Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 196 Conversation in the carriage

The next day, Mike slept until nearly noon and finally woke up.

Although today was the day of Hogwarts' summer vacation, Mike was in no hurry. He slowly got up and brushed his teeth. It wasn't until Franklin knocked on the door to urge him to pick up his suitcase and leave his dormitory.

Unlike Harry and the others, Mike finished his luggage early, so now he can be so unhurried.

In fact, Mike didn't have much luggage to pack either, his little suitcase was full of Stretch Charms bags, most of which were filled with Galleons, and the rest were some daily necessities.

Today he was leaving school on the Hogwarts Express with the rest of his classmates.

That's right, he's not going to stay at Professor Flitwick's house any more this year.

This is not because Professor Flitwick did not invite Mike to live in his house this year, but because Mike felt that he needed a private space that was completely his own. After all, some of his secrets could not be revealed to Professor Flitwick.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Franklin looking at him anxiously, and there was a huge suitcase more than half a person high on the ground beside him.

"Let's go, the train is about to leave!"

Franklin saw that Mike finally got up, shouted loudly, and rushed out of the lounge with his suitcase.

Mike shook his head helplessly as he saw Franklin dragging a giant suitcase and walking fast. This is the biggest difference between a Muggle-born wizard and a wizard who has lived in the wizarding world since childhood.

Muggle-born wizards like Franklin haven't subconsciously adapted to the fact that they have become wizards, so when faced with many things that can be easily solved with magic, they will instinctively use Muggle stupid ways to deal with them .

Just like this simple carrying luggage, those little wizards who have lived in the wizarding world since childhood have long used the floating spell, but Franklin is still stupidly using his hand.

When Mike arrived at the station, the place was already full of people, and Franklin, who had arrived earlier, was already sweating profusely, and was now sitting on the ground without any image, gasping for breath.

Mike's arrival was very coincidental. The Hogwarts Express honked its whistle as soon as the front foot arrived, and the whistle sounded throughout the station, letting all the little wizards know that they should get on the train.

He helped Franklin, who was like a dead dog, and Mike followed the team into the carriage slowly.

Franklin, who had rested for a long time, gradually regained some strength. He was obviously a little embarrassed to be supported by Mike to walk in front of everyone, so he broke free from Mike's hand.

Mike didn't care either, he followed the team on the train slowly, and then found a box and walked in.

As soon as the door of the box was opened, Mike was slightly taken aback, and saw two men and one woman sitting firmly in the small compartment, it was our trio of salvation.

Harry and Ron suddenly had excited smiles on their faces when they saw Mike and Franklin walking in, but Hermione's reaction was completely opposite to the two of them. The moment they saw Mike, their faces became extremely bad, and they brushed it. He stood up and ran out of the box, and bumped Mike when he passed by Mike, which made Mike a little overwhelmed.

After calling her twice, Hermione didn't turn her head back to Mike, so she stopped paying attention to her, and entered the carriage with Franklin.

Everyone helped Franklin put his luggage away, and it wasn't until this time that Franklin asked Mike about his luggage.

"Why did you only take such a small suitcase."

When he asked Harry and Ron's attention, they also turned their attention to the small suitcase that Mike was carrying. Harry and Franklin had similar reactions, both wondering why Mike's suitcase was so small, while Ron only had a blank expression on his face. Looking at Mike enviously.

Ron, who came from a pure-blood family, although his family is poor, he still knows a lot about the Unmarked Stretch Curse Container, so he asked:

"You're the Unmarked Stretch Curse Box, right?"

Mike didn't say anything.

Just smiled and nodded.

He can't say it's just an ordinary box, but it's just filled with bags of the Traceless Stretch Spell, right?

You must know that such space containers are generally quite expensive due to the difficulty in releasing the Traceless Stretching Charm.

A traceless stretch spell suitcase with 1 cubic meter of space inside requires at least three-digit gold Galleons to buy, which can be said to be a huge sum of money for the average wizard family.

And since it is much more difficult to cast the Unmarked Stretch Charm on the bag than it is on the suitcase, the price of the Unmarked Stretch Charm bag of the same volume is almost twice as expensive as the Unmarked Stretch Charm bag.

It is worth mentioning that the traceless stretch magic bag is a very portable space container, and you can't buy a volume of more than 10 cubic meters on the market.

Because these large-capacity containers have been monopolized by those large families, ordinary people simply cannot access them.

If Ron knew that Mike's box contained more than a dozen bags of Traceless Stretch Charms, and that the bags were also full of Galleons, he would have been speechless holding Mike's thighs by now.

Mike didn't want to talk too much about this, so he started to change the subject after putting the suitcase down.

"What happened to Hermione just now?" Mike asked. "You quarreled again?"

"Actually this time it's because of you."

Mike was a little overwhelmed by Ron's answer. He basically didn't meet Hermione much during this time, and he couldn't remember when he offended Hermione again.

"Didn't you kill a lot of eight-eyed spiders and centaurs last time in the Forbidden Forest?" Ron said while stuffing Bibi Duo Beans in his mouth, "Hagrid has told us all these things, Hermione is mad at her because of this."

As soon as this statement came out, Mike immediately put on a black question mark face expression, he didn't understand why it was so angry.

Seeing that Mike still didn't understand, Ron explained: "Hagrid said a lot of bad things about you at the time, and Hermione should have been persuaded by him. After coming back, he pulled us and said a lot of magical creatures and humans are equal. Kind of weird. By the way, she also called you a butcher!

