at any time.

In this way, the writing becomes longer and longer!

Tver clapped his hands to dispel their reluctance.

“Okay, this class is over here. Come on, don’t waste time on the next class.”

The classes at Hogwarts are still very tight, especially since the next class is Professor McGonagall’s Transfiguration. They would rather be hung upside down than be late for Transfiguration.

But Tver was free.

He only needs to attend this class today, and the rest of the time is his own.

Tver picked up his “Wizard Chess Fundamentals” and walked slowly in the castle towards the library.

The castle was much quieter because the students were in class. Only the occasional sound of students casting spells could be heard in the classroom.

Similarly, there are not many students in the library. There are already few students without classes. First of all,

Fewer people come to the library every day.

He did not choose books on wizarding chess. The oldest collection of books in Hogwarts was a thousand years old. It would be a waste to read wizarding chess here.

Picked out a book called “Spellcasting Techniques”.

Tver took a cursory glance at the content of this book. It was actually very simple, and it was about various techniques for casting spells.

Pretty much what he taught in class.

The only unusual thing is the age of this book—it was written eight hundred years ago.

At that time, Hogwarts had only been established two hundred years ago. Such ancient books were usually kept in collections. If Tweel hadn’t been a professor, he really wouldn’t have been able to get them.

Finding a corner near the window, Tver began to read this book written in ancient magic script.

Sure enough, the Hogwarts books are different.

Tver also found a few words about the four elements in this book.

The author highly admires the theory of the four elements, and after many years of research, he has made no progress and can only rely on his own understanding to write such an entry-level “Spellcasting Skills”.

It contains all aspects of the four elements, but only a very superficial understanding. The only advantage is a statement in it:

The mastery of the four elements does not rely on ancient magic. It is transcendent from magic and closer to the origin of magic.

No matter what method of casting spells (at that time, there were many ways of casting spells, ancient magic was only one of the more popular ones, and there were also other ways of casting spells using blood), they were all composed of four elements.

Tver didn’t know that it didn’t include modern magic, but he felt relieved because of it.

He also thought that learning the four elements would involve ancient magic.

You know, the reason why ancient magic declined is because it is difficult to learn and master.

Even an old scholar who has been immersed in ancient magic for many years cannot guarantee that he can use more than ten ancient magics.

Just like a Muggle trying to learn magic through textbooks, this method of spellcasting greatly limits the number of wizards.

In ancient times, only those with extraordinary talents could become wizards.

So even though ancient magic is slightly more powerful, Tver wouldn’t want to learn it.

After all, his strength no longer needs to care about the increase in ancient magic. Modern magic can still achieve the same effect.

After spending an afternoon, Tver flipped through the entire “Spellcasting Techniques” and searched the library, but found no more valuable books.

At meal time, he left the library and headed to the auditorium.

However, the students’ attitude towards him changed 180 degrees.

“Hello Professor Welfare!”


Another unknown student greeted him, and Tver held back his doubts and nodded with a smile.

You were pointing fingers at him this morning, and now it’s only the afternoon and he’s become warm and polite?

Professor Flitwick didn’t know when he appeared and patted his waist.

“Tver, I heard that you hung up a class of students and beat them?”

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