Harry Potter Platinum Glory

Chapter 180 Labyrinth and Signs

After Easter, the Warriors will face the final event of the Triwizard Tournament. After eight o'clock in the evening, Augustus walked out of the castle after playing a game of chess with Draco in the common room. Ludo Buckman seemed to have something to inform them. When they came to Bubbaston's carriage, they happened to meet Fleur.

"Dear, what do you think it will be?" As the two walked down the stone steps together and melted into the cloudy night, Fleur asked Augustus's arm and raised her beautiful little head, "I heard that the teacher always Speaking of underground tunnels. She thinks we're looking for treasure."

"That's not bad, maybe we can take a sniff." Augustus said with a smile. Beauxbatons always wanted to know the competition in advance, and Mrs. Maxime was probably misled by Hagrid.

Although Hagrid has a subtle affection for Madame Maxime, who also has giant blood, it is clear that his loyalty to Dumbledore takes precedence over this feeling.

The two walked down the pitch-black lawn towards the Quidditch pitch, then entered the pitch through a gap between the stands. Quidditch pitches are no longer flat and smooth. It seems that someone has built countless long low walls here, and these low walls are intricately stretched out in all directions.

"It's a wall! It looks like it might be a labyrinth. 17" Furong said, looking down at the low wall closest to the two of them.

"Hello!" shouted a cheerful voice.

Ludo Bagman was in the center of the court, next to Krum and Porter. Augustus and Fleur stepped over the low walls and walked towards them.

"How, what do you think?" Bagman asked cheerfully as Augustus and Fleur climbed over the last low wall. "It's going well, isn't it? Hagrid will make them twenty feet tall in another month. Don't worry," he said with a smile, seeing Potter's unpleasantness, "as soon as the Tournament is over, your Quidditch pitches will be back as they were! Well, I think you can probably guess what we're doing here. Bar?"

No one spoke for a while, and then—

"Maze..." Krum said with a frown.

"Yes!" Bagman said. "It's a maze. The third item is very simple and clear. The Triwizard Tournament Cup is placed in the center of the maze, and whoever touches it first will get full marks."

"We just have to go through the maze?" Fleur said.

"There's going to be a lot of obstacles," Bagman said cheerfully, "Hagrid provides a whole bunch of animals—and some spells to break—and that sort of thing, you know. Also, the Warriors who lead the scoring go into the maze first. Bagman smiled at Augustus and Fleur. "Then Mr. Krum goes in - Potter at the end. But you all have to fight to succeed, depending on your ability to traverse obstacles. It should be fun, yes?"

"Fine—if you're all right, let's go back to the castle, okay? It's a little cold in here—"

Bagman hurried past Potter as they all stepped over the growing low wall. It looked like he wanted to talk to Potter alone, but at that moment, Krum tapped Potter on the shoulder.

"Can I have a word with you?

"Okay, no problem," Potter said, slightly surprised.

"Come with me, okay?

"Okay," Potter said curiously.

Augustus ignored Krum's hostile look, turned and walked away. He didn't spend the night in peace. Before he went to bed, he received a letter from Lucius, a phoenix's tail feather.

"Crouch appeared in the Forbidden Forest, but when Dumbledore arrived, he disappeared again. I think little Crouch should have put him to death." sound.

"That's good. He didn't leave a clue, did he?

"No, it's very clean.

"Fine, you keep staring.

The next day Augustus received news that the Ministry of Magic was looking for Crouch, and his personal assistant, Percy Weasley, was also suspended from duty. Augustus was right, and when Percy was brought back to the Ministry of Magic for review, the expression on his face was as ugly as he had eaten feces.

Fudge is trying his best to keep the news out, and if the outside world knows that important officials from the Ministry of Magic are missing, the impact of the World Cup incident he finally settled will be brought up again. Fudge is now like a bricklayer mending a broken house, struggling to deal with all kinds of emergencies, but soon he will find that some cracks are too big for him to repair.

And sooner or later his position as Minister of Magic will be lost, it's just a matter of time.

The next day, Draco waited for the little snake to go to the north building for a divination class. The dazzling golden sunlight cast wide bands of light through the tall windows in the corridor, and the blue sky outside the windows was as bright as if it had just been glazed.

When they arrived, the dim classroom was unbearably hot. The scent of incense is stronger than usual.

"My dear," Professor Trelawney sat in her winged armchair, scanning them with her surprisingly large eyes, "we are almost done with planetary divination. But today is a great time to study the role of Mars. Timing, because it's in a very interesting position at the moment. Please look this way, I'll turn off the lights—"

She waved her wand and all the lights went out. The fire became the only light source. Professor Trelawney bent down and took out from under his chair a small model of the solar system in a round glass dome. This model is very beautiful, with the burning sun, the nine planets and their moons suspended in a glass dome, gleaming in their respective positions. Professor Trelawney began to explain the wonderful angle formed by Mars and Neptune.

Just when most of the people who were talking about were drowsy, Potter suddenly rolled to the ground and shouted as if he was possessed by something. Everyone immediately avoided him, and one or two girls screamed in fright, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

"Harry! Harry!" Ron rushed to his knees, trying to hold him down, calling his name incessantly.

Potter opened his eyes. He was lying on the floor of the classroom, covering his face with his hands. The whole class stood around, and Ron knelt beside him, looking terrified.

"Are you all right? 35 Ron said.

"Of course he's busy!" Professor Trelawney looked excited. Her large eyes were fixed on Potter, approaching him darkly. "What's the matter, Potter? An omen? An apparition? What did you see?

"Nothing," Potter sat up, shaking. He couldn't help looking around, peeping carefully at the shadows behind him,

"You held your scar just now!" said Professor Trelawney. "You rolled on the floor holding your scar! Come on, Potter, I have experience with these things!"

Potter looked up at her.

"I think I need to go to the hospital," he said, "with a terrible headache.

"Honey, you're clearly affected by the peculiar visual vibrations in my classroom!" said Professor Trelawney. "If you walk away now, you won't see what you've never seen—"

"I just want to see a cure for a headache," Potter said.

He stood up, and the whole class retreated, all with uneasy expressions on their faces.

"I'll go first," Potter whispered to Ron. He picked up his bag and walked towards the trapdoor, ignoring Professor Traorini. She looked depressed, as if she had been deprived of a rich feast.

When Draco came back to tell Augustus about this, Augustus smiled slightly and didn't say anything, but the light in his eyes became deeper and deeper.

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