After an unknown amount of time, Dumbledore, who looked up at the starry sky, finally came to his senses and sighed softly to break the dull atmosphere in the auditorium.

"It's been a difficult year, we were attacked by the ancient basilisk, which hung over us like a cloud called fear, sending the whole Hogwarts castle into a panic. We've been crowded into this auditorium for long days, eating unbearable food, and getting by."

As Dumbledore recounted the basilisk incident in the first half of this year in a low voice, the expressions of everyone in the auditorium turned sad.

But before everyone was sad for too long, Dumbledore's tone suddenly changed, and he said in a high tone: "But! We have not been defeated, we are united and united, determined to overcome the strong enemy and tide over the difficulties. !

Countless warriors stood up, for everyone's safety and for the future of Hogwarts, they patrolled the school at any time at the risk of being attacked by basilisks. There were even three heroic martyrs who gave their lives for this!

Their sacrifice was worth it, and we have finally defeated a strong enemy! Finally ushered in the dawn of victory! The Millennium Basilisk is strong, but we are stronger together than ever! In the face of this power, the Basilisk is simply vulnerable! "

Dumbledore's sonorous speech completely ignited the little wizards in the audience, the Slytherin students were okay, and the members of Gryffindor House were all excited to play, Mike swears, even if It was Dumbledore who now asked them to go to Voldemort to die, and they would rush to swarm.

Not only them, but even many students in Ravenclaw Academy, who have always been calm and rational, believed Dumbledore's bullshit. At this moment, their eyes were red and their fists were clenched.

Yes, Mike's assessment of Dumbledore's remarks is bullshit.

He had participated in and witnessed the snake hunting activities throughout the whole process, and he had no idea what was going on at the scene.

Dumbledore killed the powerful basilisk in an understatement at the time. Why did he go with such a strong strength?

Don't say that Dumbledore couldn't find the position of the basilisk. Mike might have believed it when he first entered Hogwarts, but after he understood that a great wizard of Dumbledore's level could have What a terrifying spiritual power, I can't believe it at all.

Just when McNay was frantically complaining, Dumbledore on the stage began to speak again.

"Although the basilisk has been eliminated, the danger has not disappeared. The so-called heir who released the basilisk was not caught, but lurked among the students. Fortunately, Hogwarts is always in danger. When a hero is born to turn the tide!" Dumbledore paused for a while, then pointed his finger in the direction of Mike and said, "Mr. Mike Townley, this young man who has gathered all the outstanding qualities of the four academies has stood up. , defeated the heir hidden among us! For this reason, after discussing with the professors, I decided to award him the Hogwarts Special Contribution Award!"

As soon as this statement came out, the little wizards all grew their mouths in surprise.

No wonder they were so surprised, since Voldemort's Horcrux couldn't be leaked, otherwise it would cause panic. At the same time, Percy may also be excluded because of this matter, so the fact that Mike defeated Percy who was controlled by Horcrux and won the special contribution award was only circulated in a small circle.

Just when everyone was too shocked to speak, Dumbledore first took the lead in applauding, and everyone finally came back to their senses and began to applaud, even the professors in the teacher's chair.

At this time, Mike was overwhelmed by the applause, a little overwhelmed, and he didn't even see Dumbledore's gesture of inviting him to come on stage.

Fortunately, Penello and others were sitting next to him. Penello stretched out two fingers like a sword, and stabbed it a little above Lamichael's waist.

Anyone who has had a similar experience must know that it doesn't matter whether the strength is large or small,

Once this position is poked, an indescribable sour taste will go straight to your sky.

Mike, of course, was no exception, and when he was stabbed like this, he was suddenly pumped. But thanks to this poke, Mike also noticed Dumbledore's gesture on the stage, stood up with a swipe, and walked to Dumbledore's side in the eyes of everyone's envy and hatred.

"Congratulations Mike."

Dumbledore smiled and handed Mike a golden medal. In addition to Mike's name, the golden medal also wrote the reason for Mike's award in very small words below it.

"You're rude, I can have today's grades thanks to your education!"

Mike and Dumbledore blew a wave of business on the podium, and finally the two held the special contribution award medal together and after the shadow, Mike returned to the Ravenclaw long table with the medal.

As soon as Mike sat down, the classmates who were sitting nearby swarmed around him. They all wanted to touch the legendary Special Contribution Medal.

For their behavior Mike can also understand that there are many people who have won the Hogwarts Special Contribution Award in history, and their medals are collected in the Hogwarts trophy room. Hogwarts students Although you can often visit it, you can't reach out and touch it. So they especially cherish this opportunity.

In fact, the medal in Mike's hand will still be handed over to Dumbledore later, and let him put it in the prize showroom. Now it's just for Mike to feel it in his hand.

So this medal representing the glory was circulated on the long table in Ravenclaw. If you are not happy, the person who gets the medal will be urged by the next person as long as there is a little delay.

The little wizards from other colleges can only stretch their necks and look at the Ravenclaw long table enviously. They also want to touch the medal with their own hands, but the distance between them and Mike's long table is too far. .

"Okay, after listening to my nagging old man for so long, I believe everyone is a little impatient." Dumbledore clapped his hands and shifted everyone's attention from the medal to him. Come down and I will announce that the banquet officially begins!"

Following Dumbledore's order, countless delicacies suddenly appeared out of thin air on the plates lined up on the long table, and the entire auditorium was filled with the aroma of food.

