Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 181 The looming conspiracy

Entering June, the atmosphere in the castle became tense and exciting again. Everyone is looking forward to the third race, which will be held a week before the holiday.

Augustus did nothing to prepare, reading and dating as usual. Others will have to focus on their upcoming final exams.

On the day of the match, the Slytherin breakfast table was very lively. When the owl delivering the letter arrived, Draco couldn't wait to take down the newspaper, glanced at the headline, and smiled contentedly.

"What's wrong?" Alice asked.

"Look at this" Draco handed the newspaper to them with the headline: Harry Potter - Upset, Dangerous.

Guest reporter Rita Skeeter reports: The boy who defeated You-Know-Who was emotionally unstable and could be quite dangerous. The recent revelations of Potter Potter's bizarre behavior have raised doubts about his suitability for competition as high as the Triwizard Tournament, or even for school at Hogwarts.

The Daily Prophet exclusively revealed that Potter was often sick at school and told people that the scar on his forehead (the scar was the mark left by the poisonous curse that You-Know-Who tried to kill him). During last Monday's divination class, a Daily Prophet reporter witnessed Potter rushing out of the classroom, saying that the scars were so painful that he couldn't continue the class. A senior specialist at St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injury said Potter's brain may have been affected by Mysterio's magic, and he insisted that the scars were still painful, indicating that he was quite mentally confused.

"He may also be pretending," said one expert, "perhaps to attract attention. 99

But the Daily Prophet also uncovered something disturbing about Potter, which Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, has been careful to cover up. "He also made friends with werewolves and giants. We thought he would do anything for power." "People who associate with evil things like werewolves and giants are usually violent.

Albus Dumbledore should consider whether it is appropriate to allow such a boy to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. There are fears that Potter will use dark magic because of his desire to win. The third competition event will be held tonight.

Before everyone could say anything, Draco screamed with another newspaper in his hand and ran to the Gryffindor table.

"Hey, Potter! Potter! How's your head? Are you alright? Won't you go crazy at us?" he said, banging his fingers on the forehead, making a lunatic look, and spitting like a snake Tongue. The Slytherin students snickered, turning to see Potter's reaction.

After a while, Professor Snape made a rare appearance at the Slytherin table.

"August, the warriors gathered in the conference room next to the auditorium after breakfast," he said.

"Well, I get it, Professor," said Augustus, relatives of the Warriors who were brought in to watch the finals, where they could meet with the Warriors before the game for encouragement and support.

Augustus finished his breakfast in the auditorium, which had gradually cooled down. Fleur rose from the Ravenclaw table and walked into the conference room. After a while Krum also entered. Augustus wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin, stood up and walked over.

He walked across the hall and pushed the door into the conference room.

The Weasleys were waiting for Potter at the door. In a corner of the house, Viktor Klum spoke quick Bulgarian to his dark-haired parents, who had inherited his father's hooked nose. On the other side, Fleur was talking happily to Madame Delacour in French. Madame Delacour saw Augustus come in and pursed her lips and smiled at Augustus.

Then I saw Narcissa standing by the fireplace, looking at him with a smile on her face. .

Augustus and Narcissa chatted for a while, but Narcissa didn't see her nephew for almost a semester, and she missed her too much. The two chatted a lot. Of course, most cared about his words.

As for Draco, Narcissa would have a good chat with him during dinner.

Back in the auditorium for dinner, Ludo Bagman and Cornelius Fudge were already seated at the staff table. Bagman looked very happy, but Cornelius Fudge, who was sitting beside Madame Maxime, had a sullen face and said nothing.

Dinner was bigger than usual, and the warriors didn't eat as much as they usually do, because they might face a tough battle later. When the enchanted ceiling turned from blue to dark purple twilight, Dumbledore stood up at the staff table, and the crowd fell silent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes, I will invite you all to the Quidditch pitch to watch the final event of the Triwizard Tournament. Now please go to the field with Mr. Bagman and the Warriors."35

Augustus stood up, and the Slytherin students applauded him. He walked out of the auditorium with Potter, Fleur, and Viktor.

"How are you feeling, Potter?" Bagman asked as they descended the stone steps. "Are you confident?"

"It's good." Potter said, but obviously reluctantly, knowing that he was the bottom of the first two projects. With all kinds of hints and assistance from Barty Crouch Jr., he is still the last, and it has to be said that he also needs some strength.

If Augustus guesses correctly, Barty Crouch Jr. must have put a number of obstacles in the maze to make sure Porter hits the trophy before the other Warriors.

They walked into the Quidditch pitch, which had become completely unrecognizable. A twenty-foot high hedge surrounded the edge of the field. There was a gap in front of them, and that was the entrance to this big labyrinth. The passage inside was dark and a little scary.

Five minutes later, people (Wang Qian's) began to enter the stands. Hundreds of students filed into their seats, and the air was filled with excited voices and cluttered footsteps. The sky is now a clear dark blue, and the stars are beginning to appear. Hagrid, Moody, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick entered the field and walked towards Bagman and the warriors. All of them had big, shining red stars on their hats, except Hagrid, whose red star was on the back of his terry vest.

"We'll be patrolling the outside of the labyrinth," Professor McGonagall said to the warriors. "If you encounter difficulties and want to be rescued, shoot red sparks into the sky, and we'll have someone to help you. Do you understand Gu?"

The warriors nodded together. Augustus glanced secretly at Snape, who nodded slightly.

"Okay, let's go!" Bagman said happily to the four patrolmen. Snape, McGonagall, Moody and Flitwick went to their respective patrol areas.

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