Of course, I think you're doing the right thing Mike. Those eight-eyed giant spiders are so terrifying! Only Hagrid and Hermione will think they are harmless, you are right to destroy them all! "

Hearing this, Mike also understood why Hermione had such an attitude towards him now. Hermione was really a bit too much of a Virgin, and she had compassion for creatures weaker than herself.

To put it mildly, it can be said that she has a good heart, but Mike thinks that Hermione has actually not been beaten by society, let alone creatures like centaurs and eight-eyed spiders that are obviously hostile to humans. Take human beings as an example. If you have no bottom line to sympathize with the weak, to a large extent, you can only get revenge for kindness and revenge.

As the so-called Sheng Mien fights Mi Chou, human beings will never know satisfaction, you have no bottom line to help others for a long time, others will only take it for granted, and once you stop this kind of help, others will won't understand you.

In their minds, I am weak and I am rational is a very common thought.

However, Mike is more curious why Ron is so supportive of him in this matter. You must know that the relationship between Ron and Mike is not very good, and they even had a big fight because of Percy.

But after seeing the horrified look on Ron's face when he talked about the eight-eyed giant spider, Mike understood.

I once heard the Weasley brothers mention that the thing their little brother Ron was most afraid of was spiders, and their favorite thing to do was to scare Ron with spider toys, so for Ron, Mike killed this time. So many eight-eyed giant spiders really helped him a lot.

Otherwise, Ron might not be able to sleep at night knowing that so many giant spiders are active within less than 10 kilometers of him.

"Thank you Ron." Mike said with a smile, "I don't think I did anything wrong. Those eight-eyed giant spiders are completely evil creatures, and with their amazing reproduction speed, if you continue to let them go No matter what, other creatures in the forbidden forest will suffer, and the casualties will be even greater."

"That's it!"

Ron's eyes began to glow when he heard the words, and he echoed Mike excitedly. In his opinion, all spiders in this world should go to hell.

At this moment, Mike also noticed that Harry, who was beside him, had been on the verge of saying nothing since they started talking about things in the Forbidden Forest, so he asked about Harry's situation, but Harry's answer made Mike Some surprises.

"I know the Octopus is an evil creature and shouldn't exist in the Forbidden Forest. But why did you kill those centaurs?" Harry asked, frowning tightly. "Hagrid said the centaurs were right You weren't a threat at all, and even the centaurs were running away when he arrived, but you killed them all."

As soon as these words came out of the box, the atmosphere in the box immediately became dull. Franklin stopped teasing Alfred above his head. Ron also put down the snacks in his hand, and everyone looked at Mike who was silent.

"Harry, my condition was very critical at that time. My injuries were not yet healed. After a battle with Percy, who was controlled by black magic, my physical and magical powers have reached their limit." Silence It took a long time for Mike to say sincerely, "And the support from Hogwarts is still far away, so I don't have time to distinguish which centaurs are enemies and which are friends. If I put the enemies back, What if it brought more enemies back?"

Mike's explanation was well-founded, and Harry was persuaded by him. Although he was still in a bad mood, he had let go of the grudge in his heart, stopped talking about this matter, and started talking about other topics. .

Seeing this, Mike was also relieved. In fact, the situation at that time was not as critical as what he said to Harry. Even if the strength of those centaurs was doubled, Mike would not be able to do anything.

In fact, the reason why he killed all the centaurs at that time was because of anger.

Anger at those centaurs who attacked him first.

Harry and Hermione may have sympathy for centaurs and humans because they are equally intelligent creatures, but Mike would not think so. In his mind, centaurs are just as enemies as those eight-eyed giant spiders. And dealing with the enemy, Mike will never show mercy.

Time passed quickly in the chat of the four. In the second half of the journey, Penello also completed her work as a prefect to maintain order and came to Mike's box to join Mike and others in the chat.

Oh, right.

The regular box of the Hogwarts Express has only four seats, so I don't need to say more about where Penello is sitting.

Franklin is better. Because he is often with Mike, he has long eaten enough of Mike and Penello's dog food, and his resistance is greatly improved.

It was the first time that Harry and Ron encountered such a scene. It was obviously a little uncomfortable to see Mike and Penello kissing each other in front of them, and even the words became much less.

Mike naturally discovered the abnormality between the two, but he did not restrain himself. On the contrary, he even intensified. Those sweet and greasy words and bold actions made Harry and Ron, who were still innocent boys at this time, blushed, and the seconds were like years.

Fortunately, the Hogwarts Express was really fast, and it quickly reached the finish line.

Harry and Ron picked up their luggage almost as soon as the train arrived at the station, said goodbye to Mike and the others, and rushed out of the carriage.

And Penello and Mike laughed when they saw their performance.

"You are too bad."

Penello poked Mike's cheek coquettishly.

To this, Mike just laughed and didn't speak, joking, isn't it normal for couples to be intimate? If they have the ability, they can find one for themselves, otherwise, don't blame others for giving them dog food.

You see how good Franklin is, he has been teasing Alfred since Penello came along the way, ignoring Mike and Penello who were on the side, obviously having more fighting experience than Harry and Ron.

At this moment, Franklin on the side also picked up his luggage and said to Mike: "Okay, I'm leaving too. Mike, if you don't go to Professor Flitwick's house, you can come to my house, or , do you still want to live at Penello's house?"

After that, he glanced at Penello with some ambiguous eyes, and directly made Penello shyly bury his head in Mike's arms.

"I have my own arrangements, so you don't have to worry about it."

Hearing that, the boss of Franklin's eyes suddenly opened, and he said in surprise, "You're not really going to live at Penello's, are you?"

"Fuck off!"

Mike kicked Franklin angrily, and the latter evaded Mike's kick with a jump and ran out of the carriage with a big laugh.

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