Those students who had craned their necks to look at Mike were also attracted by the aroma and began to fight with the food. Only a few Ravenclaw students were unmoved and still circulated the message. Mike's medal.

Mike doesn't care who owns his medal at all. Anyway, this medal will be handed over to Dumbledore after a while. He doesn't believe that someone is stupid enough to steal this medal, so he concentrates on eating the food in front of him. .

The food at the Hogwarts banquet was as unpretentious as ever, with roast chickens stacked together like hills, steaks poured with bright sauces, and countless delicacies that Mike could not name. The instant the plate appears, it disappears, followed by a plate full of the same food.

An hour later, Mike, who had destroyed the last piece of pudding, let out a deep breath and leaned back on the back of the chair with a tactical back.

The dinner was over, and at the same time, Mike officially ended his sophomore year at Hogwarts.

After Dumbledore gave an order, the students in the auditorium returned to their dormitories one after another under the leadership of their respective college prefects. Only Mike followed Professor Flitwick to the backstage of the auditorium for a small break.

As soon as he entered the lounge, Mike found that the middle-aged woman with 6 cm long nails was among them, and she was looking at Mike with a smile.

On the desk beside her was an open notebook, and a quill was hovering motionlessly above the notebook.

"Mike, this is Ms. Rita Skeeter, she is a reporter from the Daily Prophet, this time to interview you." Professor Flitwick introduced Mike.

As soon as Professor Flitwick said her name, Mike remembered who this Rita Skeeter was.

She is the Animagus reporter in the original book who can turn into a beetle. Of course, she didn't go to the Ministry of Magic to register.

It is by taking advantage of her Animagus shape and her ability to fly that she can become the strongest gossip reporter, exploring the privacy and black information of those famous people.

And this reporter is also good at distorting the facts. In order to win the attention of readers, he often writes some non-existent things. For example, in the original book, Harry and others were not lightly hacked by her.

"Mike, don't be nervous, you can just do as usual."

It seems that he found that Mike's state is not right, Professor Flitwick patted Mike on the back and comforted.

The scene at this time is funny. Because of Mike's crazy development this year, his height is now close to 1.75 meters. The short stature Professor Flitwick can only try his best to stand on tiptoe to barely capture Mike. back, otherwise he'd have to pat Mike's butt.

After being shot by Professor Flitwick, Mike came back to his senses.

He narrowed his eyes and raised his spirits, looked at Rita Skeeter in front of him vigilantly, and said hello with a smile after a long time.

To Mike's surprise, the well-known reporter stood up from his seat with a swipe, took three steps and took two steps in an instant, came to Mike's hand, held Mike's hand, and said:

"You are Mr. McTominay! The hero who saved Hogwarts and the strongest duelist who won the Hogwarts Duel Tournament is really famous for a long time!"

Mike was disgusted by Rita Skeeter's long fingernails, so she broke free from her hand without a trace.

Although Mike had some doubts about Rita Skeeter's attentive look, his vigilance did not diminish. To know that the old woman in front of her is notoriously good at writing black drafts, Mike didn't want to see an article devoted to blackmailing him published in the most famous newspaper in the British witch world - "The Daily Prophet".

"You've won the prize, I'm just a trivial achievement."

Rita Skeeter wanted to say something else, but Professor Flitwick, who was beside him, glanced at the magic clock hanging on the wall, and seeing that it was getting late, he said, "Let's start quickly, Mike today. Already very tired, he needs to rest early."

Hearing that, the smile on Rita Skeeter's face froze for a while, but it returned to normal immediately. She smiled and sat back in her seat to start the interview with Mike.

Although it was only for a moment, with his strong mental power, Mike still noticed the slight change in the expression on her face, and suddenly had a guess in his heart.

Could it be that this Rita Skeeter has been warned by Professor Flitwick for a long time, and this time she came here just to write a report praising her?

Although there have been speculations, Mike still performed flawlessly during the next interview, leaving no room for Rita Skeeter in his words. Rita Skeeter's interview method is also very special. Today, reporters in Muggle society use handwriting to record the interview content. camera.

Rita Skeeter was different. She sat comfortably on the sofa chair without having to do anything at all, and the automatic recording quill on the side would automatically record their visit.

Mike originally wanted to ask her why she used this recording method, because according to Mike's knowledge, although the automatic recording quill pen is extremely fast in writing, there are also many typos, and the actual work efficiency will not improve much.

But when Mike saw the well-maintained nails on those ten fingers again, he didn't ask. With such long nails, she must have struggled just to write with a pen, let alone any real-time shorthand.

Half an hour later, Rita Skeeter's interview with Mike finally ended.

"Fortunately, Mr. Townley, if there is no accident, you will soon be able to see today's interview in the Daily Prophet."

Rita Skeeter put away the notepad and quill, and said to Mike with a smile.

And Mike is also relieved. During the interview, he only maintained a state of high concentration, and he had just eaten his meal, so although the questions asked by Rita Skeeter were some very common problem, but Mike is still feeling a little tired.

After getting up and saying goodbye to Rita Skeeter, Mike left the room and returned to the Ravenclaw lounge, leaving Professor Flitwick and Rita Skeeter alone in that small lounge.

As for what Professor Flitwick and Rita Skeeter would do, Mike didn't care, he just wanted to go back to his bed and get a good night's sleep.

ps: goo goo...

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