Harry Potter’s Strongest Senior

Chapter 194 The Situation Is Serious

Sean can be sure that Mrs. Norris was petrified by the basilisk. As for who released the basilisk, Sean dare not make a judgment.

The notebook has been destroyed, and the diadem has just been handed over to Dumbledore in Merlin's Chamber of Secrets. The first suspect left is Draco, and it cannot be ruled out that Voldemort still has something behind him.

Followed by Lockhart, according to Adam, only Salazar had talked with him, and Quirrell and Lockhart knew how to find Adam, which meant that the Haierbo camp behind them had news about Salazar.

Perhaps Salazar also survived and joined hands with Haierbo, or perhaps some secret words left by Salazar were found by Haierbo.

Half a minute later, Filch came over, the closer he got, the uglier his expression became, he said angrily and sadly.

"Who did this?"

"Don't get excited, Filch, it's not dead yet." Snape said calmly.

"Mature mandrake juice can restore petrification." Sean added, "Professor Sprout just happened to have a few mandrake plants that are about to mature."

"It's too bad. If I know who did it, I'll hang him from the ceiling and beat him with a whip." Filch said through gritted teeth.

"Corporal punishment of students has long been banned by Dumbledore." Sean reminded. "And, this murderer, I'm afraid you won't be able to draw it."

Before Filch understood what Sean said, Snape had already stood up and said to Sean.

"I'm going to report to Dumbledore, you go back to the lounge and see Draco."

Snape also wanted to go with Sean, he nodded, and walked towards the stairs, but before going downstairs, he went around to the school infirmary on the second floor.

Sean gently pushed open the door of the school infirmary, stood at the door and peeked through the crack of the door. With the moonlight coming in through the window, he saw Lockhart lying on the hospital bed and sleeping soundly.

Then he ran back to the Slytherin lounge, and regardless of disturbing the sleep of the people in the house, Sean knocked on the door of Draco's room.

He waited for about a minute before someone opened the door. It was Fatty Crabbe. He looked at Sean in a daze and asked suspiciously.

"Senior Sean, what happened?" Crabbe looked at the clock on the wall, it was eleven o'clock.

"Crabbe, who's there?" Draco's voice came from inside. Not long after he fell asleep, he was awakened by Shawn's knock on the door after he was a light sleeper.

Xiao En looked in and asked, "Didn't you go out at night?"

"No, after dinner, I haven't gone out since I came back." Crabbe replied.

"Are you sure?" Sean said, turning his gaze to Draco.

"I'm sure." Draco walked out of the bed in his nightgown and barefoot. He was sleeping soundly, but he was a little annoyed when Sean woke him up and asked him some inexplicable questions.

"It's okay, you guys continue to sleep, good night." Sean waved his hand and left Draco's bedroom.

At this time, after Dumbledore received Snape's report, he became Falcon alone in the small waterway, following the route Wormtail took him last semester, from the sewer to the underground space of the secret room.

Dumbledore looked at the stone door of the Chamber of Secrets. The door was still closed, but the seal he had left on it had been broken.

He was sure that the basilisk had been released, but he wasn't sure if the basilisk was still roaming the school, or had returned to the Chamber of Secrets.

What he was most worried about was whether the golden scepter put in by Voldemort and Quirrell would also be taken away.

He also just found out today that Harry is a Parseltongue, so they would have a way to open the door of the secret room.

But Dumbledore didn't know the entrance to the girls' bathroom,

He only knew the route of the small waterway that Pettigrew told him, and this route was very dangerous. Although it was the main channel, the width of several places was only 50 cm. He could pass through it as a falcon, and Harry felt uncomfortable.

If he encountered a basilisk in that narrow space, Dumbledore would not dare to say that he would be able to keep Harry safe.

Before leaving, Dumbledore cast a sealing spell on Shimen again, and then summoned all the faculty and staff overnight.

"There has been a very nasty attack at Hogwarts," said Dumbledore.

Filch's head was clicking, furious that Mrs. Norris had been petrified.

"Classes will be suspended for one day tomorrow, and the four deans will stay in the common room of their respective colleges to prevent students from running around," Dumbledore said.

Professor Flitwick raised his head and asked, "What kind of attack?" It must be a very important event to get the suspension of classes.

"Filius, I think you still remember Myrtle Elizabeth Warren fifty years ago." Dumbledore asked Filius Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick's face changed when he heard the name, "Her ghost is still in the bathroom on the second floor. Could it be that the attack this time is the same as fifty years ago, a basilisk?!"

Dumbledore didn't answer, just nodded slightly, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Some of the young professors among them hadn't experienced that incident.

And Flitwick and Professor McGonagall were one year older than Tom Riddle, and Hagrid was one year younger than Voldemort. They both witnessed Myrtle's death and watched her body being carried out of the bathroom.

"Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets can only be opened by the heirs of Slytherin, Potter's performance tonight." Lockhart, who was limping, also came to the headmaster's office, and he deliberately looked at Snape when he was speaking.

"Potter's Parseltongue is the only way to open the Chamber of Secrets, but he never came out after returning to the common room." Professor McGonagall clarified for his students.

"Harry I'll be looking for him tomorrow morning," said Dumbledore.

Sean suddenly remembered the golden scepter. The person who entered the secret room must have seen the scepter too, and the scepter is no longer in the secret room.

He quickly and quietly ran to look for Adam. After entering the stone pillar, Xiao En didn't see Adam, so he called a few times softly.

"What's your name?" Adam emerged from under the stone slab.

"Adam, I need your help with something." As he spoke, Sean took out a handful of nuts from his robe.

Adam happily took the nuts and asked, "What can I ask you, sir?"

"The last time I asked you about the golden scepter, is it still in the Slytherin chamber?"

Adam paused for two seconds, probably casting a spell to detect it, and then said, "It's gone, just to put it bluntly, it's moving."

Sean was a little puzzled when he heard this, but then he thought of something, "Do you know the basilisk in the secret room?"

"Of course, I knew it when it was still an egg. By the way, it is also moving, together with the scepter."

"Where are they?" Sean asked feeling uncomfortable.

"Do you think my uncle is your private investigator? I don't know where they are, they are all moving!" Adam said impatiently.

"Then did they leave the school?" Sean asked.

"Last time." Adam stagnated again. Sean learned smart this time and opened his magic eyes to secretly learn Adam's detection magic, but he didn't realize that Adam was building a magic framework.

"What kind of skill is this?" Sean wondered inexplicably.

In fact, this is not a skill of Adam, it is a formation spirit born from the magic sealing formation under his feet, and this magic formation covers the entire underground of the castle.

As the spirit of the formation, Adam has an instinct to know the movements of people and things on the magic formation.

"No, I was on the second floor of the teaching building just now, and now I am on the third floor." Adam said, "Don't bother me anymore, the uncle is going to sleep."

After finishing speaking, Adam didn't care whether Sean was still there or not, and sank under the stone slab in front of him.

Sean thought to himself, "Dumbledore's magic is on the golden scepter, it cannot leave the range of the castle, the basilisk should not be able to take it away, it should be."

After the other professors left, Dumbledore left McGonagall, Snape, and Hagrid, he said to the three.

"Harry will never be the one who opens the Chamber of Secrets. I trust him, and besides, he cannot open my seal."

"Professor, could it be Voldemort in Draco?" Hagrid asked.

Dumbledore shook his head noncommittally, and he couldn't be sure, after all, Voldemort had too many methods.

There were those who doubted Harry and Draco, but none of them doubted Lockhart. The impression Lockhart gave to everyone was really not good, he was a vase who could only talk.

Sean has confirmed his identity as a spy, but there is no evidence that he opened the secret room.

The next morning, the students got up as usual and went to the auditorium for dinner. Dumbledore announced on the stage that classes would be suspended today, and the students below couldn't help shouting, although they didn't know why the classes were suspended.

"After the meal, please return to the common room immediately, and the deans of each house will take the students." Dumbledore said.

He asked McGonagall and Snape to find Harry and Draco, and asked them to go to the headmaster's office after dinner.

"Harry, what's wrong with you again?" Hermione asked.

"No, I've been with you these two days." Harry was also confused.

Ron said, "I see, it must be because of what happened to you last night."

"Yes, Parseltongue, Dumbledore must have taken it very seriously." Hermione said.

At the Slytherin table, Draco was being asked the same question by his friends.

"Draco, are you bullying Colin again?" Pansy asked.

Colin Creevey is a freshman in Gryffindor. He takes pictures with a camera all day long and is of Muggle origin. Draco is annoyed to see him pat him. him several times.

"It's boring to keep him alone." Draco said that he hadn't bullied Colin recently, "Besides, bullying him doesn't require Dumbledore to call him to the headmaster's office."

"I guess Draco has something good to do. Mrs. Malfoy came to the school a few days ago. She must have said something to Dumbledore." Goyle said.

The meal in the auditorium was not over yet, and some students who ate fast had already returned to their common rooms one after another.

At this time, a scream that pierced the sky came from the bathroom at the corner of the auditorium. The students walking on the road walked over curiously, and then the students who saw the scene screamed out in horror.

Sean felt that something was wrong, so he ran out quickly. In a few seconds, he ran to the place where the screams came from, and all the professors followed.

"Something has happened." Sean's face was heavy. In his magical eyes, the Hufflepuff girl lying at the door of the bathroom no longer had any magical light.

The professors dispersed the crowd of students. Professor Sprout saw the students in his college fell to the ground, and nervously stepped forward to inquire about the situation.

But when she touched the student with her hand, she found that her body was stiff, as if under a petrification spell.

"Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Snape, please take the students back to the dormitory immediately." Dumbledore said loudly.

Dumbledore squatted down, and as soon as his hand touched the girl's body, he knew that things had seriously exceeded his expectations.

He looked up at Professor Sprout, and said these words with difficulty.

"It's the basilisk, she's dead."

"No, no, Ada." Professor Sprout shouted.

Sean recognized this girl, Hufflepuff fourth year, and his classmate, Ida Keeling.

Professor Sprout's shout alarmed Cedric, who had just come out of the auditorium, and he and a few classmates came here, although Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape were already preventing the students from approaching, But Cedric saw his classmates fell to the ground, and Professor Sprout still showed grief. He knew that something happened to Ida.

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